Amount of cheese?

  • I've been trying to keep it to an ounce a serving, but then realized, wait, I don't actually REMEMBER how much cheese is allowed. I don't have the book anymore, I had borrowed it, plus by now I'm very well-versed in how the SBD works and what foods are allowed and have a pretty set menu that I stick to. But, I wondered, so I looked on the foods list, and I can't seem to find anything regarding how much cheese is allowed. I eat reduced fat and fat free cheeses of course, and I limited myself. But what's the maximum amount you can eat?
  • I was wondering this myself and I saw that no one had replied yet... so I Googled and the best answer I found was here:

    How much cheese?

    Yay for 3 fat chicks on a diet!
  • Thanks, Emma and Google. You saved me doing a search.
  • Loving it. I also never really knew the answer to that question.
  • Thanks Emma!!!! Also thanks to Ruth and Mmckmellen as well. I should have done a search on the forum, lol! Sorry about that. Thanks again ladies.
  • I try not to exceed 2 servings per day. On Phase 1 I had up to 3/day.