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Lexxiss 10-23-2010 04:35 AM

Weekend Beach Chatter
Good Morning:sunny:

It's the weekend! I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone is doing since my days are all the same.:lol: Not much new here except that I thought it would snow last night and it didn't. I'm thrilled with the quiet here this morning and I'm working on canning a small batch of tomatoes that have ripened. Hmm....maybe I should have made salsa. Ahh...the big decisions in life.

I did great OP yesterday. I planned ahead for when DH started pulling out all the junk food and took my 3 books up to the bedroom, which so far seems to be a junk free zone. It worked and I went to sleep without much trouble.

What's everyone up to today? :cofdate: Stop and say hello! I may go to breakfast with my Mom and the boring crowd, then come home for another round of cleaning. :dancer:

Have a great day everyone!

Ruthxxx 10-23-2010 05:24 AM

Good morning. It looks like both my computer and I have survived to live another day. :lol: She gave me the dreaded "Primary Master Hard Disc Error" at Startup this morning but I somehow got around it. I'd feel much better if I had a laptop for back-up but the Mastercard is still convalescing from my trips. :(

Debbie, doesn't it feel good to get those crummy jobs out of the way! I am slowly tackling this crack house and am amazed at how much "stuff" I've got. There's a Yard Sale at one of our Churches next weekend so they will benefit. I even have a nearly new small TV and stand that was in H's room at the nursing home and he died two years ago! When you live by yourself, it's too easy to just ignore things. Watching "Hoarders" always gives me a jolt. ;)

It's going to be a rainy and cold day here again, a day when I'd love to quilt, sip coffee and listen to music. I do have to go out to take the mugs and bulletins to the Church and then will have the day to myself. I really should visit my friend Ernie who just had a hip replacement and may work that in this afternoon. I'll definitely do that so I don't feel like a sloth. (The apples are still not in the dehydrator! :nono: )

OK, Ruthie! Just get on with it.

Raising my coffee mug to toast you all and hoping for a bit of good excitement in your Saturday! :cofdate:

Lexxiss 10-23-2010 05:35 AM

Good morning, Ruth! Yes, get on with it! It is the only way. Those darned tomatoes had been staring at me all week. Now they're done until some more ripen. These old crack houses can hold an amazing amount of stuff, and then with the old windows we sure get alot of dust. I'd love to pull out my sewing machines but just can't until I get this stuff done. BTW-I have hoarding in my family line-my Sis and I are constantly pulling stuff out of my Mom's and Sis casually mentioned last week that Mom would be on one of those shows if not for us....it's not much of an exaggeration and big motivation for me to stay ahead of the game.

Thanks for the coffee toast and have a great day!

BelovedK 10-23-2010 06:19 AM

Good morning Debbie :) Good morning Ruth.

Ruth, enjoy your rainy day, it sounds cozy as long as you don't have to go out in it. Just get the one thing out of the way and come back and settle in for the day. I hope your computer is ok, make sure you are backed up!

Debbie, I hope yo have a great day :)

My ex H is a hoarder (mild, but messy) he recognizes it and struggles with it. I feel bad for my kids, but they need to spend time with their dad and it is no the unsanitary kind of hoarding, mostly piles of books and bags of stuff.

I am off to work bright and early. I'll stop for coffee first. I'm tired, woke up at 4:30 and just got up and did yoga and showered. I feel good, but tired.

I hate looking for a car, it seems like there is nothing out there that I like. I have to find one this weekend.

Lexxiss 10-23-2010 07:26 AM

Hi, BelovedK! Feeling good but tired...I can relate. Great getting some early morning yoga in. I do exercise in the am, but haven't gotten the hang of super early. I hope work is ok and that your car search is productive.

I've made breakfast for DH and gotten a curtain rod put up. I think I'll crawl back in and get warm while I wait for the sunrise.

