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Ruthxxx 12-28-2011 06:22 AM

SBD Chat - Wednesday, December 28
Good morning and here it is Hump Day. I've had such a relaxing two days that the Hump seems non-existent! I actually went out of the house for a while yesterday and shifted stuff around in the barn, just because I was feeling sluggish. Had a nap with the dogs - that's two days in a row. They are in seventh heaven.

There's not much on the schedule today but I need to crank things up or I'll be overwhelmed when reality strikes. I may ease into real life by picking up the Mill mail and doing some end of the year accounting. Tonight I am going to a Chinese feast at John and Rob's place which should be fun. They live just out of town and John is picking me up so I don't need to drive. Night driving is becoming more difficult and he knows I hate it. It's so nice to have considerate friends.

So ... are you back to real life or still in holiday mode? :coffee:

cottagebythesea 12-28-2011 06:36 AM

SBD Wednesday 12/28 Chat
Coffee's on! Can you smell it? :coffee2:

I've been up a while to get the laundry started and do a few other things accomplished this morning. It seems once I sit down in with my laptop, I don't get anything else done. ;)

I think I'll take the girls ice skating today, and we'll see if my GD, Amber, would like to join us. I must call my hairdresser to see if can squeeze us in later this afternoon, as we all need trims badly.

The coffee's really good. Who'd like a cup? :coffee:

CyndiM 12-28-2011 06:37 AM

Good morning :coffee2:

Ruth - I'm so glad you've had a couple of relaxing days after all the business. I bet Jazz and Disney are thrilled to have so much of your time :) Luna, Julie's cat, is always so happy when Julie naps during the day. How nice to have a ride to the dinner party.

Another day, hoping for continued improvement. I so want DW to make it home for New Year's Eve :crossed: Yesterday was another good day. They have a massage program at the hospital and she got a neck & shoulder massage. It was the best 2 hours sleep I've seen her have. The nurse is adding her to the list for more of those :) I'm hoping to meet with a nutritionist to help plan out a thickened liquid diet, because I'm sure that's what she will be on when she first comes home. I know lots of protein but I think she will need extra fat too, to slow down the carb absorption so she doesn't get blood sugar spikes. Once again my experience with SBD is proving useful in ways I never expected!

Time to get moving. I want to get a couple of things done here before I head up. Happy holiday week hump day

Lexxiss 12-28-2011 06:47 AM

Good Morning:sunny:

Hi Ruth! I'm glad you've been able to kick back and enjoy the holidays. Your naps with the pups sound fantastic and the sound of a Chinese feast is very appealing.

Linda, your ice skating sounds fun today. It is one of my most memorable activities from childhood. Enjoy your coffee while it lasts!

Cyndi, I was thinking about you two this morning. Having all your nutritional education is such a plus right now. With your Vitamix you'll be set when Julie gets home....and hopefully very soon.

I've been juggling both the real world and holiday mode. Two days of work were quite hectic but worked just fine with my pocketbook. They decided not to go to the movies last night (thank goodness) so I came home and took a nap before going over to "hang". Today is Dim Sum, my nephews favorite from our years in Hong Kong. Although not "OP" I've learned to be very care-ful there.

Have a good day everyone!

cottagebythesea 12-28-2011 06:49 AM

Good morning, Ruthie! A Chinese feast at Rob and John's sounds like so much fun! And that's really thoughtful of them to give you a ride. You have good friends. :hug:

Cyndi, I hope Julie continues to improve and be well enough to be home by New Year's Eve. That's wonderful that the hospital offers the patients massages.


:wave: Debbie! Enjoy your Dim Sum party!

Chelby29 12-28-2011 07:13 AM

Happy Wednesday. I finally figured out how to program the new coffee maker and woke up to freshly ground coffee. Yum!

Ruth, Yesterday was tough at work because of the lovely naps I had 4 days in a row. There is nothing better than a nap. :)

Linda, Ice skating -- I'd break an arm!

Cyndi, I hope Julie gets to go home soon!

Debbie, What movie were you going to see? Auston wants to see TinTin.

