How are we doing on our End of the Year goals?

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  • Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Are we on track for success? Did a few Turkey Day indulgences get in the way? Let's own our success and our weaknesses all in the name of supporting the others on this board who are going through the same thing.

    I had a goal of 15 lbs. total (bringing me to 169) by Christmas and another goal of 170 by Dec. 15 when we leave for vacation. I weighed in this morning at 173, so I'm hoping to get those few pounds off in the next two weeks.
  • Morning Zef, you are so close. If you put your mind to it, both goals are completely doable! Now for me, I am only looking at one goal and it is to weigh 270 (or less) by the beginning of the new year. That means I have to lose at least five more lbs by then. I'm pretty sure I can do it! Our goals are very similar, just a hundred lbs difference between 270 and 170
  • You've done so well, T&T! Great work this year
  • Well, I set an unrealistic goal from the start of being at 189 by new year's. That is most certainly not going to happen. I know that I can reach 199 by Christmas (which also puts me into the overweight category!) I would really like to reach that for our Disneyland trip on the 15th, which is possible but not probable. When I stick to plan, I usually lose 3 pounds a week, so we'll see how it goes.

    Unfortunately, Thanksgiving did set me back. Sadly, it wasn't even Thanksgiving itself (I behaved! I had three small baguette slices and one small piece of pie but everything else was on plan) But, my one little trip off plan somehow convinced me to spend the next three days eating anything I wanted.

    But, I'm committed again and hoping to see some good numbers for the rest of the year.

    You guys are so close!
  • I am not doing well. I want to see the 140s, and since I have been sick, I have not been planning, plus I have been having food aversions to eggs, and the turkey/cheese rolls I used to have as a staple. Time for a new plan.
  • Yeahhhh I can't believe it's December. Thanksgiving really messed with me, but I'm not discouraged. I'm hoping for 4 lbs by month-end, putting me in the 120's at least (by one pound, but still.) That's my realistic goal.
  • You can do it Zef! You're really really close.

    Thanksgiving went well for me, actually - I was down a pound after all the shenanigans. My goals are 127 by December 17 (going to VEGAS!) and 125 by New Year's, both of which should be attainable if I stay focused.
  • My goals are all behavior based. I'm down to my goal weight now (a couple of pounds under), so now I am working on overall fitness. I'm hoping to get 1000 minutes of excercise in in December. So far, PMS has put me off to a bad start, but I'll get back on.

    I also want to get back to good, solid meal planning, as I'm kind of in a rut right now meal wise. Hoping to get a good shopping trip in this weekend and make some kick*** veggie soups.

    Good luck with your goals ladies. I'm looking forward to NOT having dieting on my New Year's resolution list this time
  • Even with the 'bumps in the road' it sounds like everyone is on track now. Part of good goal setting is figuring out what's realistic and adjusting as needed.

    I'm not as close to my goal as I'd hoped to be by Dec. 2nd but I'm still hoping to hit "healty BMI" (140) by 1/1/11. There's just something about that date, I really, really want to make this big goal by then!
  • My goal was totally attainable until I managed to goof big time, gain close to 10 lbs, and now there is no way I will hit my goal that I set... But, live and learn and I am on track for success now!
  • My scale is broken (just bought a new one and haven't broken it out yet) but I think I have 9 pounds to go. Could be doable...I need to got on it!!!
  • One more goal that I've been thinking about but not sure I will be able to do it by the end of the year is...............I want to walk up "the hill" without stopping to take a break! Going to do it some day soon.
  • NOT DOING WELL. I have upped the exercise minutes, but the scale is being really mean to me right now. So far I am showing a SIX POUND GAIN since the beginning of November. I'm REALLY HOPING that is TOM weight.

    Zeffryn/Tall and Thin, you guys are almost there!!!!

    Everyone else, hang in there!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!! And as Usernametaken says, at least we won't have to "redo" our New Year's Resolutions
  • Quote: Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Are we on track for success? Did a few Turkey Day indulgences get in the way? Let's own our success and our weaknesses all in the name of supporting the others on this board who are going through the same thing.
    I've maintained my ongoing loss for a year now. At the end of 2010, I'll be within 2 or 3 pounds of where I was exactly a year ago, depending on how the scale decides to weigh on that day. I am 52 years old, and while still "overweight", I am healthier than I have ever been in my adult life. I am going to call that "on track for success".

    Owning my success and weakness??

    My successes are mainly in embracing this WOE as a lifestyle which I find more and more enjoyable AND sustainable with each passing day. I exercise every day. Even when the chips are down, I never give up. I get up the following morning and make a committment to stay OP, even if it takes a day or two to get refocused. I come visit here every single day, because I know that ya'll care.

    My weaknesses are very firmly rooted in emotional eating, and I have alot of emotional ups and downs as a caregiver for my aging mom, aging dog and my DH, who has ongoing life issues as a result of a very serious brain injury. I have seen improvement in my deeply rooted habits by working many suggested steps in the Beck Diet Solution.

    2011?? Keep on truckin'!
  • I might close be to my end of year goal, but pretty much for sure won't make it. At the beginning of 2010, I was more than 150 lbs and I said that by the end I wanted to be less than 130. I have come within 5 lbs of that, but last week saw some emotional eating, some sugar binges (which hasn't happened in ages - shows what I do when I am alone in someone else's house), just overall not sticking to my plan, so I was up a couple of pounds as of yesterday. WAY off track on the weight loss goal chart.

    I really feel unsuccessful at focusing on my weight. I am at a healthy BMI and some of my old clothes fit again so I am thinking that I am going to call whatever I am on 12/31/10 or 1/1/11 my maintenance weight and seriously focus on some behavioral issues rather than my elusive, somewhat arbitrary weight goal. But still I can't shake the feeling of failure that in one entire year I couldn't lose 20 lbs. Maybe this is more of a "featherweights" issue, and I never once blamed SBD for my lack of progress - it's my own lack of motivation/commitment/willpower/whatever. Anyway, I'm giving it one last push until the end of December to see if I can get my head on straight