Oh, forgot to mention...this was funny. I needed a gallon jug for storing chokecherry juice and I had a gal. agave container in the fridge that just had a few cups left. I found a organic mint tea bottle which I had cleaned and stashed, and put the remaining agave in it. DH never touches anything in the fridge so I thought it was safe. The next morn. there was some missing and he never said anything. When I asked, he said "what is that stuff??" He came downstairs in the middle of the night and was really thirsty....Ends up after he took the first swig, he took another because he couldn't figure it out. Talk about sweet! We got a good laugh!

Heidi58 10-23-2010 07:28 AM

Good morning ladies! :wave:

Beloved, I hope you find the perfect car today.

Debbie, we dodged snow, too. I guess the ground is white a little farther up the mountain but we only had flurries. I'm glad - I do love snowshoeing and x-country skiing, but I hate it when the kids have to wear boots and snowsuits to trick or treat.

Ruth, the churches around me have stopped doing yard sales (or rummage sales, as they call them here :)). I really miss them, they were my favorite way to get nice things that we weren't using out of my house. And there were always deadlines - get it to the church by this date or keep it.

I've got the usual weekend list to take care of today, laundry, housework and grocery shopping but other than that not much on my schedule. I'm looking forward to playing with my hoop some more (I'm really loving it, but I like it best when I'm home alone and can really crank up the music. I may end up taking a ride to the city to get some Christmas shopping done. I've got dated coupons and there are several really good sales going on this weekend. I just hate the drive. Oh well, I don't have to decide right now.

Oh, just read about poor Kirk's "mint tea" experience. Poor guy, I can't believe he took a SECOND swig! :rofl:

Enjoy your Saturday!

Ruthxxx 10-23-2010 07:51 AM

Happiness is putting your hand into the pocket of your warmest fall jacket and finding two $20 bills!

Heidi58 10-23-2010 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ruthxxx (Post 3534426)
Happiness is putting your hand into the pocket of your warmest fall jacket and finding two $20 bills!

:lol: TWO $20's? Wow! :lol:

cottagebythesea 10-23-2010 08:03 AM

Good morning everybody,

Jake and I both slept in and are getting a slow start this morning. It's nice to have a lazy morning, just sipping coffee and chatting. :coffee:

Ruth, I can picture you quilting away and listening to that great CD that you got in Cape Breton. A few of those songs are still in my head. :) I'm really enjoying the CDs that I bought, too.

Deb, that's a funny story about the tea! I would have loved to see the look on his face! :lol: Enjoy your day of cleaning, and I hope some fun is in your day.

Beloved, happy car shopping!

Heidi, the ground is white here this morning, but it's just frost, thank goodness. Have a good time Christmas shopping. I've been trying to do a little bit here and there so it doesn't get overwhelming. It seems like it's never too early to start, doesn't it?

I'm looking forward to my day. I'm meeting another Mod, Jiffypop, in the city for lunch, and my daughter and granddaughter will join us. Afterwards, Carley will be coming home with me to stay until Tuesday.
Well, I'd better go finished getting dressed and dry my hair!

Have a great day!

cottagebythesea 10-23-2010 08:05 AM

Wow, Ruth! What a nice surprise!

WaistingTime 10-23-2010 08:54 AM

Hey Chelby! I'll be thinking about you.

Linda - He did; thanks for asking. We are waiting to hear from the rental car company about the chip he got in the windshield the last day. I expect it will cost a lot:(

Beloved - :hug: There are so many hard parts of parenting and I suspect being divorced only makes it more complicated. What kind of car are you looking for?

Good morning Debbie. Snow?! You and Heidi... who will get it first?

Ruth - Do you have thing backed up to an external hard drive?

Heidi - I have a strange hoop question... do you swivel both directions or only one way? Does that make sense?

Okay, confession time. After a great run OP PH1 while hubby was gone, I ate crap for two days. Sigh. And I feel it. Ugh.

Now tonight we are going out to dinner at a Cajun place that has very little OP food. Tomorrow night we celebrate my mom's birthday but since DH and I are cooking the meal will have plenty of food for me and I just need to avoid dessert by SIL.

