
  • So I was cleaning out my cooking book case and found a copy of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs by Dr. Agn.... stuck in between books.
    Looked up pumpkin and it says to be avoided, has that changed, I really didn't find an answer in the Food Guide.
    take care
  • P. 254 in the super-charged book says squash and pumpkin are fine (3/4 cup serving) but to count as a starch/grain serving. The same thing goes for sweet potatoes and any other starch veggies.
    Dr. A did change his thinking between books.
  • thanks Ruth,
    I don't have the super-charged book. Will have to invest in one soon.
    take care
  • I was on a pumpkin kick in the fall and added it to all kinds of things - pancakes, cottage cheese, soup... It has a ton of Vitamin A, if I remember correctly, so I'm glad it's not on the no-no list any more.