SBD Daily Chat, Wednesday July 10

  • Good Morning

    I'm traveling over the hill this morning to raspberry land. Kirk has been over picking our patch since last Friday. It's been in the high 90's there so they are in full production. We freeze them individually on cookie sheets then transfer them to freezer boxes so they'll be easily accessible for smoothies for a long time to come. I've been stealth OP for weeks now and so will enjoy a small treat nightly....fresh berries with NSA ice cream or my favorite yogurt. Yum. We'll come back over together on Friday...DD's baby girl turns 1 on Sunday. It's hard to believe.

    Thought I'd say hello and get us started this morning....

    What's on your agenda? Stop and say hi
  • Thanks for starting us up, Lexxiss, and for mentioning raspberries. When touring the jungle behind the barn last night I found a bush just loaded with black raspberries - my favourite. There were too darn many mosquitoes so I picked just a handful but will do the rest later today in my bug veil.

    Today is the day we judge the schoolwork entries for the Fair. My Judge wants to start "early" so suggested 9:30!!! Guess she's not a morning person. I am going to scoot over there in a bit and remove some of the obvious losers. (The teachers send every child's work rather than pre-sort to avoid hurt feelings.)

    Once again we are hot, humid and showery but it's supposed to break by tomorrow. This is getting really old! The grass and weeds in my veggie garden are higher than the romaine.

    Happy Hump Day to us all and try to stay calm, cool and collected if you are in this steam bath with me.
  • Yum, raspberries! Especially the black ones! I'll have to ride out to the back pasture this morning on the golf cart to check out the bushes. With everything else that's going on, we forgot all about them and I hope the birds left us some!

    The girls had a sleepover last night and Cindy will be gone this morning, so I'll have the house to myself for a while and plan to do a quick once-over before it's time to pick up the girls. Then there's Pony Club this afternoon, and that means I get to come home early. I'm hoping to take a cooling dip in the pool, but it will most likely be stormy again.

    Ruth, we have had storms every day for weeks, except for a brief respite over the weekend, so I know what you're going through.
  • You aren't kidding that it is time for the heat and humidity to go! Although I can't complain, it's not *too* hot, not in the 90's like Debbie! Mmmmm....y'all will have me thinking about raspberries now. Brings back fond memories of when I was a kid and we had a large patch of them.

    Yesterday was crazy, and I think I had a migraine last night (I normally don't, but...) that gratefully went away with drugs. I had one cancellation today so I have this bizarre hope I'll actually get out on time!! If so, I might get some me time. what to do, what to do?!?
  • Good morning Another hot, though just 80s, humid, and heavy rain day here. It's really getting old now. Last night I was working on the other side of the state until 9 (hospital campaign so stretching my skills. I loved it much to my surprise). When I drove back over the mountains part of my normal road had just reopened after mudslides and another section was down to one lane with a giant sinkhole. Apparently they had 45 minutes of heavy downpour and the ground is just so saturated it can't hold anymore water. remember when we couldn't have a bonfire because it was too dry

    Thanks for the raspberry reminder Debbie! We have bushes all around the yard and I need to get out before the next rain. I found a recipe for gluten free black raspberry muffins and can't wait to make them.

    I am trying to keep my weekly hours between 32-40 because I am at 80%. I'm getting better at it. I am going to keep my hours at this level, I like the more contained work focus. Not sure our lead will like it but I also know they want to keep me on the campaign so if this is my bottom line (and it is) she will agree.

    Got up early to clean-up some documentation from last night. Now that it's done I think I will enjoy some coffee and see what's happening on the interwebs
  • Good morning with another overcast, storm-threatening day. At least we've had some heat with this humidity and the gardens are going crazy. My perennial beds are full of color and the veggies are growing great guns. I'm getting really excited to do some picking. We have a few raspberries on our property but I don't think I can get to them this year...

