TGIF beach Chat 1/4

  • Good morning chicks. This is going to be a late night for me so why not start the daily thread!!! Worked out after dinner so now I am wide awake. I rode 50 miles on my indoor trainer. I had to laugh because the DVD was 3 hrs and 26 minutes, but stayed riding for 9 more minutes just to get to 50 miles lol. Who knew I could be so competitive with myself!

    Been doing well sticking to P1, but tonight I wanted an apple with PB!! So instead of denying myself an apple because I planned on doing a week of P1, I ate it!!! I actually debated not having it. Then reality entered my brain. I wanted, no really wanted an apple not chips, not cake, not cookies. WOW I never believed craving an apple was possible.

    Today, hopefully I will sleep in, then run a few errands if my legs aren't jello! What does everyone have planned today?
  • Morning, Jennifer. Now you have me craving an apple! That was quite the trip on your indoor trainer. I'm impressed by 50 miles.

    Yesterday was a bitter cold day and probably set records. When it gets down to the minus 30s, Cº and Fº are almost the same. I was out and about a bit and found out my fingers were so numb I could not get my credit cards out of the wallet. I need much warmer gloves for driving. I also need a remote heater so I don't start off driving cold!

    Donna and I are off to the gym this morning, it's trash day and tonight is Book Club. I hope I can stand the excitement! I think I'll make some really hot chili after gym to keep me warm as I drive to Book Club. It's usually in the Village but tonight it's at Norma's house. She lives about five miles away in the middle of a Hobbit Forest so I am going to see if I can get in a car pool. The book? It was "Little Bee", quite a shocker but very good.

    Have a good Friday. It sure was a short week!
  • Good morning. I slept in a bit, and oh boy did it feel good!

    Jennifer, I'm very impressed that you did a full 50 miles! And then craved an apple! You're going to be one of our success stories, for sure.

    Ruth, we're only in the teens and 20s here, not nearly as cold as it is there, but cold enough for me! :brrr: How's your earache? Does the cold aggravate it?

    My DD wants me to spend the weekend with her and Carley, but I have too much that I want to do here at home today. Jake and I may go over tomorrow for just the day. My oldest DGD, Caitlyn, left yesterday for her new job in Wisconsin, and although we're very happy and excited for her, we're all missing her, especially little Carley. I see many, many trips to Wisconsin in the future.

    I should run up and hop in the shower, but I'm going to have more coffee first.
  • Good morning chicks! Jekel, I think you're a *wee* bit insane for starting the thread that early in the AM, but you're amazing for 50 miles!! What DVD were you watching that was that long? FWIW - I mostly do phase 1.5 - no grains - so it kicks my cravings but I still have fruit (and I've lost 2 lbs of water weight in 2 days). I had an apple for dessert last night!

    Ruth - do you have an electric blanket?! BRRRRRrrrrr, that's cold! I'm going to have to look up that book, did you enjoy it?

    Cottage - where in WI? I grew up in northern IL, so we went to WI a LOT. I really enjoyed it and have lots of great memories. I hope you enjoy your weekend no matter what you do!

    For me - a busy 1/2 day of work (yesterday was crazy!) then who-knows-what. I have the weekend off too!! I know I have to clean up our guest room (it's a wrapping paper disaster zone), and then I'm not sure. Probably try my new smoker .

    Yesterday's eating wasn't perfect (but not horrible), I was starved at stuck at work. But alas, the scale was kind to me and today is another day.
  • Good morning It's Friday why does a 3 day week seem so long?! I managed to get my hooping in last night even though it was a late day and I really didn't want to. Feels like I'm slowly working back into good habits.

    Jennifer - Wow, 50 miles is amazing! The SO is talking about doing the 50 mile Prouty this year. I said I would do the 25 but don't think I could hack the 50. impressive!

    Ruth - It wasn't quite as cold here but below 0 and cold enough to freeze pipes and make the car (and the little dog) very unhappy. I'm so glad it's above 0 today!

    Cottage - Is it a day off for you?

    Twynn - I rarely go all the way to Phase 1 anymore either. Just getting the grains out helps and I hate giving up those lovely little clementines this time of year (or the glass of wine on the weekend!). Happy weekend!

