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jekel383 02-25-2013 04:39 AM

Monday Beach Chat 2/25
Good morning. One down three to go before my weekend begins. Nothing new or exciting here. What is on tap for everyone's day?

Coffee is ready, but travel mugs only.

Ruthxxx 02-25-2013 06:20 AM

Good morning Jennifer and folks to follow. So nice to have the coffee made and the daily started.

Lovely Girls Dinner last night and heather gave me the turkey carcass! I've got turkey soup stock already started and the house smells Christmassy. (Ten months from today .... Sorry!) Donna and I are off to the gym - we leave after 7:30 now because the early birds hog the treadmills at 7. After that I go to the nursing home to do the last monitored visit with Baily the Rottie and his handler. I know they will do very well so will be able to give them the stamp of approval.

The afternoon is all mine! I'm sure I'll find something to put in the time. :lol:

Happy No-Moaning Monday!

CyndiM 02-25-2013 06:30 AM

Good morning :coffee2: It's the start of another busy week but this one is only 4 days. I have Friday off (leftover from last week's holiday I didn't take) so we can spend the day birdwatching and go out to dinner before heading to an Indigo Girls concert. The potential Saturday meeting was cancelled so I might get two whole days without too much work. In the meantime it's still go time in work land, so lots to get done.

I had a great time trying new recipes again this weekend - taco pizza, spicy black beans & tomato (mashed some for the pizza), No Bake Peppermint Patty Bars, paleo banana bread, blackened tofu, and sriracha hummus. It feels good knowing I have enough stuff in the fridge to make healthy choices even if I'm busy. Tonight I'm making Kalyn's stir fried sriracha spiced tofu with veggies

Still not doing a great job with the weight. I'm sticking to good food choices but eating too much and too often. Have to get a handle on that!

The concert was definitely impacted buy weather but still nice. I'm curious to hear how much they raised. They filmed it for local access TV so maybe more contributions will come in.

Okay, time to get moving. Hope your Monday is no moaning and relatively painless.

cottagebythesea 02-25-2013 06:34 AM

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee. :coffee2: I'll need several before I head over to the farm to see what awaits me after the weekend. Mondays are usually extra busy. :)

TwynnB 02-25-2013 07:04 AM

Good morning chicks. Not too much moaning here, maybe because Jennifer started the coffee so early? ;)

Jennifer - hope the next few days go by quickly for all of us!

Ruth, do you mind finishing my movie this afternoon for me? :D I rented TakenII last night, but told myself not to stay up last night to finish, and I didn't. Thanks!

Cyndi, glad the weather didn't stop too many people from coming. We want to hear the total too!!

Linda, hope your weekend was refreshing and that the day goes by quickly.

Well, I survived day 1 without facebook. :lol: It did help me get more done yesterday, rather than procrasting by frequently peeking at it. Today is a booked but short day at work, then lots of errands and hopefully a work out. We also have a lady at church that offered to take the kids for a weekend once in a while (HOLY COW, what would we do?!?!?!), since neither set of grandparents is local nor involved....and we plan to go to her house tonight so the kids can see it. She has LOTS of grandkids too, and the downstairs is an entire play zone. Should be interesting.

Hope everyone had a great refreshing weekend!

(and I start vacation Friday at 2 pm! First one since grand canyon in Oct 11...)

Lexxiss 02-25-2013 08:37 AM

Good Morning:sunny:

Thanks for getting us started, Jennifer. Work calls and we have quite a bit of new snow...hope that will make for busy with eager skiers.

Have a great day everyone!

Pearlrose 02-25-2013 01:13 PM

Good afternoon,

Quick fly by for me, getting ready to leave for a meeting. Sounds like everyone is doing well and no moaning. LOL

Tywnn- are you getting to go somewhere fun on your vacation?

Have a great day everyone.

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