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Ruthxxx 05-19-2004 07:30 AM

This thread is getting as long as the Laughing Cow Cheese one! You'll all be in menopause before it ends!

ellis 05-19-2004 07:53 AM

:lol3: :rofl: I can only HOPE!

little chick 05-19-2004 08:01 AM

This is the first time I have read this thread as I have not been on TOM since it started...... Now I just can't wait. It is just around the bend this is my week of bloat,crank and just plain mean (in the words of my kids and hubby) I find the older I get the worse I am in the mean department. I am with the rest of you guys on the clots although some months are worse than others. I really can't wait for menopause. When does that start. My Mom was in her around 50 and it was just over. I am hoping I am like that as well. Well here is a one *****y week.

beachgal 05-19-2004 09:13 AM

Shell, I'm so sorry to hear that! I know what you mean about the birth control. Did you do the "skip the sugar pill week" thing?

I have a friend whose cycles are regularly off for three months, TOM for a whole month, repeat. :p Yuck!

I must admit that my TOM went from a full week (or more), completely irregular, with liver clots and terribly cramps to five days with less clots, completely regular (until this month!) and cramps every other month after starting the pill. And I never noticed extra weight gain with it. So things are better. But hoo-wee...being a woman is not very fun, sometimes! ;)

Has anyone tried the whole taking your temperature and checking your "fluids", then charting thing? I had several friends recommend it, not really for fertility probs necessarily (though it's supposed to be good for that, too), but for getting in touch with how your cycles work? I know I have a book somewhere on this...

jenne1017 05-19-2004 09:33 AM

My TOM was really short -- only a few hours. But then again, it always is. But, without getting into TMI, which I am sure I'll border on, the heavy flow didn't last as long and neither did the light. I'm just saying...

ellis 05-19-2004 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by beachgal
Has anyone tried the whole taking your temperature and checking your "fluids", then charting thing?

**** no, Laurie. I don't have that much time on my hands. :D

I must remember not to read this thread while I'm eating my breakfast...

Little Chick, my Mom had her last (and second) baby at the age of 41 1/2. After my sister was born, my Mom NEVER had another period. That was it. Last egg.
I'm hoping I'll be so lucky.

Sweater Girl 05-19-2004 12:59 PM

My mom has been going through menopause for about 6 years now (she's turning 55 this year)... She was on HRT for a couple of years, but thankfully stopped.

I used to clot when I was younger, but that has gone... maybe the BCP helped with that. I am off the pill now (too many problems for me) so I have the fun of getting heavier periods and the fun of waiting for it to start each month (I want kids, just not right now).



beachgal 05-19-2004 03:06 PM

Hey, Ali!

Sorry for misquoting you earlier in another post...I thought from your avatar that you were MissChevious!

Ellis, just be glad I didn't use the word I was originally going to use for fluids! :rofl:

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