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chipper15173 02-17-2005 06:38 AM

Thursday Chit Chat
WAKEY WAKEY. :coffee: It's morning time. How is everyone??
I have been MIA for a little while. Been reading posts. Welcome all new comers.
Me; I have been stuck on where to go and what to do. But, the weight has stayed the same. Thank goodness. Didn't get my loan for my home improvements. They kept wanting this or that done in paperwork. The final straw came when they asked us to sign a paper to get into our IRS tax records. That we said a big NO. No one is going into our tax account. Most people we have talked to said that they never heard of that before. See, we don't have great credit, so it is hard to find someone. Credit cards got us into trouble years back. That's ok, meant not to be. GB's having cereal this morning, so makes my morning easy. Gettin my hair done this afternoon. Good friend comin the first week of Mar. Then SIL is comin the 14th. Neither one will be staying with us. Just have to make nice. I guess GYM decided to spend time with his other ladies. Havne't seen him all week. So, next week we are getting back together. ;)
Well, GB's are here. Be back later.
Have a good day all.

Bamiegurl 02-17-2005 07:21 AM

Good Morning Chipper! Well maybe it is all working out for the best. Maybe in another year or two you can try again. Hang in there with the weight loss. I know I am really havin a hard time right now. I'm thinkin it could be this med they have me on. I am goin to ask him today when I go see him. The med is helping but if it is causin the problem with my weight then I am not goin to take it. I would almost rather deal with the physical pain than weight gain. Have fun gettin a new do! teehee

Me... Not much happenin today. DD is sick but hates to miss school so I told her I would take her in late on my way to my doc appt. This afternoon is her high school orentation that parents go to as well. So hopefully she will get to feeling better. Her first soccer game is tomorrow and I sure would hate for her to miss it! Well I better get goin. DS seems to be runnin behind this morning! Have a great day all!

tlcstar 02-17-2005 08:31 AM

Good Morning All! :coffee: :coffee:

I hope everyone is doing well! I am up writing/preparing for class...last minute as usual, and as you can tell I can be easily distracted... :dizzy:

I've been getting a lot of swimming and water (deep) aerobics in lately and am hoping that will help me break through this plateu phase! There are a group of us that attends the water aerobics and we e-mail each other to help maintain the motivation...which is a huge help! The down-side being that my hair has been uncontrollably frizzy due to all of the chlorine...but the trade-off will be worth it! My goal is to be in Onederland (or at least at it's border) by St. Patrick's Day :lucky:

Chipper: Sorry about for loan issues...by reading these posts you can at least vicariously re-model your kitchen!!!

Bamie: Good luck at the doctors and the high school orientation!

Have a great day!

2BFIT1 02-17-2005 08:32 AM

Good morning Chipper and Bamie!! (and all others to come while I slow-type ).

Bamie~~Good luck at the doctors :)

Chipper~~Maybe it's for the best right now. I wouldn't let anybody into my taxes either, especially not a lending facility (what do they need with it anyway???).

Ruth~~How was free day yesterday?

Me~Today the heating guy comes to figure out what's wrong with our AC/Heater. I hope it only the thermostat and not the pump or blower. It would be nice to be able to build back up my savings (from the kitchen withdrawals) before having to spend any more $$$. Then again, if these hot flashes keep it up, I won't need a heater :lol3:
Today will be a kitchen day since DH is home to help.

Everybody have a OP day :sunny:

Ruthxxx 02-17-2005 08:44 AM

Really quick :wave: ~~~~~ Harry and I are off to the doc for his regular quarterly check-up~~~~~~~~~~~~`catch you later. ~~~~~~~~~ :wave:

amb_lyn 02-17-2005 08:48 AM

Good Morning Ladies~

Quick drive by for me again today. I am soo unbelievably tired. Will be napping again this morning to try to catch a few hours of sleep i missed by working tues night. I love working the graveyard shift, but my goodness, it's hard on a body when you have babies. I will not be around for the weekend so wanted to tell everyone to have a great weekend!! I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow morning. YIKES!! I'm a bit scared. I hate pain! LOL

Have a great OP day everyone~!!

Rayneysmom 02-17-2005 09:06 AM

Good Morning All,

Rough Nite. DH decided he would raise Cain last night @ 3:00AM because the baby and the dog kept waking him up. :cry: :cry: God he was ill tempered!! So, I told him this morning - since he is off work today - to try to get some sleep. He went OFF on me and tried to tell me I was the one who was ill. A$$hole. I am simply NOT in the mood this morning. I tried to explain to him that I am not ill, just a litle apprehensive about tonite and he says "I thought this was something you WANTED to do". To which I responded "IT is- but it's not something I am looking FORWARD to. It is something I HAVE to do". Men can be so stupid and insensitive sometimes. I just got through telling my therapist and my sponsor how well things were going at home. :( I guess I jinxed myself. I swear, he just doesn't get that it is a daily struggle for me. Between the Recovery thing and the weight thing. LAWD! :faint:

Well, let me stop whining. Hope all of you are having a great day on the Beach so far.