Yesterday's bike ride got cut short due to rain and I'm not sure yet if we'll got today. I wouldn't mind some boring elliptical so I can catchup on BL from weeks ago!

Have a great weekend everyone:)

Heidi58 10-23-2010 10:03 AM

Karen, I do much better going counter clockwise but I worry about not working both sides of my body evenly so I switch back and forth. I do a lot more picking the hoop up off the floor when I go clockwise though. :lol:

I have no idea if I NEED to go in both directions - I haven't found anything that says to. I think I've got this in my head because my wii fit makes me go in both directions. How's that for scientific? BelovedK, do you know?

Have you got a hoop? Or are you planning to make one? It was so easy and cheap. We made one for a friend last night.

jandaman 10-23-2010 10:21 AM

afternoon ladies! u all seem so productive today :) really inspired me to get my "niggles" done.

dear karen! we've all been there- boring workout on elliptical catching up on BL seems a great way to counteract crappy food relapse :)

soymilk sugarfree mochachinos for everyone as it's kaffeeklatsch time here.

WaistingTime 10-23-2010 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Heidi58 (Post 3534569)
Karen, I do much better going counter clockwise but I worry about not working both sides of my body evenly so I switch back and forth. I do a lot more picking the hoop up off the floor when I go clockwise though. :lol:

I have no idea if I NEED to go in both directions - I haven't found anything that says to. I think I've got this in my head because my wii fit makes me go in both directions. How's that for scientific? BelovedK, do you know?

Have you got a hoop? Or are you planning to make one? It was so easy and cheap. We made one for a friend last night.

I have a little obsession about being even when I exercise. My mom gets a lot of laughs out of that when we work out together. I am not sure I could hoop both ways but I know my obsessive self would feel the need to do if for balance.

rdw1 10-23-2010 11:47 AM

Good Morning Ladies! Hoping things settle for me soon! :) I miss you gals!

Today is our big Halloween party, I am sure excited but that means I have tons to do today! I need to be done by no later than 4 so I can get started on DH and I's costume and makeup, we're going to be zombies. First time I have been something gross and not a bit cute! LOL. Should be fun! Making lots of appetizers this afternoon and cleaning is all on the agenda before all of that! Hope you ladies have a great day!

Lexxiss 10-23-2010 12:15 PM

I DID go back to bed and now I remember why I don't do that...I've lost half a day, it seems.

Heidi, my intuition said both directions with the hula hoop and googling confirmed that. I'm sure left brain/right brain is involved, too. I looked and I guess I have a place I could hoop inside. I'm wondering if you decided to go shopping or not.

Ruth, Yay!:cp: for $$

Linda, have a fun lunch with everyone!

Karen, I hope you make it through this weekend as "OP as possible". :shrug:
it's much easier on my own. Remember when you were nervous that time that DH was gone. PS You can tell Mom that it is scientific to work both sides equally and you're not just being obsessive.

jandaman, yum mochachinos sound good!

Rikki, have fun with your party this evening. I remember your "cute" pic from last year-can't wait to see this one!

OK, back to choring!

CyndiM 10-23-2010 01:11 PM

Hello again friends :coffee2: (because any time is coffee time!). I am happily back home after a very busy week and 3 nights in Burlington. The good news is I may not have any more nights the next week or two and probably no late nights. Right now I'm just enjoying bowls of vegetable soup. I really miss my own cooking!

Speaking of cooking - my pressure cooker just is not right. It's the last Wally World purchase I made and lasted about as well as a lot of the stuff I bought there. I'd like something more durable since I use it quite a bit. What do you have? Do you like it?

Beloved - I just got a new car and love it. I did all the shopping on line and just went to the dealer to sigh the paperwork. Easiest car purchase ever.

I hope to get back for personals in a bit. It's lovely out and I also plan to get a walk in :)

chubbybunny29 10-23-2010 03:14 PM

Morning everybody!

Well yesterday I got home, and due to a combination of exhaustion, headache and a fight with a friend, I gave in and had some pizza that was here when I got home. BAD IDEA. I have felt like crap for the last 12+ hours. Lesson Learned. Crap food makes you feel like crap!

