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cottagebythesea 03-03-2012 07:49 AM

SBD Weekend Chat for 3/3-3/4
:coffee2: Finally! Life on a farm sure keeps one busy. There are other chores that need doing before I can settle down with my wake-up brew, unless I want to get up at 4am, and that's so not happening.

It's a very foggy and rainy morning here, so the girls won't be going on the Fox Hunt. Audrey is up, watching TV, and Maggie is still in bed, but I'll let them decide how we're going to spend our day. I think Amber is going to come out later and spend the night, but we may get her earlier and go to the mall or the movies.

Audrey declared last night's dance "The best night of my life", and even I had a good time. The noise level was over the top, though, and I woke up with a pounding headache in the middle of the night. Advil took care of that.

So what's happening on this Saturday morning? :cofdate:

Ruthxxx 03-03-2012 08:03 AM

Passing Cottage some Newman's. So glad the chaperone job wasn't horrible. I would have just taken out my hearing aids to dim the noise. (There are advantages to getting older!) Not a good day for fox hunting around here either.

Big NSV yesterday when I blew the bundle on new clothes and discovered I can now wear Size 12 pants! Big cleanout of any pants 16 and over is going to happen today. Being a bit of a frugal Franny, I won't pitch tops as I still have my boobs. I even got a pair of black jeans and am hoping to be able to sit down in them by summer!

One bad thing happened yesterday. On my way home from town, my car acted weird and I limped into the garage which was a half mile away. When I parked the rest of the transmission fluid poured out. My wonderful lads fixed the problem, refilled the liquid and I was on my way in 45 minutes! What a great bunch!

The usual Saturday niggles today and I'll also do some advance prep for tomorrow's Girls & Kids dinner. We are expecting high winds so I may move the car out of the barn in case a tree blows down in the lane and blocks me in.

On we go with the first March weekend. What's happening in your part of the Beach? :cofdate:

Lexxiss 03-03-2012 08:05 AM

Good Morning:sunny:

Hi Linda! Life on my farm sure keeps me busy, too, ...the "funny farm". :lol:

I've gotta dash...it's DH's BD today so we've been sipping coffee and enjoying the morning before I head to work (in 8 min). I have a healthy day planned with my packed lunch.

Have a great day everyone and I hope all our beachers are faring well with the scary weather!

ETA-Hi Ruth~I'm glad your road incident wasn't more serious. Great nsv! KEEp truckin!

WaistingTime 03-03-2012 08:23 AM

Hi, chicks! I've been here, just not posting every day. I'm wondering if I am spending too much time focused on "diet" and related stuff between being online here and reading so many blogs. I might cut back some. Not to mention my life is so boring I often have nothing to say! And I'm rather frustrated with myself that it is March already and I haven't manage to be serious enough about my eating to take of my holiday gain :( Okay... I'm off for some green tea. BBL.... Have a great weekend, all.

cottagebythesea 03-03-2012 08:23 AM

Thanks for the Newman's, Ruthie! All Cindy has here is Starbucks French Roast, and it's just OK. My Kuerig has totally spoiled me. :p
Congratulations on moving on down to a size 12! Woohoo!!! Did you go to Kilgore's to blow your clothing budget? ;) I'm glad you got off easy with your car, as it sounds like it could have been much worse. It seems we both got lucky with our car adventures this week. :)

Happy Birthday to Kirk, Debbie! Have the cook at work make him a special birthday cupcake to celebrate. :D

Anyone else up? I know Cyndi is out there somewhere.

MissusTaterHead 03-03-2012 08:33 AM

Good morning everyone!

We got very lucky yesterday and got away with just a little rain. There is a lot of heavy damage, though, elsewhere in the state and it worries me that there may be more to come. Last year was the heaviest tornado season I can remember and this unseasonably warm weather creeps me out, it just screams tornado to me. We are all okay though this time and I'm grateful for that.

Ruth, congratulations on your new pants size!! That is always exciting! I envy your boobs, mine are always the first to go.

I need to do some shopping for my trip today. I was hoping to wait until I lost another couple of pounds, but the trip has really snuck up on me. I have to look for a bathing suit, too. Always a fun time. Thinking I may need my first P2 red wine when I get home! Anyone know if brown wine is allowed? The kind we brew here in Kentucky? In big oak barrels? My favorite wine by far!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

CyndiM 03-03-2012 08:47 AM

Good morning :coffee2: it's ice pelleting here this morning and heavy piles of snow are falling off the roof, very noisy but usually harmless. Looks like all our snow will melt away in the next few days. That works for me!

Cottage - Yup, I'm around but running back and forth to the computer in the mornings :) Meds, DW's breakfast, cats, laundry and I haven't even thought about my own breakfast yet. I like to peek in when I am in the kitchen to see what everyone is up to.
So glad the chaperone experience was good and how nice that Audrey had such a good time. When do you return home?

Ruth - congratulations! Hope all goes well with the winds.

Debbie - good morning, please tell DH I am sending happy birthday wishes :) Hope you've got a few minutes for you tucked into that busy weekend somewhere.

Karen- It's always nice to see you in the morning :)

Missus - Glad you made it through the storms. I've never heard of brown wine. I do drink white in the summer, just one glass in the evening. IMO if there's no sugar added (wine beverages are bad news) I assume a glass would be okay. I think preference is given to red because of the heart benefits but I've never had problems with my summer white wine.

Yesterday was a big day around here. Julie went to work for 3 hours, first time since the first week of December. She did really well and is feeling good today, so hoping this is a sign of things to come. This week she will do 2 treatments and work 3 4-hour shifts. She isn't driving yet and I'm still making and managing all her food at home and food to take to work along with all her meds, but it's huge progress. :crossed: hoping she can start to eat more food soon too, but we're just taking it as it comes and happy for this progress.

