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TwynnB 12-22-2015 07:16 AM

Talkin' it up Tuesday on the Beach 12/22
Same title as last week!

Ruthxxx 12-22-2015 07:17 AM

Tuesday December 22 - music and light!
Good morning! I have a CD playing and the Bling Tree in place and lit although not decorated. I am sipping coffee with a bit of Baileys. :nono: but we are out of milk and I just can't hack black coffee so ...

My new CD player arrived just after lunch yesterday and was a cinch to set up. It sure lifted the mood to have The Christmas Oratorio cranked up while I (nearly) finished wrapping - three more gifts to 60 to go. I even managed to get to the bank and post office in the afternoon plus do a bit of cooking - mushroom tart filling. I also cooked and chopped beef liver for the furries.

I must confess I'm feeling my age a bit lately. By the time 6 PM arrives, I just want to watch the news, eat dinner and then sit and visit with the dogs while watching TV. Lately it's been bed by ten and my internal alarm gets me up at 6 a.m.

Today Joanne is coming over to help me put the leaves in the diningroom table and have a playdate with Joey and my furries. She will probably stay for lunch. She's 6' tall so I may ask her to do some of the highup decorating although nails etc. were removed during the painting downstairs. Hmmm.

OMG! The prediction for Christmas Eve Day is 63ºF! Looks like I won't need to put out boot trays for snowy boots! Or worry about where to stash heavy coats. Last year, at this time, my lane had been ploughed out five times. The long range is "milder than normal" for the next three months. Maybe we'll get winter in April.

Time to crank up the day.

cottagebythesea 12-22-2015 07:23 AM

Same title, but at least we're getting a smidgen more daylight again! Thank goodness we've reached the turning point! I'm not a fan of driving in the dark.

sophie 12-22-2015 07:38 AM

Good morning

sitting here thinking of having a second cuppa. The weather certainly doesn't feel Christmas. Heard the flu season is late. I will be going shopping today for all the little things missing. Hope that's it for christmas dinner and week. Oh why do I still have to think of what to cook till christmas eve.
have a nice day everyone
take care

sophie 12-22-2015 07:40 AM

Yes Linda by the end of December we will get 6 extra minutes of day light. I'm with you on the darkness.

jekel383 12-22-2015 08:11 AM

Good morning. Ruth I feel my age too lately, so you must be 44 lol. I had my jammies on before 5 pm on Sunday! Glad you are enjoying your new CD player. Like Pearlrose, I switched my car radio to all Christmas music.

Sophie hope your shopping goes well today.

Morning Linda I am about ready for a second cup myself.

Oh did I fall off the wagon yesterday. One cookie was followed by lots and I mean a lot more. This is why I don't bake. After all these years I don't have self control. I must stay OP until Christmas. I may stop at my sister's on my way to work Christmas. DS will have to follow in his own cars inch he will go to his dad's afterwards. At least I am completely done with shopping. Just need to wrap the last gifts for Jim and Nancy.

More coffee!

TwynnB 12-22-2015 08:16 AM

It's LuLu's 11th Birthday!!!

So that's why it was a while before I came back and posted. She made her own homemade cupcakes for today, and had to frost them this morning. I'll take her to school in a few minutes, then off for a couple of appointments of my own.

Unfortunately, she's living up to being a red-headed tween!! What a roller coaster emotionally this AM. Whew - it's going to be some rough teenage years ahead!

She picked Chen's Mongolian buffet for dinner tonight, which is easy to eat healthy as long as I avoid the noodles ;). Yum yum!

Ruthxxx 12-22-2015 08:29 AM

Goldurnit, Tammy! Now I am thinking Chinese food.

Pearlrose 12-22-2015 08:29 AM

Good morning,

Another wfh day and the weather is in the 50's today, I have decided to leave all the Christmas lights on until it is time for us to leave the day after Christmas so I can enjoy them.

Today i have to take DD2 for Sports Physical as when we get back she has volleyball tryouts and is not allowed to try out without it.

Tywnn happy birthday to your DD, mine is a year older and starting to definitely act (sometimes) like a tween and it can be trying but other times she is still her sweet little self.

Ruth I like Jekel must be feeling my age too because sometimes I am in bed by 9 p.m even on the weekends :)

Cottage yeah for more daylight, I hate driving when it's dark out

Sophie have a great day

Jekel we did too the baking of cookies for all of the neighbors last night and I did sample a couple of pieces but I did have more self control and kept it at 2 normally I would have ate like 6 or more cookies... we delivered all but a couple but there is still so much left over for the household. I know it will be gone quick and hopefully I will keep self control do not want to go off plan until Christmas day again.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Beth19 12-22-2015 06:06 PM

Evening chicks!

So I am now on Christmas break. Yee-hah! Having school these 2 days seemed counterproductive in a way; the kids weren't very focused and I suspect most of the other teachers had "to do" lists whirling in their head like I did. Oh well, I still have 2 days before Christmas. I will spend tomorrow cooking and be glad I have my decorating and wrapping under control.

Ruth, it is strange weather this year, isn't it? I seem to remember a few years back we made it through December without snow and then got walloped on the 26th. A friend told me today their family had decided to grill on Christmas.

Tammy, happy birthday to DD! I always thought it would be hard to have a December birthday; too easy to get overlooked.

Cottage, I'm enjoying the smidgens of daylight. I think we have already gained 2 minutes in the afternoon.

Sophie, isn't it funny how even with a holiday approaching the family still expects to eat everyday?? I had the what's for dinner thought before I went to work this morning.

Jennifer, I don't bake either and I pretty much avoided the cookies at work. Don't know how the next few days will go.:crossed:

Pearl, hope the day went well. I don't go to bed early, I just fall asleep on the couch!

Time to check on dinner. Can you believe I am sauteing one of the last stalks of brussel sprouts from the garden???:T

CyndiM 12-22-2015 06:17 PM

Hello Chicks :wave: Just popping in before visiting my friend the exercise bike :) I made it through the last half day of school until January 4th. The kids were completely off the walls, but it was a good morning. The weather has me so confused I forgot all about holiday meal shopping, so that was bumped to the top of my afternoon off list. Mission mostly accomplished! DH is working tonight. Hoping they let hm leave a bit early. We have to be up and out of here by 7:15 tomorrow morning, so any extra sleep will help.

Tammy - Hope it's a wonderful birthday. I have to say I would not want to repeat my daughters tween or teen years :dizzy:

Ruth - Warmer weather here too. I'm not complaining after the last two winters. Enjoy your CD player. I love my holiday music in the background :)

Cottage - Hooray for more daylight :dance:

Sophie - Happy shopping

Jennifer - the cookies and I have had a very up and down relationship this year. We gave most away, so it should improve ;)

Rose - Enjoy the lights.

Beth - You are on the Vermont schedule :) My Mom's school is in until tomorrow afternoon. How are the stalks?

Okay, time to exercise. Off to the dermatologist tomorrow to get the last of this stupid basal cell taken care of. It will be nice to start the new year with that off my list!

cottagebythesea 12-22-2015 07:59 PM

Cyndi, I'll be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way for tomorrow. I pray all goes smoothly and relatively painless! :hug:

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