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butterflykisses 04-15-2005 09:36 PM

New Topic. What do you want?
What do you want from your weight loss?

Mine are:
I want to stop wearing "granny panties"! I can't wear cute underwear cause of my fat roll :rolleyes: So, I want the fat roll to be gone so I can wear something daring...like off the hangers instead of the bags!

I also want my back to hurt less.

I want to be out of "teen" clothes. I don't mean hip, trendy teen clothes, I mean my size EIGHTEEN clothes.

I would really like to be able to look straight down and see my feet. I can't see them right now unless I sit down or bend over.


Bamiegurl 04-15-2005 09:45 PM

Good idea butterflykisses! For me I want to look and feel healthy. I want to not be so self concious about the way I look. I want to be happy with me and the way I look and feel. I want to buy sizes in single digits!

tar675 04-15-2005 09:48 PM

We have sooooo much in common there butterflykisses! I too want to wear the sexy undies(that fat roll is killer isn't it?) Even more so cause of my c-section scar! .I also have alot of back problems that I contribute to my weight.
The other thing is I just want to feel confident in whatever I choose to wear. Right now I feel like a fat slob in everything! Blunt, but so true! Atleast that's my perception of it. I also want to be able to do things without getting out of breath so easily! That would definitely be nice! We've gotta stay strong and we'll get there! Good luck to you! Tara

butterflykisses 04-15-2005 09:53 PM

I know what you mean. There's no way I'd buy new clothes now. I've seen myself in those dressing room mirrors and it's NOT PRETTY! :( Like you, I just want to be comfortable. You're right, we can do this!!!!

Heidi 04-16-2005 06:57 AM

We're visiting my in-laws overseas this summer and I want to (a) be more comfortable in the airplane seats (b) look at the vacation photos afterwards and not cringe (c) wear sleeveless tops and dresses again. :sunny: More importantly, I want to have the energy to walk and explore. But that isn't to say the weight loss is just for the vacation. Those are the immediate benefits I can see, but the comfort and health are overriding.

Good thread idea!

Ruthxxx 04-16-2005 07:20 AM

I want to still be gardening and walking my dogs when I am 95!

sonyao 04-16-2005 07:57 AM

I want to be able to play with my kids without wanting to take a nap in the middle of it.

I also want to wear jeans and not have that role on top that you see with the shirts.

HottieInHiding 04-16-2005 09:32 AM

I want to be a great-grandmother (or even a great-great grandmother! My kids had one, she lived to be 96!!)

I want to hike and scuba and swim and bike in all sorts of exotic locations with DH.

I want to put on an outfit on not worry about what it hides, but what it shows off!

I want to not look around and try to figure out if I'm the heaviest one in the room.

I want to feel that I accomplished something!!

Thanks Jenn!


mrscharleston 04-17-2005 08:53 AM

Now that I have finally reached single digits (which I haven't been for years), I want to stay there. I want to continue to get the compliments that I have been receiving from people. I want to look in the mirror and feel beautiful and I want to be content with myself. This has been something that I have struggled with for a very long time. Weight loss will help with this, but it is a self-image issue that I also need to work on. I hope that with the weight loss, I will be able to learn to accept myself. Or maybe I should do it the other way around????

I don't know, but I would like to be healthy and I want my husband to stay on the program (he is more dedicated that I am most of the time) so that he can be healthy, too.

laura_lags 04-17-2005 01:56 PM

I want to play!
I want to play without feeling self consious about a roll of fat that may slip out when I reach for a ball. I want energy to have fun and keep up with friends. I want to dance without worrying about what might bounce or jiggle. I want peace in my body.

Sassygal 04-17-2005 02:38 PM

I want to know that my back isn't going to go out on me again. So far I haven't had a really bad back day in almost 2 1/2 weeks!

I also want to be able to shop on the "other side of the store" - you know the one I'm talking about - without all the loud prints and florals that make me feel 40 years older than I am! I don't care about being able to fit into tight little leather outfits or anything like that - just more fashionable, yet comfortable clothes! And to not have to pay the extra $$ just for the few inches more of fabric that my clothes require.

I also want good health. I was actually seeing my OB/GYN because I wasn't having periods. During all the tests that she did (hormones, thyroid, etc) she also tested by blood sugar level (which was fairly normal) and my insulin level (which was quite elevated). That's when she diagnosed me with insulin resistance - which can eventually lead to diabetes if not managed. If I was ever told that I could NEVER have sugar again, I think I would just die!! So, my health is important.... and one day in the next couple years I hope to start a family, too.

And lastly, I just want to prove to myself that I can do it. That's very important to me.

Alchina 04-17-2005 03:02 PM

Great Idea
I want to be the skinny hip Mom, not the fat frump sitting in the blechers during a sporting event, watching my sons. ;)
I want to be the sexy, exciting wife my husband so deserves. Not the one who is ashamed of her body. :love:

I want to feel like a teenager without a care in the world. (scary, I don't think that will ever happen) :lol3:

I dont want my knees to touch each other, when I'm standing straight. :dz:

I want to encourage other people to get healthy, and live at a healthy weight. :yes:


ellis 04-17-2005 03:05 PM

I want to be able to run again, and I want to be able to look at my knees (and other body parts) without blanching.

bonnieb624 04-17-2005 05:55 PM

I want to rollerblade and bike and hike and play sports. I want to play with my kids and someday my grandkids and not feel like I am gonna die afterwards. I want to be able to buy cute clothes from somewhere other then the "plus size" dept. I want to feel good and look good and have my hubby proud to be seen in public with me.

But most of all, my Mom passed when she was only 52 due to lung cancer and on-going health issues. I don't want that to be me. I want my kids to have Mom around them for a long, long time.

butterflykisses 04-17-2005 08:07 PM

These are great!!!! I want to be able to sit on a plastic chair in the heat and get up and not feel like I've lost half of the back of my thigh when I stand up. You know the sound your fat makes? Gross!!!!
I want to keep up with my kids and do things with them. They run circles around me constantly!!!!
I want dh to look at me and tell me to go eat a sandwich cause I'm so thin!!!! ;)

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