So many people have been there and now I am

  • I just want to pull my hair out in frustration. I've been on Phase 1 (with a few cheats, but eating really well) for almost two weeks and today I got on the scale and it has not budged one ounce. I'm so frustrated because I was feeling so proud of myself and (again: I know I'm not the only one who has been here in this sad place) felt like I had lost inches, but I really want to see something reflected on the scale. I know I need to take my own advice about not getting hung up on the scale and I will, but I just needed to rant about this!!
  • I sympathize with you, Matilda, since I've been there. The only time I've had any significant weight loss on Phase 1 was the very first time I did it. BUT, it does get my cravings under control to help me stay on track, and I do feel a difference in how my clothes fit.

    Hang in there! Personally, what I saw on the scale could make or break my day, and I decided I didn't need my life to be ruled by a number on the scale, so I got rid of it. It works for me, and I am much happier just knowing that I'm eating healthy.
  • BTDT, I will stomp my feet for you!

    (and what Linda said. Except I can't part with my scale....)
  • Hang in there! How many cheats did u have? I know that when doing LC like Phase 1 I store water like crazy once I have a little more sodium or any cheat. Maybe it is just that?
  • I had a bunch of cheats but the cheats were not really with food (I would say over the last two weeks I had about two servings of bread as cheats) but mostly with wine and accompanying salty snacks. I had some last night and this morning I do feel very bloated. Maybe that's it. I'm trying not to weigh too much, but it's discouraging because now I wonder whether the scale would have shown a loss if I had weighed before this, and is now just up because of the wine and pork rinds. All the snacks, though, have been SBD compliant except for the pork rinds, and I've only had those 2x in the past two weeks.
  • Are you drinking lots of water. I find that when I do it really helps. One way for me is to either add a slice of lemon or lime
    take care
  • Been there, done that...but I really think you should try doing a clean Phase I and see how that changes things. It sounds like a few too many cheats hindered your progress. Salty snacks = water retention and we all know how nicely the scale reacts to that!
  • Also, have you tried a Food Journal? Might help you keep track of your cheats and see how frequent they are.
  • Yes, I've been honest on the on plan thread when I've cheated. I post my food there each day.