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Lexxiss 04-19-2016 05:45 AM

Tuesday SBD Chat, April 19
Good Morning!

Coffee is on! I just printed boarding passes and am headed to the airport soon. Pretty exciting day for Kirk. He is meeting up with his family in Seattle and they travel to Copenhagen together. Me, think I will get the house back in order so I can be free to garden when the snow melts. I work tomorrow and Friday (coworker gone) so I'd best get organized.

Have a great day everyone!

TwynnB 04-19-2016 06:58 AM

Debbie - safe travels for your husband! What an exciting trip. You'll have to share a favorite picture of his.

For me - day of rest. I had a weird test yesterday, that was quick and ragingly positive to confirm that I have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), secondary to my spinal cord compression. My resting heart rate was 110 (!!!) and went to 140 immediately on standing the table up! They left me like that for 40 minutes (OMG). I knew I had it, but the neuro needed confirmation for further testing, and now I can list it for my disability insurance as well. Thank goodness I have drugs that mostly control it!

So today I have a couple of niggles to do, and since it's supposed to be beautiful out (I think), I might try to go on a little walk. The birds certainly have been happy the last few mornings!! :flow1:
Enjoy your Tuesday!

Ruthxxx 04-19-2016 07:07 AM

Thanks for starting us up, Debbie, and "Bon voyage" to Kirk as he embarks on the trip of a lifetime. Whew! Only one thing on my calendar today which makes it seem like a vacation after yesterday's busy schedule.

The meeting last night was long and a tad stressful - there were 8 of us there and I swear everyone was talking at once! I'm glad I did not wear my hearing aids. I've no idea what was decided - guess I'll wait for the minutes. :shrug: The meeting was in the neighbourhood so I walked there - still really sore but need to move. No exercise and poor eating are not a good combo.

A local reporter is coming to interview me at 8:30. We're hoping to encourage more people to get their pets tested for pet therapy. At the moment Jazz and I are the only "visiting" team in this area and I am hoping to get more teams as I get request for visits all over the County! Maybe a story in the local paper will pique their interest. The reporter is very experienced and will also try to dig out info about other local stuff - like how much money we made at the syrup festival and what's happening at the Anglican Church. I have to watch my step with her. I also need to dress in something not black since she will want a pic of us for the paper and Jazz just disappears if he's on something black.

Time to finish my coffee and tiddle up for the interview. We had a wee bit of rain last night but it's going to be a lovely day. My scillas are in bloom and there's a carpet of blue in the side yard.

Enjoy the day no matter what you do. My Irish Grandmother used to say "You're a long time dead!"

Ruthxxx 04-19-2016 07:11 AM

Tammy, the test sounds scarey. Sure glad you have meds and can get the insurance. Sending you scillas and sunshine.

jekel383 04-19-2016 08:08 AM

Good morning everyone!

Debbie hope Kirk has a wonderful time on his trip. I'm sure you will be busy as always. Take some time for yourself while he is away.

Tammy I'm sorry the test was scary. I don't know anything about POTS so I'll be looking it up later. Glad there is medication to help manage it.

Ruth I hope the interview goes well. Hard to believe more people are not involved with pet therapy. Mick hates going places in the car and Coconut cowers even to me at times. They probably wouldn't be great therapy dogs. Although the hardest part woukd be the car ride for Mick. He loves everyone and is very gentle.

The scale and I are no longer on speaking terms. I really believe the scale to be a liar! lol Did I really gain 6 pounds since last week??? No I don't think so. Oh maybe I am too quick to judge and should place the blame where it belongs.....hormones!!!!! lol

Nothing exciting here back to work today.

Hope everyone has a beautiful day.

Beth19 04-19-2016 08:44 AM

Good morning, chicks! We had rain overnight and sun this morning so things will really be exploding with growth in the next few days! I have daffodils and pasque flowers opening so I'm quite happy. I finished the worst of the raking and think I will try to do a little weed pulling after work today. Funny how when you remove those dead leaves the weeds are already starting to grow too!

Tammy, I'm glad you got the confirmation diagnosis you needed and now the next round of testing can proceed. It's good your insurance seems to cover this.

Ruth, that meeting sounds like quite the event! Hope today is calmer.

Debbie, DH must really be excited about his trip. I'm sure he'll have a great time; what an experience!

Jennifer, I am right there with you on the "how did I gain 5 pounds??" band wagon. I am also blaming hormones and am going to drink extra water and try to be super conscious of my eating rather than give into temptations.

I need to get cracking so I can have a bit of "me" time this afternoon. Jennifer, you asked recently about my work hours. Technically we are to be in the building from 7:30-2:30, plus whatever it takes....I always arrive early and prefer to stay after for an hour (or two) at my desk to plan and grade rather than hauling it home. Some teachers prefer to leave more quickly and just carry stuff home.

Have a great day, chicks!

Nicole1288 04-19-2016 09:15 AM

Good morning -

My shots were postponed indefinitely.

Tammy sounds like a tilt table test. I hate those. I am glad they were able to diagnose you and hope you get the answers/ help you are looking for.

Ruth good luck with the interview. It sounds like quite a program.

Jennifer love your attitude and hate when the scale lies !

Beth enjoy your me time. I love me time.

I don't really have plans today other than looking for jobs. I am waiting to hear on 2 teaching jobs. I saw 211 on the scale yesterday and then it changed to 216. Hate when it tricks me like that. I am thinking maybe I will see 211 for real shortly. Here is to hoping :)

Have a great day!

Pearlrose 04-19-2016 10:18 AM

Good morning,

It was crazier than I thought it was going to be yesterday. We are still very busy today but not like yesterday. At least today is wfh. We are supposed to get some rain, I hope so because my allergies are acting up due to all of the pollen floating in the air. DD2 has art class today we moved to different day.

Debbie I can imaging that Kirk is very excited, I hope he has a wonderful trip

Tywnn glad you got a diagnosis so you can move forward, enjoy your day!

Ruth hope you have a successful interview and more people are interested in joining you

Jekel I am right there with you my scale went back up again and I am blaming hormones....trying to drink lots of water today to flush out system

Beth glad you aren't sore from all of the outdoor work, I didn't tackle any this past weekend so maybe this weekend I will

Nicole hope it is a good thing that they postponed your shots, hope you get a job that you like.

Have a great day everyone!

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