Chipper ~ you're up early today. Have fun with the GB's today.

Bamie ~ You reckon the Coach will be on time this time?? :lol:

TLC ~ Good luck with the paper

Sil ~ with you on the hot flashes girl - had a hysterectomy (4) years ago. Been flashing ever since :lol: Stick your head in the freezer - works wonders :lol: :lol:

Ruth ~ Good morning hon - Hope Harry does well with his appt.

Amber ~ had my wisdom teeth out when I was 14. Hurts, but they give you good drugs :lol: :lol:

Ellis ~ WHERE ARE YOU?????????

Gotta jet - have a great day everyone

beachgal 02-17-2005 09:21 AM

Morning, all!

Chipper, you sure are "chipper" in the early a.m.! :lol: Sorry to hear about the loan! I know that must be dissapointing, but I hope you can keep working on your house, just a little at a time, and maybe yourselves to cut costs? Those credit cards can cause such problems...I had them myself for years until DH helped me get it worked out. :grouphug:

Bamie, good luck with the med and with DD feeling better! :grouphug:

TLC, I've been doing last-minute assignments all week! :lol: I can definitely empathize with that! I love water aerobics! Doing it in the deep end of the pool definitely ups the ante in your workout. Have you tried a couple of deep conditioners for your hair? I love the Aussie 3-Minute Miracle. That really gets my hair smooth and shiny! :D

Sil, got my :crossed: that there's nothing seriously wrong with your heater! :lol: about the hot flashes. My friend knew that her mom was in menopause when she kept turning the thermostat down into the fifties in the middle of winter! :rolleyes: :lol:

Ruth, hope all goes very well at the doctor. Harry is so lucky to be married to a woman as devoted and loving as you! :love:

Hey, Amb_lyn! I know I must have missed this, but what kind of work do you do? I fought having my wisdom teeth out for years, but finally succumbed two years ago. I actually just had the shots in my gums to ease the pain. My sinuses are all plugged up, so very little of the laughing gas got in. In spite of that, I really didn't feel any pain at all! I felt them poking around near my tooth and before I knew it, they had dropped that tooth in the pan and were on to the next one! :yikes: I didn't even feel any tugging! It didn't hurt much after either, but take care to avoid dry sockets, as I hear that hurts mightily. :( Otherwise, it was the easiest surgery I've ever had! Hope yours is a breeze too! :grouphug: I'll have you in my prayers!

Well, I noticed that my weight had been creeping up, a pound a day since the weekend, when I didn't eat much. So yesterday I reduced my intake some, and today I was two pounds down from yesterday. :dance: I did yoga/pilates last night and it felt so good! I just was very happy with my body, you know? It just felt amazing to move and to have all these healthy muscles. I can't wait to spend a morning with GYM again! ;)

Tonight is Jazzercise, with is tons of fun. I love the warm, relaxed feeling after working out so hard, and many of the routines we are doing are a lot of fun. We have one to the "Carwash" song from Shark Tale, and another where we do a lot of "booty-shaking". :o

Things are still pretty crazy at work, but I've been spending my time at home trying to "unwind". Our priest mentioned last year that you don't necessarily have to give something up at Lent...that you could add something instead. So this year I decided to add a daily devotional. I have a pamphlet from church that's meant for Lent, and am also doing The Purpose-Driven Life's Forty Days of Purpose program at church with DH. I'm finding that those fifteen to twenty minutes spent with the devotional, my Bible, and God has really helped me feel more calm and centered. :goodvibes: What do you guys do to help reduce stress and feel more calm? I used to eat, but now I need healthier actitivies! ;)

Have a great day, chickies (and roosters)! :sunny:

beachgal 02-17-2005 09:27 AM

Rayney'smom, we posted at the same time. I'm so sorry that DH is having a hard time. Sometimes it's harder for those who are married to a person with an addiction when that person seeks help. It's convoluted and contrary to what you'd think, but when things change, even for the better, we get antsy. My DH has a hard time seeing me feel differently about exercise, food, my body, and my weight. Though he handles it better than your DH is right now, it does affect him.