Today is going to be spent prepping for my cruise - picking up my husband's pants from the tailor, and getting some stuff we need (sunscreen, etc).

TallandThin 10-23-2010 04:10 PM

Morning everyone on this rainy day. DH and I got up early and got a pickup load of oak firewood, then stopped for bf (yes, I stayed on plan) before coming home to unload and stack it. Now we have a nice fire in the woodstove and our little Frenchi is curled up and snoring right by it.

Debbie, you sure seem to be in the cleaning mood, wish I could get in that mindset but what the heck, a little dust doesn't hurt. By the way, I was born in Canon City but my folks left when I was very small and I have only been back a couple of times so it really doesn't seem like home to me. But that being said, we rode the train through Colorado this summer and those rockies are absolutely beautiful.

Ruth, you are so funny girl and thanks for the coffee toast but you had better tackle those apples pretty soon or you just might have to feed them to the wild animals. I know some of ours went to our donkeys because I just couldn't keep up and my small freezer is full to overflowing.

Beloved - OMG, I would rather give birth again than shop for a car. I just have a real problem with car salesmen. They just can't seem to tell the truth no matter what.............Good luck.

Karen - We have all been there are for sure aren't perfect. Just do the best you can and get back op as soon as you can. In the meantime, confession is good for the soul and helps you face the truth.

Rikki - What fun, would love to see a picture!

BellaLucia 10-23-2010 04:30 PM

Good day all. My sister is acting up.

Lexxiss 10-23-2010 04:49 PM

Lamay, interesting that you were born in Canon City. My pup, Rudi, was a rescue from CC. BTW-I'm not really in a cleaning mood...we have an old Victorian in Idaho Spgs, which is the source of all my projects. We spend most of our time in Glenwood Spgs, and have neglected our chores here since gardening started in May....thus all the cleaning.

Okie, I hope your sister is feeling better by now. I forget how old she is, but know you watch over her since shes younger. BTW how goes SBD? Do you have a football game tomorrow?

chubbybunny, I guess it's good to get the crappy food experiment finished before your cruise. You probably mentioned where you are going and I forgot.

Cyndi, glad you made it home and are enjoying getting back to your own food. I have a Cuisinart electric pressure cooker, but if I was going to buy a stovetop variety I would definitely get stainless steel. I have a TFal S/S in Alaska in two different sizes. I'd also stick with a name brand so you could make sure to get parts if you need them. See ya' later.

Ok, back to work. We had a healthy lunch and I have a movie for us to watch tonight...need to figure food out.

CyndiM 10-23-2010 05:33 PM

Debbie - I've never even seen an electric pressure cooker. Do you like it better than the stove top variety? I figure if I'm going to get a new one I'm getting exactly what I want. I've learned that the appliances I use regularly are worth spending money on the first time. Of course I finally learned that after several "cheap" replacements :o

Lexxiss 10-23-2010 06:45 PM

Cyndi, I do like my electric. It's a Cuisinart, it was $95. What I like about it is I can set it and walk away...no monitoring on the stovetop. I think that's nice, especially for beans. The disadvantage, of course, is that it could fizzle. A nice s/s one you would probably have for life.

BellaLucia 10-23-2010 07:17 PM

You know me so well Debbie! She's 11. She's calmed down now. I'm holding my own on SBD.

chubbybunny29 10-23-2010 09:10 PM

Lexxiss - we're going to mexico! I'm going to try and stay OP with a few carefully considered treats in there (perhaps in the form of umbrella drinks). I don't want to undo a month's worth of work for some bread with dinner.

This talk of car buying, I had a GREAT experience with Costco. If you know what you want to buy, and are buying new, its amazing. I wanted a 2008 Hyundai Sonata. Sticker price was like 18500 plus I wanted the options package. So the salesman at the dealership had said my payments would be like $450/month! Then we called Costco, and they get a local dealer's fleet manager involved. They sell it to you for $1000 over dealer's price, so I paid less than the sticker price including the options package, and a sun roof, taxes and the platinum warranty! I easily saved $6000+. I also had the fleet manager, and the dealership manager meet me there and show me my car. They really cater to the costco customers. I will never buy a car any other way again.