    I am so looking forward to a birding adventure tomorrow. I haven't done this in awhile and I'm excited to have a new convert. The spot is relatively close to the Trader Joe/Whole Foods plaza so lunch will be there.

    First though I have to get through today. Time to make a relatively painless plan. I've got afternoon meetings so just need a morning plan.

    More coffee will inspire me
  • Happy Friday!

    Jennifer - Good for you!

    Ruth - Brrr. My mom has a luxury car and is always going on about how she loves her heated steering wheel.

    Linda - It's sad when our kids move away I think we are going to head out your way to visit DS in April.

    Twynn - My guest room has work clothes laid out on the bed waiting to be ironed! What will we do if we have actual guests!?

    Cyndi - Have you tried the vegetable masala burgers from TJs? I just read about them on a blog recently.

    I'm off to the gym with my mom this morning and work the closing shift tonight. In between - errands and finishing the book I'm reading, I hope.

    Ah, apples. I agree - they are so much more delicious to me now. And I found the most amazing new apples at Whole Foods - Autumn Glory. Super sweet. I have found that I do best to only eat apples (and fruit in general) late in the day, otherwise I tend to want and eat more. Most nights that's what I have for my post-dinner snack.

    Have a great day, all.
  • Hiya all~ Just a quicky to pop in & say hello!

    Just got in from a 45 minute hilly walk.. & need to get dinner cooking. I'm focusing on my exercise atm, & mindful eating.. will start phase 1 in about a week.. after refreshing myself on the plan.. (Re reading SBD super charged)

    I drifted away... But feels good to "Rediscover" 3FC

    I lost 60 lbs last time I stuck with SB.. So know if I "work it", it WORKS!

    Ruth, Cottage, Twynn, Cyndi nice to see you gals again~

    Jekel, Karen, nice to meet you! ~
  • Traveling very soon....just too cold to have fun here.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning again. a slept like a rock, gee I wonder why lol. I must be getting stronger I am not sore at all.

    Tammy, I use the Spinerval DVDs they are great for training for long rides. Cyndi you absolutely could do 50 miles. Most bike tours are set up with designated rest stops. I too normally stay on P1.5. Karen, I save my fruit for the end of the day except in the summer because I can eat strawberries without any extra cravings.

    Ruth with temps like you have I don't think I would venture anywhere!!

    Linda WI sounds like a nice place to visit, sorry they moved so far

    Debbie enjoy your trip, safe travels

    Welcome back Indigal
  • Hi ladies!! So glad to see a lot of the same names here!

    Dunno if anyone remembers me... but I'm back... graduated from nursing school, got my license, and now gearing up to drop the holiday/stress/celebrate that you graduated here have some more cake/oh look there's my high weight again poundage...

    So excited to be back on the forum!! Off to walk the dogster with the husband and then go meet with my boss (chatter was there was an RN job for me up until like 4 days ago... have to see where it goes!)

    After I finish my coffee. Mmm, coffee...

    Ruth- my husband's heated seats in his Subaru are my favorite thing ever!

    Jekel- 50 miles? WOOHOO! Nicely done!

    Twynn- SO jealous you have a TJ's near you- we're getting one in Boulder, but that's a bit of a drive from me!

    Have a fantastic day, folks!
  • 50 miles is AMAZING! Wow!!!

    Today is a bad day: TOM with no Midol and no caffeine = unhappy Jenn. Oh and we were woken up at 6a with a fire alarm! Come to find out it wasn't gas from the fireplace like we thought but man was I mad! On top of it, I had really bad cravings last night. But I blogged through them and am now making taco bake for lunch (after a trip to the store for refried beans, which we always have except when I need them). Last day of Ph1 is tomorrow, YAY!

    I think tomorrow, after lunch with a friend, we're going to hit whole foods AND Tjs! And if not tomorrow, then Tuesday. DW goes back to work on Monday (she too was laid off for a week between jobs because her former boss was pissed she gave notice and was leaving!) so she may not want to deal with crowds tomorrow. She has to take the car in on Monday but at least we'll get back to a routine.

    I've got job hunting and scrapbooking to do!

    Off to finish cooking lunch. Have a nice day ladies!
  • Posted and then accidentally hit "undo" on my iPad sooooo yeah, I'm not that exciting to retype it all with my index finger Checking in! OP and such! Hope you have a great night!
