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Lexxiss 09-15-2011 04:12 AM

SBD Daily Chat, Thursday, Sept 15
Good Morning:sunny:

I'm managing insomnia...oh well. Perhaps some coffee and a few tasks accomplished while I'm awake...then a little more rest a bit later.

We've had some good news! We've found a full price buyer for a piece of property in Ak. which is going to have a hefty sewer/water assessment added onto it next year (35K). Our buyer is committed to preserving it for moose habitat which is joyous news.

Fall is in full force here and I'm feeling confident with my food plan as life has calmed down quite a bit. After much thought, I've decided to commit to a 2 week P1.5. I've been happily maintaining and I don't have cravings, yet know this will restart my weightloss. I've been dabbling in too many of the foods I know stall my WL. I'll keep fruit in my morning smoothie, yet follow all the other P1 principles. DH is onboard, saying he'll be very flexible and supportive, which always helps. I think I'm ready to proceed downward to my first goal weight.

On the exercise side, I logged my 600th mile on my bike last week and think I can get to 1000 before next Summer season. Yesterday, Kirk and I recommitted to a short but vigorous hike each morning while we're here and weather permits. We had ceased, with our old pup issues, but now that it's just Bing we have no excuse. We headed up the hill yesterday and I was gratified to cruise up without much effort. When we walked this trail years ago it was all I could do to get up it, with numerous breaks.

So that's my current story, in a nutshell. What's happening in your world today? Stop by and say hi! :cofdate:

Ruthxxx 09-15-2011 05:29 AM

Good morning, Debbie. We could have shared the coffee pot this morning. I was up around four but forced myself to try for more sleep but it didn't work. (It didn't help that a friend and I sat and sipped wine last night and snacked our way through a whole batch of recently dried peaches! Lots of water on the menu today.)

It's raining pretty hard right now - the strange noise in the cellar was the sump pump turning on. We certainly need rain so I'm not too upset although I had planned some garden stuff today. I did some harvesting yesterday - Savoy and red cabbages, more tomatoes and 14 eggplants! The eggplants aren't huge so I may stuff them. Somewhere I have a recipe for Italian pickled eggplant slices. I also have to bake for a poetry reading tomorrow night so I'll manage without being outside today.

Since I nibbled so mindlessly last night, today must be a clean eating day so I am off to make a green monster. Happy Thursday to us all.

CyndiM 09-15-2011 06:06 AM

Good morning early friends :coffee2: I was hoping to sleep in until 6:30 but an early morning storm had other plans. Once I'm up to check windows it's a lost cause. I'm sure there will be a second pot of coffee, maybe even before lunch.

Debbie - Great news on that property!
You have done such a great job maintaining. Good luck with that next goal. 600 miles is impressive too! You really are an inspiration. I love reading about your journey. I've learned so much from your thoughtful steps forward.

Ruth - Dried peaches are my weakness too. I actually put the batch I did recently in the freezer hoping I'd just grab a few at a time. We will see how that works.

We have frost in the forecast this weekend so all the basil has to come out today or tomorrow. It was my most successful crop. I've got Thai, lemon, purple and genovese basil out there. I also have 8 butternut squashes on my plant. I never grew one before so that's exciting :) Yesterday I made a quart of salsa to culture and today I'm going to make a quart of Cortido. Figured I'd try two different recipes to see if I like it. Of course the dehydrator will be running too.

The rain will keep me inside so I'm starting my very serious cleaning and decluttering project. My goal is to have the place very clean and organized before DW's surgery.

I'm still wondering when I'll have all that free time I imagined :)

cottagebythesea 09-15-2011 06:41 AM

I hope you gals didn't drink all the coffee! :coffee:

Debbie, that's an impressive log, and I'm sure you'll make it to 1000 by summer with your determination! Also, that's great news about a buyer for your property, what a relief! Have yourself a great OP day! BTW, did you catch Survivor last night? Looks like another good season. :)

Ruth, it sounds like you had a good time with your friend last night. ;) I have a freezer full of dehydrated peaches, but I'm saving them for the long, cold winter when I long for the taste of summer. Enjoy your stay-at-home rainy day!

Cyndi, we had a lot of thunder and lightening last night, but it all went around us for a change. I guess it was on it's way up to you and Ruth. Your day sounds very pleasant and satisfying, enjoy!