BelovedK 10-23-2010 09:31 PM

I got a car! I only has 3000. to spend and I don't want to do credit (DH and I are trying to get out of a hole) I got the first one I looked at. It is a red VW beetle (the newer models) it is older, but has low mileage compared to my old Honda. It is different and fits me.

Now, I need to think of a name for her (I name all of my cars, my Honda's name was Scruffles, lol) Any ideas?

Rikki, have fun being a zombie! My dance troupe is doing a zombie piece this upcoming Tuesday and I am missing it :( Sounds like you have been busy, but fun busy :)

I just wanted to post a quickie update. Now I have to go to the DMV on Monday!!!

Natasha1534 10-23-2010 11:04 PM

Evening, ladies. Since Thursday afternoon I've slept a total of MAYBE 8 hours. Came straight home from work Thursday night/Friday morning and started setting up for the yardsale. We did pretty good and made $260 on Friday. We packed it up around noon and I went and picked my bike up off of layaway. She's such a beaut!!!


Went to bed around 1430 hrs and slept for 3 hours. Spent the rest of the night finishing cleaning out the closets in my room and finally went to bed again around 0330 hrs and got up again at 0530 hrs to get ready to do the yardsale all over again. Today we made a little over $300. Not bad. I did sell some of my clothes and was happy to see them go to people who will put them to good use. I've got a lot left, though, so I think I'm gonna put some of the nicer suits up on e-bay and see what I can get for them. Spent most of the day avoiding my mom's homemade poundcake (slice it up and sell it for $1.75 per slice...people eat it right up!!!)...I won!!! LOL

Anywho, I'll come back for personals later. Hope you ladies are having a good weekend. Tomorrow is my relaxation day...pedicures, dinner, and a movie w/ mom. Yay!!!

Lexxiss 10-24-2010 07:01 AM

Good Morning:sunny:
Happy Sunday!

All kinds of news here!

cbunny, Mexico cruise sounds great! I haven't bought a car from Costco, but have heard lots of happy people. When I can redo my carpet here I'll go with their program, as well.

BelovedK, a bug sounds perfect! I had an old style in high school, but still have a fondness for the new ones! Names...I'm not so good at.

Natasha, what a nice bike! I noticed it matches the walls in your house. lol Great news on your yard sale....have you had time to ride your bike yet? I had a cyclometer put on my new one so I could see how far I ride. It was $35. plus minor installation (glad I didn't do it myself). I put it on soon after I got my new bike a year ago.

Me, up early for a few chores. I keep dragging the big ladder up and down from the basement and it looks like I may need it again. That's the story of my exercise this week. We're going to the country club for brunch-totally doable OP. I need to get Kirk away from work for awhile and he needs more stuff from Home Depot anyway. Hope ya'll have a great day!

Heidi58 10-24-2010 08:29 AM

Good morning ladies! :wave:

Lots of exciting stuff in this thread - new car, new bike! Both sound great, congratulations ladies!

It's another frosty morning here, but the weather report says this will be the last one for a while. I'm looking forward to a few warmer days - I was chilly when I walked yesterday, wished I''d brought gloves. I don't mind the cold but the in between always throws me off. I always seem to over dress or under dress for it.

I need to finish getting ready for church. I plopped down on the couch with a cup of tea and my netbook when I got out of the shower. Enjoy your brunch and errands Debbie, you and Kirk can both use a break!

BelovedK 10-24-2010 08:34 AM

Good morning all :)

Natasha, that is a beautiful bike!!!

I'm off to see family today, My stepkids and grandkids.

