So proud of myself!

  • I just had to come here and share because you are the only ones who understand. I had a staff meeting tonight and my boss decided to order pizza. I get off work at 1:30 in the afternoon so before I left I asked her what food she was getting for the meeting. As soon as I heard pizza I was totally turned off. I decided to cook dinner for my family before I left, and I took some with me so that I wouldn't be tempted by anything...and it worked! I ate my dinner and my co workers ate theirs and I feel great that I didn't touch any of that (Pizza is one of my fav foods!) Oh and I am only on day 3 of Phase 1 :-) YAY ME
  • Good for you!!!
  • Jessie!
  • Great Job! I bet you feel great!
  • Awesome job!!! Social situations are hard, and you kicked its butt!!
  • Omg well done! And thank yo for sharing it as well! Keep up! I know my first few days were terrible but it does get better and I am so glad I am doing it because I am now on week 2 with no side effects! I am buzzing out of happiness!
  • Oh that is so great!!! Pizza is my fav too. Now you can tackle anything!!
  • Congrats, keep pressing on. My starting weight was similar to yours and I lost over 7 lbs in phase can do it!
  • OK...soooooo I had a hot dog bun today...BUT I am not going to kill myself over it. I went on a field trip with the school age kids today and I had 1 only 1 hot dog, refused the chips and had a diet soda...I also had to walk about 2 miles to the ball park, and 2 miles back to the bus (In the pouring rain while it was thundering and lightning) like I said, 1 thing not going to punish myself for it I am just going to move on. Which is new for me because usually if I break plan, plan is over and I give up...not this time :-) Thank you all for being SOO supportive!!!
  • Good job!!
  • Good job on getting right back to it! It took me a long time to get to that mentality- but results are much better when you do just move on and don't think you have blown your diet for the day! oh the horror when I think how I used to do that!