I can take my time going in this morning since the girls are going on the Fox Hunt with Cindy. They'll be back around 10, and then I'll have to get them cleaned up and drive them to school. The rest of the day will be spent making canapes for a big meeting tonight and spiffing up the house.
I'm looking forward to my long weekend, and Saturday Jake and I are going to Cape May! :D

TwynnB 09-15-2011 07:46 AM

Wow, I think I got worn out just reading Cyndi's post!

Just shoved the kids out the door. They were a bit boisterous, until I cut my finger on the immersion blender (idiot) and made a mild screaming noise. The finger is okay, and at least it got the kids motivated! The smoothie, however, with the homemade granola, was delish! (and the kids tried my homemade granola...needless to say, I need to make more!)

I need to get several things online before I get to work today. Enjoy your coffee!

Chelby29 09-15-2011 08:00 AM

Good Morning, Chickies!

Debbie, My sweet hubby is on board with me, too. It really makes all the difference.

Ruth, I haven't tried dried peaches. They sound really yummy!

Cyndi, Homemade salsa is one of my favorite things. My family won't eat Pace any more.

Cottage, Where is Cape May?

Twynn, It's amazing how a little blood can get our kids' attention! :D

I went to the doctor yesterday. She put me on 50mcg of generic Synthroid. The hardest part will be taking the pill on an empty stomach and not having anything for an hour -- including coffee. Yes, I'm addicted.

She also gave me a prescription for Adipex. I didn't get it filled yet. The Jazzerciser in me is scared of it. Do any of you have any experience with it, good or bad?

Thank you, Madam Moderator, for fixing my double post. :)

WaistingTime 09-15-2011 08:47 AM

Good morning.

Debbie - Yeah! And I'm with you on 1.5. I've been struggling since my road trip. So, cut out grains again. Kudos on the riding and your being in hiking condition:)

Ruth - I love dried peaches but have never had ones homemade and image they are just delicious. Sigh.

Cyndi - I'd love to have a frost to kill the ragweed! It's cool here, but not THAT cool. What's Cortido?

Linda - Your little charges lead such a different and exciting life.

Twynn - Ouch! I'd ask for you to share the granola recipe but suspect I'd go a bit overboard snacking on it.

Chelby - I'm envious; I wish my husband was with me. Last night he sat next to me watching a movie with his big bag of candy. I hope the medicines work for you. Why are you worried about Adipex?

It's pretty cool here today so DH and I plan to ride bikes this afternoon. Suddenly it's fall! Yesterday we booked flights back to LA to visit my son for Parent's Weekend in October. We'd been debated driving again since we figured the cost was a wash. But I'd been watching airfares almost daily and it paid off. One day drop in price and back up again the next. Crazy. So now I think I'll start doing that for when my boys fly home at Thanksgiving but doubt those will come down. The cost then is sooo much higher! Eating has been good; I'm doing much better without grains for now.

Lexxiss 09-15-2011 09:12 AM

Well I did manage to get back to sleep, finally, and now it's more than time to get going!

Karen, enjoy your bike ride! Great that you found good prices on tickets!

Chelby, glad your hubby is onboard...seems he wasn't a few year back. It does make a difference.

Twynn, homemade granola sounds great, but think I'll steer clear, too. drat.

Linda, there is always more coffee. :lol: Ooh, a weekend trip, how fun! Yes, I did watch Survivor. It will be fun.

Cyndi, I've learned lots from you, too! It sounds like your day can be counted as exercise!

Ruth, I'm surprised we didn't cross paths this morning. Cheers to clean eating today!

Ok, off to hiking! :wave: to everyone else!

Have a great day!

Pearlrose 09-15-2011 09:15 AM

Good morning,

Debbie, that is great your hubby is onboard my husband is always bringing all kinds of sweets in the house and he really needs to be onboard with me. That is great you are doing so well logging Miles.

Ruth- those peaches sound delish

Cyndi- It's 48 degrees this morning so we are still not having frost here.

Cottage- we didn't have lightening it just rained all day yesterday, very gray day. Enjoy your leisurely morning

Tywnn- glad your finger was minor your granola sounds great but I would snack on it too much as well

Chelby- Today was day 2 for 30 Day Shred I have done it before so it wasn't that bad this time around. My sides are sore but that is actually from doing Turbo Jam Cardio yesterday. Yea for knowing it was time to switch it up. If you don't me asking why did the doctor prescribe those for you?

Karen- It definitely pays to monitor the fares that is for sure.

I have a stupid lingering cough that does not want to go away- have had this for two weeks now. Other than that I feel fine. I think I am mentally getting in the game, I have started feeling much better this week and making better choices for food. I sure hope I see something on the scale when I weigh in on Saturday.