I caught my son coming home at 6am this morning, he had snuck out all night because he was sort of grounded for his grades (I just told him he needed to stay home until we could sort out his grades) I am pretty upset :(

Sorry no more, I need to go get ready :(

CyndiM 10-24-2010 08:41 AM

Good morning :coffee2: I slept in a little to make up for being up way too much last night. Hotel air gets me every time and now I'm dealing with a yucky congestion thing. Oh well.

Natasha - love that bike!! Will you be able to get out for a ride today?

Debbie - I never did know what you call those bike things but I love mine.

Beloved - Congratulations on the new car purchase! I've always loved beetles.
I used yahoo auto to car shop. It's great if you know what you want. The dealers know from the first email that they are bidding against each other, Much easier for me than in person negotiations.
*eta - good luck with the parenting challenges.

cbunny - isn't it nice to come away knowing you got a good deal? That was my experience too, so much better than the last car I bought. Mexico sounds wonderful!

Rikki - Can't wait to hear the party report :)

Okie - Hope your sister settled down. That's a tough age, actually the early stages of the long tough stage. At least it was for my DD :eek:

Heidi - I dug my gloves out early in the week. I always hate doing that but my hands were freezing in the morning.

I'm taking it easy most of the day before heading off to make GOTV calls tonight (mandatory). I want to make bread, get some apples in the dehydrator and prep some beans but doubt I'll get more ambitious than that. I'm hoping for no nights this week so I might be able to get a little done around here. Should have a better idea after staff mtg tomorrow morning.

Right now I'm just enjoying my morning coffee and watching the fall birds come into the feeders :)

chubbybunny29 10-24-2010 01:38 PM

Morning everyone.

Well the great pizza mistake is still kicking my butt. I even am going to have to skip church today because of it! I hate doing that, we're taking a really interesting class about taking offense, and how that affects you more than anyone else.

Beloved - sorry to hear about your son's antics. I think that would have me through the roof mad!

The plan today is #1 stay inside. I feel yucky and its rainy and windy, so I am not going anywhere. #2 do some work from home I think and a bit of cooking. Not a very exciting plan at all.

cottagebythesea 10-24-2010 02:44 PM

I realized that I never made it in here this morning to say 'Hi!' We slept in, then got ready and were out the door for breakfast and some shopping at the Reading Outlets. Now, Carley and I are just chilling out and watching a Pink Panther cartoon while Jake puts another coat of paint on the walls in the basement. I should start on supper soon, though, as Dustin, Andrea and the grandkids will be here.

Beloved, congratulations on your new car, and I hope you have lots of luck with it. Since it's red, how about naming her "Scarlett"?

Ruthxxx 10-24-2010 03:29 PM

Good grief! I never checked in either. I woke after 7:30 and really had to gear up to get to Church for 7:30 - with banana bread as I was in charge of coffee refreshments.

It's a dark, wet and cold afternoon here but I have resisted the urge to nap. I finally got the apples into the dehydrator and am going to go and do more quilting while the dogs roughhouse.

See y'all later or tomorrow.

Natasha1534 10-24-2010 04:16 PM

Afternoon, ladies!!! I've got a chicken stewing on the stovetop so I can make some brunswick stew later. Today is going to be a relaxing day. Mom and I got pedicures earlier and we'll be leaving for dinner in about an hour and then it's off to see Eat, Pray, Love. Hope you ladies are getting some relaxation time as well. ;)

Lexxiss - LOL...it DOES match the walls in my living room and, ummm, I don't know what to call that other room. I only got out to ride it for about 5 minutes the other day...I have to set my seat up correctly before I can ride it for any length of time. I think I'm gonna try to get it set up tonight, though. I'm itching to give it a workout!!! I'm thinking about a cyclometer as well...$35 isn't bad.

Beloved - Uh oh...bad bad son!!! I would imagine he's not going to be a very happy camper after you're done w/ him, huh??? My older brother used to sneak out so much that my dad ended up nailing all the windows shut, LOL

Cyndi - I'm hoping to get it out for a ride later today. I've only had the chance to test it out for about 5 minutes. I'm ready for a nice long ride!!!

Cottage - Scarlett is a good suggestion...I like that name for a car!!!

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