Please don't be afraid to be honest with your sponsor--call them today and let them know what's going on. You don't have to go through this alone, and your feelings are real and deserve validation. :grouphug: Has DH gone to an Al-Anon meeting? It might help him. But he does need to realize that if baby and dog wake him up, they are waking you up too...and yelling at you doesn't help. Hopefully after a day of napping he'll be in a better mood. :D

amb_lyn 02-17-2005 09:55 AM

Laurie~I'm a nurse (LPN) and a i'm also working at a restaurant part time.. I waitress/cook, whatever is needed.

amb_lyn 02-17-2005 09:56 AM

Raynesmom~I hope you get through this. You'll be fine!! We're here if you need us!!

ellis 02-17-2005 09:56 AM

Just popping in quickly... mom tripped last night and hit her head/eye on the corner of a bookshelf. My sister took her to the doctor, and I saw her this morning for the first time... oh, lordy... her eye is completely swollen shut and purple and huge. And she's got a cut on her head. I'm going to do a few chores for her today, so am rushing off... excuse me!! :wave:

Kelly, sending you a big hug and lots of prayers. :grouphug:
When you're both in a good mood, why don't you sit down with your DH and exchange your feelings. Throw in some compliments so that the conversation doesn't get out of hand. ;) It's impossible to communicate properly when one or both of you are tired/irritable.
You're going to do great tonight... this is all about you, sweetie. Don't let anyone else affect your feelings... you can do this!! :hat:

I'll try to get back in later... forgive me for not responding to all of you... I love you all!! :grouphug:

anchor weight 02-17-2005 10:09 AM

Morning all!

Rayneys - Hang in there sister! If this is too much stress for you do what Laurie said. Not everyone is cut out to speak in front of everyone it makes some people phyiscally ill to have to do it. I happen to be a ham so it comes naturally to me. The stress this is causing you is not worth it. I can feel it in your post. You need to slow things down and take them one tiny step at a time. If you need to talk call your sponsor. Prayers to you!

Chipper - Sorry to hear about your line of credit. I'm a big huge fan of Dave Ramsey - he's on talk radio. If you go to his website www.daveramsey.com and put in your zip code they will tell you radio stations around you that carry his program. I'm doing my debt snowball right now - I've paid off approximately $13,000.00 since June of 2004!!! I'm not sure how I did it except that I'm following his plan. Check it out. It gives you a great sense of control over your finances. Bami is familiar with him too!

Bami - it is so fun to hear you talk about soccer starting tomorrow. We are getting pounded by snow right now. :lol:

amblyn - I had all three wisdom teeth pulled at the same time (they left one in) just ask for good drugs!!!!! :lol:

Laurie - I'm doing Purpose Driven Life too! Except I'm doing it by myself because church doesn't have a program.

TLC Star - Love water aerobics! I used to be a swimmer. Love the water.

Everyone else - :wave:

Ok - whose the rooster? I weighed in the am and I'm very lucky to only be up 1 pound after my weekend crash. I'm going to keep my ticker the same and if my weight doesn't change by next week I'll change the ticker. I haven't been able to exercise very much because I'm having problems with my neck. The chiropracter should give me the thumbs up to continue exercising this Friday. That should help with the weight loss. Have a great day everyone!

Karen 02-17-2005 10:39 AM

Can you have the Campbells "Soup at hand" on any phase of this plan? It's the ones that you pop in the microwave and go. I have some at home and just wondering. Thanks.. :dizzy:

Barb0522 02-17-2005 10:57 AM

RustyWallaceFan - If you post the ingredients on the soup we can help you decide. Many soups have things that are not allowed but I know some of the lentil ones are okay.

1day@atime - You can add SF Davinci or Torani syrup to your milk or yogurt. I add the chocolate to my milk and it makes it taste so good. Vanilla is also good. Most people add Spenda to the plain yogurt when they are in phase 1. As far as the peanut butter, I took a look at the Reduced Fat Jiff this morning (my son eats it). Corn syrup is the second ingredient! Try stirring the natural thoroughly and some people even add Spenda to it to make it sweeter. It really is the only peanut butter we should be eating. As for Hummus, you kind of have to check the ingredients. I use the Athenos Greek. It has only allowed ingredients. I think certain flavors of Athenos had either added sugars or bad oils but I don't remember which.

Me - Still very busy. My weight has stabilized which is probably as good as I can ask for until I start exercising again. My cough is a little better so I plan to get back to the gym on Friday or Saturday. Tonight is Cub Scout committee meeting.

HunnyBee 02-17-2005 11:12 AM

Hi Gals
Good Morning, Well 2 hard boiled eggs down and starting my Water....It's funny ya'll bring up Purpose Driven life and Church. We started attending the Church my DD goes to for preschool and we love it. Hmmm I think HE is trying to tell me something. :D

RayneysMom--big Hugs and call your sponsor, hon! It will help! ;)

Chipper--Im in the boat with you my betrothed well, is still recovering from the last wife :devil: . I'm starting to wonder how we can squeeze milk out a rock. ((hugs))

Everyone else hang on there and I don't see a cloud in the sky... OOOH Cabana Boy, another Mai Tai Please! :rofl:

Karen 02-17-2005 11:13 AM

Thanks Barb...I'll bring them with me to work tomorrow and post it then...

