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clovey 02-19-2004 04:13 AM

Thursday chitter chatter
Ah, winning the lottery. That would be good wouldnt it? I have some premium bonds and that means that every month I get the chance of winning a million. Never won a penny mind you, but I think that if I am meant to get money that is the route it will come.

When I was little I was very lucky and always had the winning ticket at the church raffle etc. That was excellent, but it did give me the sad impression that it was my *right* to win the whole time :) . Oh dear.

My mother is clipping the coupons out of the daily newspaper to 'win the holiday home of your dreams'. I often dream about a little country cottage, stone floors (with lovely underfloor heating), an Aga, little cottage garden, dogs, elderflower wine....etc. One day......keep clipping the coupons mum.

I am another one for PMS city here, so we can all be scary together.


Nascar Girl 02-19-2004 08:00 AM

Morning everyone!! Just had a chance to check in this AM. All is well, only I'm getting another headache today :dizzy: . I generally get the migraines with TOM; this may be a post migraine. I guess I'm a week ahead you ya'll! anyway the sun finally is out here and it's suppose to get up to 66 today :cp:
I had to go saturday to look at Michelle's wedding dress it is beautiful and she picked the bridesmaid dresses and her mom & I got our dresses too. The brides maids will be in pink; cotton candy is the color; the top is plaid and the bottom skirt is solid pink - very pretty. Anyway; I was depressed after the measurements were taken for my dress :mad: I think designers do not consider the real women when they design clothes. I also don't quite get the way they measure you; I wear a 38C bra but the gal said I'm 44 across the tatas :dizzy: I had to go ahead and order my dress; maybe it will have to be taken in when it arrives in May.
Well everyone have a great day!

Ms24Gal 02-19-2004 08:20 AM

Mornin everyone!

Gee clovey, it sure would be wonderful to win some money! I'd go on a much-needed vacation! :lol: Guess I would have to pay my house off first then go on vacation :) Ok now I'm daydreaming :smug:

NascarGirl, I also hate getting measured for dresses. But your right by May you'll be able to get the dress taken in :):)And I've been getting real bad headaches lately. I don't know if I have migraines, but I sure should get checked for it.

Good morning to everyone else who are late risers this mornin :) Have a great day! Gonna be gorgeous here...close to 65! YAY!

Ruthxxx 02-19-2004 08:26 AM

Happy Thursday morning, Clovey, Nascar Girl, Motts and sleepyheads to come! I see Ellis is online and should be in here shortly. (Nag! Nag! Nag!)

Not much happening around here this morning. Harry got up at 6:30 which got my day off to an earlier start. (I hate to admit it but I cherish my alone times with the Girls and my coffee.) Beds are changed and laundry is in the washer, lunch and dinner are planned but subject to change as always.

Jane the Homemaker (I think they call them caregivers now) is coming at noon. I plan to go into The Falls to return my toasted pedometer, buy a new non-stick frying pan, get some low cal dog food and groceries and maybe find a new comforter for Harry's bed. Although I've tidied my sewingroom, I doubt very much that I am going to get a quilt made for him until Fall! Doesn't that sound like an exciting day? NOT!

Heddy the Director from TVM is coming for coffee tomorrow morning. She has a job cooking for 6-10 men in an alcoholic recovery facility and is really stuck for what meals to make. She is Egyptian and I'm going to give her some hints on comfort foods. She's already got the pineapple cake recipe and some other dessert recipes so we will focus on homey stuff like Shepherd's Pie and stews. I'll print off some recipes for her today.

Speaking of food, I have yet to get my brain back in gear and onto Phase I.
I thought changing my stats might give me a reality check but it hasn't worked - yet! Evil carbs are sneaking in - well, semi-evil. At least the crackers are whole wheat and I've not had jujubes.

I'm off to cruise the boards and do my Journal. Have a great day!

Bamiegurl 02-19-2004 08:34 AM

Well it seems that the south is checkin in with a wonderful day today. High here is supposed to be 65. :D Break out the oil we're gettin a tan! :lol: We should be seeing butter cups peekin out anytime now. :) I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed day today. ;) I'll check in later and see what's happenin on the beach. :dizzy:

ellis 02-19-2004 08:54 AM

Women with PMS unite!!! :hat:

Sorry... I'm in a rush... got two people coming to see the apartment today, and I have some stuff to do.
How on earth are you supposed to clean in between old-fashioned wooden windows with little panes, damnit. :mad:

Have a lovely, OP day, girls! love to all... :grouphug:

ellis 02-19-2004 08:54 AM

Oh. And a major kick in the butt for Little Chick and whoever else needs one. (me) :drill:

Ruthxxx 02-19-2004 08:57 AM

Ellis, you have to take the window off to clean it. Forget it until Spring! Good luck with the prospective tenants.
I don't have PMS - I'm just *****y!

overfedup 02-19-2004 09:00 AM

Hey all!

Today it's gonna be as warm as it can be in the mountains of Maryland in February (53!) and I'm very excited. I'm gonna try to get some work done, and maybe even my taxes, too. Now that all the crazeee PMS chemicals are out of my brain, perhaps I can get back to business!

