SBD on Facebook

  • I usually use Facebook for my family, friends, and all the people I went to school with (and I usually kept it separate from my other online life which is basically posting here and a few other forums, somewhat anonymously. Which as much as I blab about myself, I guess I'm not so anonymous, hahah, but hey.) But recently I've been looking up groups on Facebook to also talk with people with similar interests. I just found a South Beach diet group, is anyone on Facebook involved in it? I have just joined.

    My name is Melanie Lamont-Anderson if anyone is interested in adding me on their Facebook if any of you have it. I can direct you to some of the SBD links, but even if you're not interested in the groups and just want to chat about healthy lifestyles with me sometime, just look me up! :-)
  • There is also a 3FC group. It's not active but it's a good way to find a few of us
  • Oh, cool! I'll definitely check for that.
  • I've tried looking for "3 fat chicks" on Facebook and I got some pretty sleazy looking Facebook pages!
    I have added the SB one but don't look at it much. Have to look for the 3FC one.
  • It's 3FC friends. There's very little going on but you can find people you recognize