3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Oh 2 be me 02-09-2009 07:46 AM

Well, I'm on my first day of ph 1.
I'm having a scrambled egg, w/ zucchini, red/yellow bell pepper, 2 slices canadian bacon, mozzarella cheese.
I've got a cheese stick and some almonds for snack at work.
Lunch- a salad with chicken
snack-pnut butter, celery
dinner-grilled salmon w/salad or suate'd veggies.
does this sound ok?

TwilightMom 02-09-2009 08:44 AM

Official Weigh In!
Today was my official one week weigh in and I've lost *drum roll* 3.6 pounds! :carrot: (The carrot kinda creeps me out, but I'm using him anyway). When I first realized how much I'd lost I was soooo disappointed! "Only 3 pounds and all the hard work? I even made it through the *explicative* weekend without cheating and I've only lost 3 pounds?!" But then I thought - 3 pounds in a week for a 34 yo without exercise? Pretty darn good!

Okay, about the weight gain - I'm not able to help you. Maybe a veteran SBD guru will hop on and see your question. I'm just a newbie, but was your water intake the same? I know by changing up the water, your body will hold on to it. Also, did you eat seafood? That sodium in it will also retain water.

PB and celery sent me into a craving fit Sunday. It was terrible. I literally had to start cleaning to stop thinking about it. I had 1 small piece of celery and 3/4 teaspoon of PB as a snack and I was ready to run out for a candy bar or pizza (and I don't really like pizza). It was terrible! The smell of bathroom cleaning products made the desire to go away, though, but I don't think I'll make that mistake again. I think it was the celery more than the PB, too, because I'll lick on a teaspoon of PB when I get the munchies.

Good luck to everyone starting today! It's been pretty easy and I've not gotten the SBD "flu" but I have been sure to drink 1 8oz glass of 1% milk every day.

usam 02-09-2009 08:57 AM

Well, I lost two pounds! I'm pretty happy since the past month of counting calories I had lost nothing!
I eat very healthy to begin with so my body wasn't shocked into action so to speak.
I want to work out but think I'll wait till phase one is over so next week.
We went out on Friday to Olive Garden but I just had some salad no bread sticks no pasta. On Sunday we went on a day trip and stopped at a Mexican restaurant but I wasn't pleased with their menu so I never ate anything. I have to say I feel proud of myself cause the weekends kill me. My DH loves going out and its hard to live with someone who never gains weight.
Week one over now week two here I come...

TwilightMom 02-09-2009 09:02 AM

Yeah, usam! Whoop! Whooop! Do you just feel better? I'm so proud of you for having the strength to eat out without cheating! *envious eyes* I'm too afraid to eat out anywhere except this little deli I go to get a great salad!

I feel so much better now than I did this time last week. I'm getting stressed with the limited variety because my husband is grumbling that's he's tired of chicken and fish. He was supposed to start this with me, but he has effectively ate chips, pretzels, drank Mtn Dew, etc. all week long. At first in hiding and then openly over the weekend. So, when he started chomping and crunching, I left the room. I made sure I weighed myself before he left today so I could show him the progress I am making - on my own - since he didn't hold up his end of the diet promise!

NickiChick 02-09-2009 09:05 AM


TwilightMom 02-09-2009 09:07 AM

Nicki - You lucky duck!

zeffryn 02-09-2009 11:18 AM

Twilight - would you mind posting a typical daily menu? I'm interested to see if maybe you're not eating enough and that may be what is causing your slow loss.

Just a thought anyway.

TwilightMom 02-09-2009 11:31 AM

Breakfast - 2 egg omlette with deli ham and 2 Tbsp Moz cheese (full fat)

Lunch - Turkey/Ham Chef salad with iceburg lettuce (I know), bl olives, gr peppers, banana peppers, tomatoes, 1 boiled egg and 2 Tbsp Ranch dressing (full fat) and mix cheese (full fat) - I get this from the deli

Supper - Chicken or Fish baked, brocolli or green beans

Snack - 15 almonds, LF String cheese, SF Jello (I pick 2)

1 8oz glass of 1% milk.

zeffryn 02-09-2009 11:59 AM

you may want to try cutting back on the cheese, especially since your opting for full fat varieties. Also, remember that olives count towards a fat serving.
Try upping your dairy (yogurt and milk) to make up for the calcium of the cheese.

When I get too much cheese or too many nuts, I stop losing -- I guess it is just the excess calories. Even if this (or any) diet is followed to a 'T', if we take in more calories than we expend...it isn't going to lead to weight loss.

TwilightMom 02-09-2009 12:08 PM

Thanks for the help! I'm going to start walking on the treadmill this week, too, so I'm hoping that will help me out. I'll cut out some of the cheese, too, and see if moves the scales faster this week. :)

Natalie'sMom 02-09-2009 12:10 PM

Yay for everyone who lost this week -- I lost 4! :)

TwilightMom 02-09-2009 03:14 PM

Good job, Natalie's Mom!!

TwilightMom 02-10-2009 08:26 AM

More pounds lost!
I weighed myself last night when I got home because I was feeling thinner and I was down almost 2 pounds. Right, so I thought my scales were messed up, so I weighed the boy and then the dog but they were spot on. So, when I got this morning and weighed myself, I was 237.8! Yay! I've lost a total of 5.2 pounds in 8 days! And just for giggles, I measured myself and I've lost 2 inches from my abdominal area!!! :jig: I am STOKED!

I only have 99 pounds to go to goal!!

LMocarsky 02-10-2009 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by TwilightMom (Post 2605160)
I weighed myself last night when I got home because I was feeling thinner and I was down almost 2 pounds. Right, so I thought my scales were messed up, so I weighed the boy and then the dog but they were spot on. So, when I got this morning and weighed myself, I was 237.8! Yay! I've lost a total of 5.2 pounds in 8 days! And just for giggles, I measured myself and I've lost 2 inches from my abdominal area!!! :jig: I am STOKED!

I only have 99 pounds to go to goal!!

WTG!!!!! Congrats, keep up the good work! :carrot:

TwilightMom 02-10-2009 04:51 PM

Taco Bake
There is a Taco Bake that is a Sticky. I tried it last night and it was so yum! Tonight I'm trying the Chicken Divan! So excited!!

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