Heading into the kitchen to make P1D1 breakfast!

  • Here we go! Gonna weigh myself on wii fit to make sure my starting weight is recorded (think I might be more than 177 even gulp)

    Going to make eggs with some ff cheese tossed in and onions and then 2 slices of turkey bacon.
  • Good luck!!!
  • thanks! So far the day is going well! Going to make up dinner soon and some egg muffins for the week too
  • You're on the right track! It's good to have things pre-made that way you are never starving and searching for a quick meal.
  • I sure hope so! I am remaining positive that I can do this as long as I stay prepared!!!
  • Trust me you'll do fine. There is a possibility that you may be a little tired and have a headache the 1st few days as your body detox's from all the sugar and other bad stuff. But after that you'll be fine. I totally avoided the "south beach flu" and this is the 2nd time I'm doing it so you may be lucky as well.
    I was never hungry and didn't really have cravings. You'll be surprised how much you won't miss the junk.
  • An option for down the track if you're time poor or lazy (like me!) is to have some yoghurt - 1/2 cup of natural or greek - for breakfast, if you've run out of prepared breakfast options like the vegetable fritattas. Good luck! I'm cheering for you =)
  • thanks! I do have 3 plain no fat greek yogurts in the fridge but no idea what I would do to them to make them edible as I tried one plain last week and BLECH......all I can think is that I will make them into a savoury dip option which I am not sure I could do in the mornings haha....I will be thankful to be on phase 2 where i can have my steel cut oats in the mornings!
  • add some sugar free syrup to the yogurt Pear Fairy. Or sprinkle in some crystal light...not sure how much...just add to taste. I buy the sugar free coffee syrups (like what they use at espresso stands), those go very well with yogurt for phase 1 and beyond...plus there's a ton of different flavors to choose from.
  • Oh awesome ideas thank youuuu!!!
  • Phase 2 option: I recently started buying Fage plain greek yogurt and mixing in 2 or 3 TBS of frozen blueberries and one packet of Sweet and Low. It tastes amazing and is high in protein.