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Lexxiss 07-28-2014 05:29 AM

Marvelous Monday SBD Chat, July 28
Good Morning:sunny:

We went to bed early here and I've been up working on projects before I head to work this morning. My main achievement was to get all my supplies ordered since I make my own protein blend for smoothies. Done. It will all arrive before I run out.

We are still waiting on the baby to arrive. I really thought it would be yesterday and didn't hear anything in the middle of the night....maybe today.

Coffee is on and I've enjoyed several cups already. Kirk just woke and has headed downstairs to the pot. I think I'll join him.

What's happening for you today? Stop and say hi! :cofdate:

Natasha1534 07-28-2014 05:45 AM

Good morning, ladies! I'm still up for the night. I've got a load of towels in the wash and my uniforms in the dryer. Made some tzatziki sauce and I've got some chicken souvlaki marinating. I don't have any pita bread, though...probably better that way. Bread seems to be a trigger for me.

I'm afraid I'm out of the loop, Lexxiss...whose baby are we waiting on? No matter who, what an exciting time!

Off to fold my clothes and taste test the tzatziki now that it's set up for a few hours. Have a good day!

Ruthxxx 07-28-2014 06:14 AM

Well, I should have just got up at two and joined you two earlybirds. The Fair closed at 8 last night but they did not get packed up and go roaring out of here until two. The big rigs are still roaring down the street. We had another flood of rain and that probably slowed them down. Seems to me the Township has been under water since April. I know we are called Township of Rideau Lakes but it should be Lakes and Land!

Did a training walk with Millie yesterday and discovered she detests larger dogs! She turns into a ten pound whirling dervish. Strange because she was not afraid of horses or cows at the Fair. It must be the Cairn terrier in her. That's going to hold her back from becoming a therapy dog since we test for "plays nicely with others".

Trying to patch life back to somewhat "normal" this week and am staying away from the Fair Office. My schoolwork will be sorted for return later this week while we still have Caroline our summer intern. Prize money isn't due until school re-opens.

I may actually make progress on my list of "niggles" which seems to keep growing when neglected. I've got to stop feeding it new additions to the list!

Have a great day!

Lexxiss 07-28-2014 06:36 AM

Natasha, DH's DD is having her second....any time now. Tzatziki sounds excellent!

Ruth, glad the fair went well but sorry they had to do a drive by at such an inconvenient time!

Speaking of niggles, we are picking cherries these days and I have some that need to be pitted and frozen before I head to work....

cottagebythesea 07-28-2014 06:45 AM

I could have joined you Early Birds, too, rather than trying to sleep between the blasts of thunder and lightening all night. Of course it's quiet now that I have to get up. ;)

Debbie, how exciting that you're going to be a Grandma again pretty soon! Do you know whether it's a boy or a girl? Keep us posted! OH, and congratulations on your new car! I was surprised at how much the Chevy Sonic looks like my Mitsubishi Outlander! What color did you choose?

Natasha, sleep well today!

Ruth, did it rain during the parade yesterday? I hope you get most of your niggles done today.

I work today and tomorrow, then I'm off until the 11th! Woohoo!

Beth19 07-28-2014 06:47 AM

Wow, sure is busy in here this morning!! Weather is going to be cool and wet today so I should brainstorm my list of indoor niggles. Wish I could bottle some of this down time for the middle of the school year!

Ruth, weather-dependent events are tricky. Glad the fair went well.
Natasha, good to see you back!
Debbie, you continue to amaze me.

Since we are looking at low 60s for our high today I am going to make some of those protein cheesecakes this morning. (I try to avoid turning on the oven on the hot days.)

But first, more coffee.:coffee2:

TwynnB 07-28-2014 06:57 AM

Beth, you and I have the same great idea, of making those protein cheesecakes. Delish!

Debbie, have you always been such a night owl?

Linda - we had wicked lightning here last night. I couldn't help to go to our local paper online this am, and sure enough, it set a house on fire. Woooo, it was loud and bright!

Good morning to everyone else!

I just got back from my run. I did the same thing I did on Thursday, I kinda wanna see if it wipes me out again. I have to PB banana muffins left, and then making beet salad for lunch. Mmmmmmmmm. I know we're not supposed to eat a lot of root veggies, but they don't seem to trigger me :D.

Have a great Monday y'all....

sophie 07-28-2014 08:00 AM

Good morning

Debbie. How exciting on the new baby. The baby will come when its ready

Ruth. Congratulations on your new puppy.

Natasha. Welcome back

Beth and Tammy. I made the cheescakes on Saturday but had to freeze them since willpower is low if they are in site

Linda. Hope you aren't to tired this week

I had my grandsons over last week. Boy does the 19 month old have lots of energy. I really did nothing for a few days. I bought new walking shoes and am wearing them around the house to see if they are the ones for me. So ridicules because I only get blisters after walking for several hours rain today I guess I will go around the house and wipe off little finger prints
take care

Lexxiss 07-28-2014 08:27 AM

Linda, new car is silver....only needs to be washed once a year...lol
Baby is a boy. Yippee for upcoming vacation!

sophie, yep, those young ones sure have energy! I hope your new shoes work out.

Beth, we all amaze me! PS-no kids....makes a lot of difference don't have to think about daily kid stuff, tuition, etc...Enjoy your free days I think they are going to be in short supply later. lol

Twynn, yay for a morning run! Wouldn't call myself a night owl...try calling me at 8pm. It's a schedule that works for us...DH is tired at night but also hogs tv with all the survival shows...last night was nakedandafraid. I'd rather read, fall asleep early and then have time to myself early morning. 3am used to be my worry time...lie in bed and worry about all the stuff I couldn't change. Now I get up and change the things I can. My version of serenity prayer.

OK work calls

Have a great day everyone!

jekel383 07-28-2014 08:33 AM

Good morning. Looks like everyone enjoyed the weekend. Debbie you must be excited a new grand baby to love :)

We hit a monsoon during our ride yesterday and bailed out at mile 17. Better then nothing I guess. Ironically the weather cleared after we left. Oh well maybe next year.

Today is stress day before the interview. I woke up in a panic thinking I missed it. Today though I am going to treat myself to a mani pedi. I still need to iron my blouse and figure out what to do with my hair. I'll be on an early train to tomorrow. I plan on walking back to GCT from Penn so I need to have comfy shoes.

Tuesday I am starting P1.5 until my summer fruits are gone. No bike riding today as it is very wet and looks like more rain. Maybe I will give the house a quick once over too.

Have a great day

TwynnB 07-28-2014 08:36 PM

Jekel - did I miss something? Interview? Or is this for a promotion, which is the test you were studying for?

CyndiM 07-28-2014 10:02 PM

:wave: better late than never. Sick DH this morning, bad driving in rain, visited a friend who was hit by a falling tree, and now local (though not too close) flooding. It's been a long day. So glad tomorrow is not Monday :)

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