Bamiegurl 02-17-2005 12:31 PM

Wow y'all have been busy in here this morning! Looks like I am goin to have a steroid injection into my knee joint! (ouch!) He said since the nerve block did not work he wants to try this and if ti relieves the main then we may need to look at scopin the joint! Sounds like more pain to me! I asked if the med I was on for the pain in my shoulder (it's an antidepressant) could be causing weight gain and he said yes even though this company says that it does not. So he said really start watchin because a couple of extra bites could do me in. Brittany seemed to be feeling much better when she got up at 8:45 and hopefully she will stay that way! She has never been a sickly child where Zack on the other hand caught everything that came down the pike!

Kelly.... Lots of hugs and prayers to you sweetie! Men sometimes can be a real peckerwood! I am sure he is adjusting to your new lifestyle as well and if he was your enabler then he is really havin a hard time because he does not know what to do now. Like Laurie said he should really get into a recovery group himself so he will learn and understand what you are goin through with other peeps that are goin through it as well.

To the rest of you lil chicks have a great day! I need to prop my knee up since doc decided he wanted to poke all over it now has major pain in it!

kissyjoy 02-17-2005 12:54 PM

Hi Chicks!

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday and will have to make it quick for today!

Went to 2 doc's yesterday. One was the annual joyous exam :p and the other was the dermatologist for my moles. The first appt. went good. The second appt. had the doc a little concerned but said to come back in 3 months so he can see if anything has changed. This was the first time I saw him and couldn't believe it when he walked in. I think he had to be 90 years old. He came in slow and hunched over! I think he may be a little past his prime but as long as he helps keep me healthy, I guess I'll still go to him!

I go in on Saturday AM to see the plans for my cabinets. They came out and measured everything a couple nights ago. They had some really great ideas. I can't wait to see the plans!

Sounds like there's a lot of pain and jerky husbands today! Wisdom teeth, shots in the knee...ugh! I hope everything gets better for all of you! I have a bit of pain myself as I finally did some weights yesterday. My triceps hurt sooooo bad! I'm glad I got it done though!

I have to get going for now! Have a great day!!! :)

1day@atime 02-17-2005 01:52 PM

Hello ladies,
Day 4 of SBD and it's going good. I have learned the key is to have prepared foods on hand.

Barb0522 - thanks for some tips. Looks like we're neighbors. I work in Dallas.

One more question? Wendy's chili, is that a ph1 food?

Barb0522 02-17-2005 01:59 PM

Cool. I work in Plano and live in Richardson. Wendy's chili is fine for phase 1. It is on the list of approved fast foods. I usually get a small chili (no cheese) with a side salad.

Karen 02-17-2005 02:45 PM

Barb...Where is the list of approved fast food items? Is it in the book or the good fats/good carbs guide. I can't seem to find it... :?:

Barb0522 02-17-2005 03:05 PM

Karen - Here is where it was posted http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/show...ast+food+guide It came from the official web site at one point.

Karen 02-17-2005 03:15 PM

Barb...Thank you so much for all your help with this. I really appreciate it... :cool:

beach bum 02-17-2005 03:39 PM

Good Afternoon Ladies:) Just want to let you know I'm still around. I hurt my finger and can't type like I like too. Its going so slow with a couple of fingers working. Going to exercise now, to my WATP's 3 mile tape for 45 mins. Have a nice evening and I see you tomorow morning Hugs :) BB

1day@atime 02-17-2005 06:18 PM

Barb - thanks for the fast food guide. This comes in handy on those days when I just need a break from my food.

Ruthxxx 02-17-2005 06:35 PM

What a noisy bunch of chickies today!

I've been on the go all day and just came in from setting traps in my car for those frassing mice who partied in there again last night and started into the dog biscuits! (Doesn't everyone carry a stash of dog bickies in their car?) Anyhow, it's war!

Harry's trip to the doc went fine and my darling doctor Jack told me I looked great and asked if I'd lost weight! What a doll! He also nearly fell over when I told him I was using a treadmill. After Jane came at noon, I went to town and did some shopping. I need to figure out something better to do on my afternoon off - maybe go for a five hour walk? :lol: A swim class? It'll come to me.

It will be early bed for me again tonight - I am hoping I'm finally on top of this dumb waking at 3 AM habit and going to bed early seems to help for some reason. :shrug:

Play nicely and no sand throwing, OK?

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