I am envious of all the Southern belles (Bamiegurl, Ms24) and their warm weather. Tan for those less fortunate! :cool:

Clovey, I'm sorry to report that I have cruised out of PMS into the MS. Heh! But the good side effect of my cramps is that I typically don't eat much when I feel this way. Although at the height of my PMS two nights ago I (1) was crying over something completely stupid and (2) ate the remaining 5 pieces of my sugar free chocolate that I was previously just eating once per day.

Ruth, carbs are the devil!! :devil: Think of them with tiny horns. It won't make you stop craving them, but it might make you laugh! :)

Nascar Girl - don't worry. The measurements they take for bridesmaids dresses suck! And in my experience, the size they usually give you tends to be bigger than what you wear normally. And that's why getting it taken in will feel so good!

And morning ellis! I'd say you can give me a major kick in the rear, but I've got so much padding, you may have to do it twice! :lol:

:goodvibes Have a great day ladies! :goodvibes

dynagrrl 02-19-2004 09:02 AM

Hi everyone,

I hear ya about the lottery, Clovey. I DREAM of getting some money and buying a nice little cottage by the water and becoming ... I don't know what. But I'd like to find out!

Everyone sounds like they have a busy day coming their way! Ruth, I love quilts, I am impressed that you make them!!! I have one that was made for me hanging on the wall in my bedroom. I want to use it, but it's so special that I also really like looking at it!!!

I hate being measured for dresses, too! I bought a dress in December to wear to a Bar Mitzvah next weekend, and it's WAY too big now. I know that it is a good thing, I know that I should be proud, but I am also just really p.o.'d that I have to buy new clothes because I just don't have the money. Wah poor me. It's a good thing. It's a good thing. One thing at a time.

Sorry, I am in a bit of a foul mood this morning, I just realized. I guess y'all realized it at least by the last paragraph. Okay, enough of me.


ellis 02-19-2004 09:03 AM

I'd have to remove the moldings, Ruth! curses.
And you are never *****y, darling. hahahahahahahahahahahaha

2BFIT1 02-19-2004 09:05 AM

I slept in late this morning and am waking up with my first cup of coffee.
The sun :sunny: is out and the sky is clear but how long will this last, I wonder :shrug:
Speaking of chocolate :) I have my eye on a chocolate brown Kitchen Aid Artisan mixer for the kitchen.I've been droping hints and hope DH will get it for me for my B~Day.

Little Chick~~i put the remaining Valentines candy on my DH's desk last Monday. Out of sight, out of mind. It works for me.

Ellis~Yes, well at least I touched the exercise equipment yesterday. The goal today is to go downstairs and actually use some of it .

Good morning to all to come and let's try to have an OP day :dancer:

CrystalCaity 02-19-2004 09:09 AM

Mornin, Chicks!! :gossip: Well, we won't see the 60's here, but it is supposed to get up to the mid-50's, which seems downright balmy at this point! :flame:

I woke up to a screaming boyfriend this morning. Seems that Noodles was happy about the weather, too, and would NOT come inside! I had to bribe her with treats, which she would come and take and dart off again. BAD DOG!! :rollpin: She's so cute, though! Although... rottweilers need to be told that their not lap dogs....

I didn't send a SINGLE resume last night. Instead *CLOVEY* I'll be getting a couple of bucks worth of lottery tickets for the $215 mil drawing tomorrow. I know, I know, resumes are a much more practical idea.

Ellis- I about fell out of the chair laughing at your little drill seargent!! :rofl:

Ruth- you don't change the beds EVERY day, do you?? :dizzy:



little chick 02-19-2004 09:16 AM

mornign chickies storming here this morning and there is no school. I have already started the day off badly had a samali sandwhich for breakfast. Ellis I should have read your post before I ate. Well this must be short as when there is no school I have to fight for computer time. I guess my few minutes is up already. Hopefully I can get back on later.

ellis 02-19-2004 09:17 AM

215 million, Caity!?!? American?? Woof! I could really use that.

:rofl: Sil... you "blessed" your equipment. :rofl:

Dyna, just wear the "fat dress" and show everyone how much you've lost. :D

CrystalCaity 02-19-2004 09:22 AM

Ellis- yep! Rediculous, isn't it? Jorge and I have plans already (like we do every time) and they include going to South AMerica to see his mom, getting our friend the Louis Vuitton purse she's been wanting (like any of us could really afford that!) and best of all, QUITTING THIS JOB! That would be 40 hours of my life I'd get back every week. Do you know how much exercise I could do with that time....

