diane g i 150

  • to answer your question on crystal light its on page 124 south beach diet book lists sugars... maltodextrin 150...maltose..150..glucose 137...sucrose92... high fructose corn syrup 89... honey 83... lactose 65... fructose32... hope that helps do you have the book???
  • Hi Julbee,

    I just noticed that we have almost the same user name. It looks line we registered just a couple days apart. Sorry I didn't know how closely mine was to your's or I would have picked another.

    Good luck on SBD.
  • hi
    oh well we have different pics!! we sure are close in spelling... hows your progress going?? how long have you been doing south beach .. i have just begun phase 2 so far so good!!! good luck to you also bye
  • Hi Julbee,

    I haven't done so well lately. It seems like I'm really good on any diet (WOE) for about 3 weeks then I seem to lose focus. I'm really trying to stick with SBD since I really feel so much better on it. I lost 9 lbs first 2 weeks and have spent 3 more weeks fighting not to gain it back. I think I'm going to start with phase 1 again. I seem to be an all or nothing type person.

    Good luck on phase 2. Enjoy your additions. And maybe in a week or two I'll be joining you.