My MIL's housekeeper quit, right when we need her the most. I'm thinking of calling the home-health agency to see if they have any suggestions. She wants someone to come twice a week now, which is an odd request, as her last housekeeper only came once a week. Linda, was your mom afraid of/uncomfortable with being alone?

It was a good day in the office. I took the leftover seafood gumbo and my coworkers slurped it up. :D One more thing out of my house! Friday night, we are going to friends for dinner. They have 5 kids and are getting the rest of the candy! I'm ready for a week of clean phase 1.

TwynnB 12-28-2011 07:30 AM

Good morning chick friends!

Ruth - the slower days sound delightful, and your Chinese dinner with personal driver sounds great!

Cottage - Ice Skating sounds fun!! Do you put some skates on too?! I want pictures of everyone!

Cyndi - bless your heart honey, you're a trooper. You and Julie are in my thoughts and prayers. She is lucky to have someone so devoted to her!

Lexiss - Is today a little less hectic for you then?

Chelby - I'm very sad now. No one else likes to take naps in my house, so I feel horribly guilty and rarely get one. ANd you get one FOUR DAYS IN A ROW?!?! Oh my, am I JEALOUS!!!

I'm sitting here sipping delightful coffee, hearing the little kitten terrorize every piece of fluff in the room :D. Pretty soon it is time to wake the kids up, then a half day at work. I'm hoping to go on a trail run today, although I need to start shorter and work my way back up. It'll be cold, but that's okay!!

And chelby - I think you'll have to start a phase I thread next week, I bet there will be a lot of us joining you!!

cottagebythesea 12-28-2011 07:44 AM

Chelby, Mom never has those "afraid to be alone" issues since Dad is always there. In fact, sometimes I think she'd prefer to have some time to herself, as he's around too much. ;) I hope the agency can recommend a reliable source to clean for her.

Twynn, bundle up well for that run today! It's cold and windy out there!

weezle 12-28-2011 01:17 PM

Hi Girls,

Hopping back onto the beach next week. The last few weeks have really done me in. I was down to 114, then gained plenty - sitting at 120 now. Trying my best to behave but I know what's in store for me this week too. Making wiser decisions than I NORMALLY would in such situations, at least... right? :D ? But the holidays kill me every year. At least I'm still down 16 lbs from this time last year.....

Very much looking forward to some wholesome foods though. I'm struggling with "leftovers guilt" - all the unhealthy leftovers in the fridge. I don't want to keep eating unhealthy food, but I also don't want to throw out food that others spent time and money preparing and I could live off of all week long. I've been trying to eat in moderation, at least, watching my calories.

Next Monday we're hitting the store and buying healthy stuff for me. I'm not making anyone else eat it, but I told Anna that she's more than welcome to help herself to it, and Chris too (but we know he won't.) :lol3:

Alright, just thought I'd warn everyone. ;) Hope you're all having a great week!


jenne1017 12-28-2011 06:47 PM

Evening everyone,

Feels like the meds are working so I am in better spirits after a long sleep!

Ruth - so glad you are having a nice couple of days! Here is to hoping there are more of those!

Cottage - how was ice skating? I haven't been in so long!!! Sounds like fun.

Cyndi - so glad DW is on the mend. I think you need a massage too!

Debbie - Dim Sum sounds yummy!

Chelby - we found our housekeeper on Facebook as a recommendation. Might be worth a try?

Twynn - what kind of coffee? I got some yummy K Cups for Xmas and am so excited about trying all new flavors/types!

Weezle - Welcome back!

As for me, I think tomorrow is going to be my hunker down and work day - I need to figure out my presentation (have I mentioned a whopping 60 people registered for my session?!?! I am sooo nervous now! I figured, 25 at max), fix an agenda for Cali and send out registration reminders. Next week is MO and the week after if CA. I was supposed to go for a chest xray today but I slept through it. I haven't slept for more than 3 hours at a time for some time now so I went with it...

Have a good night all!

Mmckellen 12-28-2011 08:59 PM

I posted a long post earlier but it never made it up. Now I'm too tired to recreate it! See everyone tomorrow, hopefully, although I have to get up early (sigh).

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