3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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-   South Beach Diet (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/south-beach-diet-110/)
-   -   Wake Up! It's TUESDAY! SBD Chat for 9/8 (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/south-beach-diet/305999-wake-up-its-tuesday-sbd-chat-9-8-a.html)

cottagebythesea 09-08-2015 06:51 AM

Wake Up! It's TUESDAY! SBD Chat for 9/8
I know I'm going to have to keep reminding myself that today's Tuesday, but that's OK! :) It'll be just a short 3 day work week for me, then I'm off to the beach for a week!

Ruthxxx 09-08-2015 07:12 AM

Thanks for the coffee this morning, Cottage. It'll be the second for me as I've been out and about already. Got a phone call at 6 about a light left on in the Mill and had to go down to check and turn it off. Gotta love a nosy neighbour who is saving us electricity.

Wonder of wonders - I did not spend all day yesterday in the Mill - just got them started and collected the cash box to close off at exactly 4:55, leaving Sally and Ron to lock up. Whew! So nice to have it closed although we do re-open for bus tours and for the Oct. 3 Harvest Festival.

Another hot day ahead today and the Mill Executive will meet here in AC comfort. I dug out my old fashioned coffee maker and am ready to roll at 9:30 when they get here. Patti, a new member, is interested in helping with the accounting part of my job and both Dann and I are anxious to hand over the whole thing. I am hoping this works out as I'd much prefer to work on special events and also do tours at the Mill next summer but NOT every day! September is going to be my summer!

Wee Miss Millie has pudged up this summer, going from 9 pounds to 14 in the year I've had her. That's gaining a third of her weight. That'd be like me gaining 60 pounds. :yikes: We will be cutting way back on treats and getting in some walking. (Sounds like a good plan for me too!)

Right now I am going to hang out some laundry, get dressed and get ready for the 9:30 meeting. (Dann has to be in Ottawa this afternoon so it should be a short one.) I'm also planning to be down at the corner and wave the kids off in the schoolbus as they start the school year.

Enjoy this short week. :dance:

jekel383 09-08-2015 07:29 AM

Good morning Linda, Ruth and chicks to come, even if only for a fly by :)

Linda enjoy your short work week. Mine is only 4 days as I took Saturday off.

Ruth insist on getting out of the accounting. You really could use the break. Millie's summer pudge puts things in perspective lol Will she be doing SB for dogs lol.

Well DS bought his own car, with a little help from me. My son and his car are the same age. He bought a Jeep Cherokee Sport (the boxy style) no rust, high miles, but runs good and was affordable. We left a deposit and will pick it up on Wednesday (mental note to self print out the DMV forms. My neighbor Jim has the same one only two years newer with 30k more miles. DS is going to pay me the difference, which I will put aside in an account I have for him should he go back to school.

I've been a little blah this past week. I've noticed this seems to be a monthly pattern which I will discuss with my dr this month. Last night I was a little naughty and made some poor food choices, but did not over indulge in the large portions served. The scale showed no movement which is encouraging me to get moving today :)

Happy Tuesday all!

Karrine 09-08-2015 08:30 AM

Ruth I don't know if you got my previous message about me living in Kitchener, 60 miles west of Toronto. I've added you to my buddy list.
Oh my!!! You sure are a very busy woman. I hope I get some energy after I lose some of these pounds.
I had my "treat breakfast" this morning: one slice toast with 1 tbsp. Peanut butter and 1 tbsp. Honey plus Yogurt and 2 black coffee's. This sure does quench my sweet cravings for very low points.

I hope you can hand off your bookkeeping job as it is a lot of work. I know because I have volunteered to keep our church's Youth Group Accounts.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

WaistingTime 09-08-2015 09:47 AM

Good morning. I'm off to they gym today instead of yesterday. One more reason to be confused all week about what day it is! I host book club tonight so have been cleaning this morning and will finish later. Mostly ready food-wise but might use the afternoon off work to bake for dinner at my mom's this weekend.

Have a great day.

Karrine 09-08-2015 09:54 AM

Hi again,
I'm sorry for posting on this thread. I didn't realize it is the South Beach Diet as I'm using WW old plan but I would like more information on this one.

love2garden 09-08-2015 10:33 AM

Karrine Hi, anyway.

Ruth How wise you are to distribute that intense work you usually do to others and keep some of the fun stuff for yourself. That is what the 70's are supposed to be for! Enjoy the September, and may it cool off a bit.

Jennifer Not surprised at your son's choice of vehicle. He will be proud of his Jeep and agree that that is one vehicle that lasts and lasts.

Our youngest daughter as a VW bug that is 7 years old and she plans to keep "forever". It has been a real reliable means of transportation for her.

Hot here now, but my early morning walk was finished and now I can get another cup of coffee on the patio and enjoy the many pots of annuals.


Pearlrose 09-08-2015 12:14 PM

Good morning,

We are back from Texas long drive home was glad to be back. Today is my liquid only diet and tomorrow is procedure day.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Trying to catch up on work paperwork so no time for personals.

Have a great day everyone!

jekel383 09-08-2015 12:22 PM

Sandy I have always wanted a Jeep Wrangler, just not practical. Maybe when I retire I will treat myself lol DS should be out of the house by them

Karrine welcome. The best way to learn about SB is by reading the book. Anyone will do as the principle of the plan does not change. I downloaded it from Amazon, but may get one through the library or a lucky tag sale. The threads, recipe, helpful hints, etc. are helpful but without learning from the book it may not be easy to adjust. I too did WW and am a lifetime member. It just wasn't conducive for me. I don't like tracking at all nor weighing anything. I'm not perfect with anything and that's ok :) I've been maintaining for almost three years and couldn't be happier. Feel free to check in often if you choose SB as the group is very supportive and friendly. Helps me stay on track. Good luck on your journey no matter what plan is best for you.

Welcome home Pearlrose hope it goes well tomorrow

Beth19 09-08-2015 05:54 PM

Hey ladies! Late check in; busy day. I rarely seem to find the time to post before work.

Hot and humid today. I am SO glad to come home to the AC and choose to do my exercise inside instead of out. Looks like it will be more temperate by week's end.

Have a great evening!

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