    Not much on the agenda for me today and that's fine. Teachers need their summer vacay too! My kindle has been getting a real workout lately; it's nice to have time to actually read.

    Happy hump day!
  • Good morning I have a confession to make......I don't care for raspberries lol sorry not a juicy confession Now strawberries and cherries are an obsession during the summer.

    Linda love your profile pic. If the pics you post are from your home, I'm moving in They are just lovely.

    Debbie I add strawberries or peaches to Greek yogurt for my special treat. Still cannot control myself with ice cream.

    Ruth I can picture you picking berries in a bee suit. I am thinking of getting one because the Mosquitos are ruining my summer.

    Tammy will let you know if we take 80 (I have to check with Joe). if we do maybe we could meet in person

    FINALLY off and did not take any overtime this week or next. I am a little burned out. I did give blood yesterday (my good deed of the day) Today it's back to back doctor appointments. Quick pit stop at one our our reporting locations (guy bought my old bike rack left the money at the desk) To Joe's parent's for his DD birthday. Must get card and gift before then Ack so far behind today!

    DS and I are going to look at a car for him on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed

    Time to get motivated
  • Good morning, it is warm and muggy and rainy here as well but it supposed to drop back into the 80's tomorrow until after the weekend.

    Debbie enjoy your raspberries, I have to agree with Jekel I am not a fan of raspberries prefer cherries and strawberries, just to many seeds.

    Ruth I got a chuckle imaging you in a net but it is a great idea actually.

    Cottage hope you get your dip in the pool this evening.

    Tywnn glad the drugs helped get rid of your migraine

    Cyndi I love that you are sticking to your guns regarding work hours that is great. I sometimes wish in the summers I could go part time since the rest of my household is on summer mode except for me.

    Beth enjoy your reading time.

    Jekel we are in the process of car shopping for DH right now, I hate the process but has to be done and then I will get back my car and DS will take over DH old suv and we are selling DS current suv. Complicated I know.

    Tonight there is a swim meet not at home so I will be going straight from the bus to the town and meet DH and DD2 there for the meet. Did not volunteer to work that way as soon as her last heat is swam we can leave for home. Saturday's away meet got moved to home so I was happy about that since I am working and then next weekend is Conference already. Where is the summer going, there is only like 5 weeks left til school starts back up.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
  • Good afternoon, ladies. Hope you're all having a good day!

    I giggled rereading my post from yesterday. Oh yes, the buzzard was NOT the worst part. He has since tried to call and apologize (my date, not the buzzard, LOL) and I told him that I appreciated it, but it's better we both move on. I was going to remain friends w/ him, but after seeing his multitude of posts on FB today about women being crazy and then an additional dig about women not being meant to be tamed "unless their white trash" (yes, he said "their" and not "they're") I went ahead and deleted him. If not being impressed when you try to palm my crotch on the first date makes me white trash, I'll gladly take that title.

    Never got by personnel today. I've got supervisor's training tomorrow, so I'll call them on my lunchbreak. At this point I'm really leaning more towards just putting in my 2 weeks notice, but that's really scary at the age of 37, LOL I don't want to burn my bridges, that's for sure. I love the job I have now, but I'm just not happy in Georgia anymore. Too bad I can't move the job w/ me! LOL
  • Poking my head in late tonight- stressful afternoon!

    We were under various tornado warnings for the better part of two hours yesterday. My dinner plans fell through (I don't care how dedicated I am to losing weight, I'm not driving to pick up dinner when it's hailing. Just no.), and the weather ended up triggering one of my migraines. I have to take my migraine medicine with a decently heavy meal or it makes me sick, so I had 2 small frozen "super pretzels", took it, and went to bed.

    Ah well, back on track. We came out of the storms unscathed- just waterlogged! A good chunk of people near us lost power. We did too for a second, but it came back on. Didn't even trigger the generator. Thankful nothing bad happened!!

    Natasha= *giggle* you poor thing! Someone stuck a crazy-magnet on you.