I've got a full weekend of chores, as usual. Not sure how I let the laundry go but that's top on my list. It's warming up today but I don't think we will get any sun. I'm looking forward to some warmer, sunny days soon.

cottagebythesea 03-03-2012 08:59 AM

Good morning, Karen, MissusTaterHead, & Cyndi! :wave:

I've never heard of brown wine, either. It sounds intriguing. What's in it?

Cyndi, I'm so glad that Julie is on the mend and making good progress. Cindy & Richard are due home late tomorrow, so I can go home then. I'm hoping for Monday off, so I can catch up on everything at my own house, although Jake tells me he has everything under control. I am kind of glad to be out there with the bathroom reno going on, though. ;)

MissusTaterHead 03-03-2012 09:18 AM

Cyndi and Cottage--I was talking about bourbon!

Ruthxxx 03-03-2012 11:21 AM

:lol: I knew that! For a minute, I thought it was moonshine or good old mountain dew!

Donna is here to clean and I'm trying to persuade her to vacuum before the power goes out again. The tub is full of flush water and I just refilled the Keurig and then realized, no water means no power. Duh!

Time to tidy the studio and do some sorting before Donna hits there. I have to get a gift wrapped for a wedding reception tonight. The young couple next door got married in Jamaica last month and the reception is tonight. I've got gift card for flowers for their yard and will also give a certificate for free shopping escort with advice. I'm pretty sure they'll appreciate it and it does feel more personal than the usual money in a card. Leanna has what I call a pale green thumb but she loves to garden and it will get greener with experience. She's only 21.

Still no trees down although the dog yard is littered with small branches from the big pine. I'd better get those picked up before the doggage have gum in their coats!

And then there's lunch!

TwynnB 03-04-2012 07:20 AM

Good morning chicks!

Ruth - congrats on the pants size....WOO HOO!!

Cottage - what's your Keurig flavor this morning?

Debbie - I just realized....your DH bday was yesterday, and yours is today. That mean he'll NEVER forget yours, right?!?! Hope you have a fabulous birthday!

Karen - so glad you peeked in. My life is boring too ;).

Cyndi - how is DW feeling today? Hope it didn't wear her out too bad.

MissTatur - LOL on the bourbon! How did your shopping trip go?

Good morning, y'all. I have a purring kitten next to me, and the house is quiet (!!!). I ate well the past couple days, and hope to continue that for a while. Today - church in a bit, and then who-knows-what. We'll see what the DH has on tap.

Hope you have a great one! The coffee is strong this morning!

Ruthxxx 03-04-2012 07:24 AM

Me again, Sleepyheads! I was out until one last night and had a really good time - even danced. The reception was fun with lots of folks I knew. I managed the whole night on a single drink of Scotch. (The bartender was most cooperative and kept serving me "the usual" which was diet gingerale.) There was a snowstorm happening and I was sure glad to feel safe driving home in it.

Church this morning and then I'll get dinner organized. Donna helped me put a leaf in the table - now to find and iron a table cloth! An oval table is hard to "dress"! So far it's four adults and six kids plus three dogs but that could change. School tomorrow so all will be quiet here by 9. Fun times!

Check out the new recipes - looking good and I have lots of inspiration for a healthy week.

WaistingTime 03-04-2012 08:19 AM

Good morning!

I probably shared that my husband is on a new eating plan that pretty much conflicts with SBD. As a result, we are rarely having meals together and I've been feeling a bit guilty about not cooking for him since that was one of the few things I did, although maybe not so well. Last night I made Vegan Barley and Lentil Pilaf with Mushrooms and Spinach and thought I'd share because we both thought it was pretty tasty and I know there are some vegetarians on here. I did have to go to several stores to find the ingredients:(

Been spending hours on ancestry.com this weekend. Mostly I'm still copying stuff I got years ago from a distant cousin I never met.

VermontMom 03-04-2012 08:34 AM

good morning! sorry I missed saying hello yesterday. I know I shouldn't let relatively small things throw me off track, but on my way home Friday, I think a tie rod or ball joint or something 'went' on my car at 45 mph :eek: and I was lucky that it dragged me to the right side instead into oncoming cars. Had it towed to a local garage but they are closed all weekend so I'm fretting about what is wrong, how much it will be, how long without a car...I'm leading up to a diet digression of chocolate (my first in 32 days or so)

Back on track diet wise but feeling blah due to snow, car worries.

Ruth - CONGRATS on being down a pants size!! :carrot:

and a big hi to everyone else :)

CyndiM 03-04-2012 08:56 AM

Good morning :coffee2: Well we had more snow yesterday and it never really warmed up much so looks like the snow will stick around another few days. As long as it doesn't invite friends I guess we can coexist.

Heidi - So nice to see you posting around here :) Hope all is well.

Twynn - the amazing thing is Friday didn't wear her out at all! She didn't even nap yesterday. Hoping this is a sign of improvements to come.
Strong coffee is the only way to start the day!

Ruth - what a fun evening! Find any good recipes? I'm planning on making that new salad Twynn posted, have everything but the feta.

Karen- That looks yummy, I might have to add that to the week.

Holly :eek: glad you are okay. that's so scary. I know what you mean, even though I know that chocolate or a cookie won't actually fix anything the little voice in my brain still insists it will :dizzy: All we can do is jump back on and work on resisting it next time.

Usual weekendy stuff around here. I've got some errands, grocery shopping, a little more laundry and cleaning to do. I'm going to make myself a success checklist again. I did that quite awhile back when I was having trouble getting back on track and it really helped. Hope it works again. Too many of my good habits have slipped away the last few months and it's more than time to get them back.

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