Back to reality....

justjodi 02-19-2004 09:47 AM

morning girls!!
busy day here at the office, can't even get through my mail. i hope it calms down a bit as the morning goes on. it is supposed to be in the 40's here today and 50's tomorrow!! yahoo!! anything above freezing i will take.
had my night out last night bowling league on wednesday. oh the temptation!!! and i sat there looking at the pizza, and cookies and fried batter dipped veggie basket and the cake and thought all them carbs!!! i was sure eating alot of junk before. i was as good a girl as possible, drank decaf coffee and water peeled the breading off one piece of cauliflower and ate it.(too much work tho so the one piece was it) and no BEER. i went home and ate my ricotta cream like a woman possesed and went straight to bed before the cupboards started calling me.
good luck with the rental ellis, between the window is tough cleaning. not sure why you kicked little chick but if you sent out a kick to get my rear in gear with exercise ....thanks
oh to win the lottery clovey what a dream!!!! i gotta play to win though and i don't so i guess my chances are not so good.
hello to everyone i missed hope you all have a great day!!!

ellis 02-19-2004 11:04 AM

Yes, Jodi, that was an exercise kick in the butt. Or... wait! It may have been a "don't eat chocolate" kick in the butt. In any case, get on it!! :coach:

ellis 02-19-2004 11:35 AM

OH MY GOSH!! I just got a phone call (yes, I actually answered the phone, Ruth and Den), and it was someone who was supposed to see the apartment at 4 this afternoon. He said, "Can we come now?" I thought, "Geez, give me 5 effing minutes to get dressed, bud!" But they were right outside the door! aaaaaaaaaargh!! Anyhow, they LOVED the place. Really nice young couple. But they're expecting a freakin' baby in the spring. And there's a single woman wanting to see the place this evening, and she seems perfect. dang it. What to do...

CrystalCaity 02-19-2004 11:40 AM

We just found a renter for our basement apartment. What a nightmare!! We ended up with a quiet, single woman. I'd hold out, Ellis!! Wait until you meet the woman this evening and then decide. IF the couple is beating your door down before the move in, what happend when the live there!!

ellis 02-19-2004 12:09 PM

But they're so sweet, Caity! And I'm so soft-hearted!

Bamiegurl 02-19-2004 12:39 PM

Ellis We were very fortunate on our rental house. A single guy that works at my husbands company who just got transfered down here rented ours. He had another guy from work look at it with 3 kids. Man was I glad when Michael showed up! I'm like you I would want to help the young pg couple. A new baby is hard to turn away.

PTL I'm having a wonderful op day. I'm bad about skippin meals and know that it can hurt my loss and am trying hard to eat 3 meals that I fixed lunch at 11 not even knowin what time it was. Maybe it was because I was having shrimp and didn't care what time it was! tee-hee Off to work on my show some more. I need to run to town but i hate getting out although today is nice so maybe I will. I'll sell some Home Interiors to the ladies at Wal-Mart! haha

Lou Lou Belle 02-19-2004 01:53 PM

Good Afternoon Everyone! Enjoyed reading your posts. Hope you are all having a good day.

I have been very busy at my 'real' job, so I haven't had much time to spend here. I'm doing okay OP. I did have a drink or two last night at dinner--oops!

Anyway, I'm staying OP today.

Hope to post more tomorrow!

CrystalCaity 02-19-2004 02:07 PM

Ellis- I'm sure! It's tough when you've undoubtedly been a young couple at one time yourself!!

I'm a little worried about this evening. DB and I are going to the Wash. Capitals game and there isn't one SB-friendly food there! I am meeting him at the train directly after work, and he's coming straight from work... AAHH!!! What to do?

Otherwise, a splendid day, spent using the internet way too much here at work!

pebbles396 02-19-2004 02:45 PM

Caity - stop at the grocery and make up one of those salads. Worst case you can grab some veggies, or an low carb shake.

I have absolutely no shame for bringing snacks. We had this huge corporate meeting last week, and I brought out my celery, then later my carb safe yogurt, then my lunch. They ate their muffins, rolls, juice, and coffe, then the chicken picatta - that looked gross, and their very sad veggies.

No shame. Stop at McDonalds and grab a salad, and tough it out with no dressing. Caity - you're living my biggest fear - being trapped with our safe food. So scary - but I know you can do it!

Lizziepie 02-19-2004 08:32 PM

Hi everyone: I ama definitely not one of the early risers, and when I do manage to be up early there are so many things to do, I just never get to the computer. Got an interesting piece from the South Beach Daily . It was a reminder that SB is not a low carb diet, that we are to learn to eat the good carbs. And there was a warning about purchasing the many low carb products now on the market. It said that so far there is no standard for figuring net carbs and that each company seems to have its' own formula. So we should be careful about our purchases. Thought the idea was worth passing along.

My DH is the one who buys the lottery tickets. Not me. But has said he'll share if he is a winner. So far I haven't had anything to share.:lol:

Hope we all can have an OP day tomorrow.

Ruth: Don't fret about phase 1. Just do the best you can on phase 2. Every little bit helps.

Ellis: Hope you come to a decision about your apartment. I think I might lean toward the couple. It is a gamble I guess, since they could be neatnicks and the single a slob, or vice a versa. Go with your impressions of them.

I feel for all you PMS gals. Glad that is all behind me.

So long. Lizzie

ellis 02-19-2004 08:48 PM

Lizzie, we miss you! Come in here more often! :grouphug:

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