Have a great day everyone

jenne1017 09-15-2011 09:19 AM


Debbie - pour me a cup too, will ya? Congrats on 600!!!
Ruth - we had downpours last night, stay dry!
Cyn - send me some basil!!! I am sooo jealous!
Cottage - have fun this weekend :)
Twynn - hope the finger is ok!
Chelby - DW has to take a pill and not eat. She's an early bird and it's hard for her too, but she does it every morning!
Karen - a bike ride sounds fabulous! it's cooled here too but no time to do so until this weekend
Pearl - Hope you feel better! Maybe the Dr. is in order if it's been 2 weeks?

As for me, I ate a huge salad last night and have one for today and am on the way out of my office to get some coffee to have with my Fage yogurt. I MADE myself go to the store last night and I am glad I did. Though, with lunch I forgot my tuna. Luckily, I have back-up at work!

Dinner tonight out with board members is going to be challenging. as was being -$ in our checking account and not being able to do the BIG food shopping we needed to do. I just have to nest. In 3 weeks, I've spent a whopping 4 days in the new place. I need to make it a home!!!

Ok, I'm outtie for coffee!

Chelby29 09-15-2011 09:55 AM

Pearl, Not sure which pill you are asking about. The Synthroid is because my thyroid number was high, and the up-take was low. And, I have a small goiter. The Adipex... I've gained 40 pounds in the past two years. My lifestyle changed dramatically. I went from an active SAHM/Jazzercise Instructor to a sit-on-my-butt-in-front-of-a-computer secretary with NO exercise. My doctor said the Adipex would fire up my metabolism. I'm scared the diet pill will raise my (normal) heart-rate and blood pressure. I'm scared I'll lose weight, then regain it all when I quit taking it and my metabolism crashes. Is that silly? What I actually want is a quick fix, magic pill, and I know that's not reality. <sigh....>

southmplsgirl 09-15-2011 09:56 AM

Good morning! Well I'm officially under 160 as of this morning. Can't recall the last time that was the case! I'm thrilled.

Last night we had a game night at my sister's house. It was our first taste of p2 foods with some apple cut into our salad and some carrots and sweet potatoes in the pot roast. It was tasty!

On the schedule today is work from 12:30 to close tonight. Not much I need to take care of before that so I'll probably just relax and home and enjoy some coffee time. It almost feels like I should turn on the heat, but I think I'll hold off.

Wow, Debbie! When did you purchase the bike? Glad you fell back asleep!

Ruth, what are you baking for the poetry reading?

Cyndi, I would consider 8 butternut squash plants as a very successful first crop!

Cottage, I'm sure the grass is always greener on the other side, but your job sounds like so much fun! Do you enjoy it?

Morning, Twynn, glad your finger is okay!

Chelby - never heard of Adipax, what is it??

Karen - a trip to LA sounds fantastic! Is your son at UCLA?

Pearl - sorry you are still feeling so sick! I second that maybe a visit to the doc could be helpful.

Jenne - you sure do need to nest! Enjoy settling into your new place. Are you liking the shorter commute?

sophie 09-15-2011 02:35 PM

Hi chickies,

Nice to see all the old familiar chicks but so many have changed their avatar that I had to look twice, and nice to meet some new ones.

DH and I am back from our trip to Paris and Alsace/Lorraine last night and I am so surprised that I don't have jetlag yet but maybe it will hit this afternoon. What a great time we had. I weighed myself this morning and stayed the same sort off, I was down to 162 before we left. All that walking and going up and down the stairs in the metro(subway) sure helped as the croissants were delicious. Anyways, DD and grandson are still here and that keeps me busy but I am back on the wagon because at the end of Oct. I am going to Montreal and will see some friends that I haven't seen for over 40 years. I hope to post a couple of pictures soon with DS help.
Nice to be back.
take care

jenne1017 09-15-2011 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by southmplsgirl (Post 4033615)
Jenne - you sure do need to nest! Enjoy settling into your new place. Are you liking the shorter commute?

As it turns out, it's not truly shorter. Maybe by 10 minutes and no transfers. Unless I miss my stop, which is what I did yesterday ;)

Desiroo 09-15-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by southmplsgirl (Post 4033615)
Good morning! Well I'm officially under 160 as of this morning. Can't recall the last time that was the case! I'm thrilled.

AWESOME JOB:hug: I'm so excited for YOU!!!

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