New to this site and hoping this community will help me finally reach my goals!

  • Hello everyone I wanted to introduce myself. I am a 36 year old mom of 2 from Chicago. I have just started South Beach and am doing pretty well 3 days in. I have gained weight slowly over the years. I guess my biggest problem is that I was eating like a teenager, and if any of you are from Chicago you know how great our food is great and not real healthy! I guess I am realizing that now that I am older my body is changing and I just cant eat cheese fries on a regular basis! There is no junk food worth this extra weight. I want to feel better about my body, and I really need my confidence back. I have tried WW several times in the past and it has worked, but I only last about a month and then I am back to my old ways. I am hoping that South Beach will be the lifestyle that I can stick to.
  • Welcome Tinabina. I'm from WI originally, so I know of the junk you are referring to. Good luck, I hope it's a good match. I have found it dramatically decreases my food cravings when I follow the plan.
  • Hi! I'm 37 with two kids as well. Also, I've been on and off WW for YEARS! I would lose then gain it all back, or start WW then stall out and pay at the meetings to see my weight go up. It was ridiculous. I'm on Day 12 of Phase 1 and I've lost more so far than I did in months on WW. Welcome!!!
  • Nice to meet you. I'm another who has done WW. I so much prefer not having to count points
  • to The Beach, Tina! I've been to Chicago and know how good the food is, especially with a Garrett's on every corner, LOL!
    I'm glad you've decided to join us here and look forward to hearing your successes and getting to know you.
  • Love the deep dish pizza in Chicago! Welcome. I love SB and have been way more successful than the gazillion times I joined WW.
  • to our beach. Nice to meet you.
  • Welcome!!!!