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Loriann7 01-22-2009 06:02 AM

Thursdays Chick Chat
Good Morning everyone! I just woke up, two hours late, so It's just a pop in for me this morning, but I had to share this! A few days ago I mentioned I was going to cut carbs down due to lack of exercise because of pain. Well, for the first time I got on the scale, I had to get on it oh, five, six times to verify. And I'll be getting on it before showering! I even moved the scale around the bathroom! It read 169! Thats down ten pounds from the last time I weighed in I believe it was Saturday!!!!!!!!... someone pinch me? or is it the batteries in my scale need replace?

OK< off to make some Jamaican Me Crazy coffee, anyone like a cup?

Ruthxxx 01-22-2009 06:26 AM

Good morning! I'm on my second coffee but thanks anyhow, Lori. You sound pumped from the loss - I hope it's right but sure is a lot since Saturday. Did the Whoosh Fairy visit?

Minor whoosh for me this morning. I'm now back on the cusp of ONEderland. When I get there this time, please build a Berlin Wall for me, OK?

It's Trash To The Road morning and Donna comes to clean and that's about all the excitement today - unless you count cooking, sewing, writing a newsletter and the Church bulletin, accounting and putting the binding on a quilt as excitement. Pretty sad when Grey's is the highlight of the day. :shrug: I must work in something that's pure fun - like playing with Jazz. :)

Time for breakfast - a mango is calling me!

cottagebythesea 01-22-2009 06:30 AM

Wow, good going, Loriann! That's always a motivating way to start the day! :cp:

Today's going to be a day filled with errands, cleaning, and laundry. I have to pay the piper for taking the day to play yesterday. ;) At least our temperatures have gone back to somewhat normal for this time of year. :)

CyndiM 01-22-2009 07:05 AM

Good morning Chicks :coffee2:

Lori - Wow, the whoosh fairy was never that generous with me though I would go weeks without losing and then drop. Hope at least some of it stays gone :)

Ruth - Playing with jazz sounds like fun :) I've never been a big mango fan. Maybe I should try again. I also discovered I am not a papaya fan. Apparently papaya, pineapple, & ginger are great anti-inflammatory foods but the papaya just isn't happening here!

Cottage - sometimes ya just gotta have a play day :)

Schmoodle - thinking of you and your friend :hug:

I've got the long meeting via phone thing this morning. I always stay home for those - no point driving to the office to tie the phone up for 3 hours when I have a speaker phone with mute at home. Then it's a massage afternoon, definitely time for that.

The irony fairy and the woosh fairy have been hanging out together. After I finally came to acceptance about my weight (after 6 months!) and took my ticker down I dropped again. First time since July that I have lost weight I didn't regain first. What's with that?!

we discovered the delivery company will only deliver my bike is someone is home so tomorrow I'll be here. We live in the country and usually just have stuff left on our porch except really expensive (and small) stuff like cameras so this is annoying. That's about it from here :)

TwynnB 01-22-2009 07:34 AM

Morning sunshines!

Lori -I'm so glad your job is working out better for you! Good for you for talking to Ann! And the scale!??!?! Goodness gracious!! Congrats!

Ruth - busy, busy! Hope you're better at accomplishing everything that you want than I am!

Cottage - Hope you get it all done! I'm about 3 hours northwest of you, so I get the temps right before you do....it hasn't been TOO bad, huh?

Cyndi - Congrats on the scale! A three hour long meeting on the phone? How do you do it...lots of coffee?!

Me - boring day, I thinks. My DS is being good for once this AM, he's been going thru a NASTY phase. That's a good start to the day! Otherwise, it's my long day at work...things are picking up since the freeze is easing up a bit.

Have a great day!

Chelby29 01-22-2009 07:51 AM

Loriann -- Good for you!!!

Ruth -- Hooray for one-derland!

Cottage & Cindi -- Hope you have productive days, and some fun, too. :)

I'm not doing much today. Hopefully, I'll be productive! Only one load of laundry. Hooray! Hubby is working from the home office today. I have Jazzercise tonight.

By the way, I made the 'natural laxative' from the recipe section. It tastes REAL BAD! It better work! :)

Schmoodle 01-22-2009 08:18 AM

Hi chicks,
I've got the kids back in school today, hooray! Hope to get a lot of work done. I've got to get out and run a few errands at lunch. DD has dance class tonight.
My SIL and nieces are going to see Twilight tonight and asked me to come along. I'd love to but I'll have to see how the day goes. Not sure I can spare the time, on the other hand I am feeling like I need a little escapist fun.
Have a wonderfully productive day cottage!
Loriann, wow 10 lbs, that's drastic! Guess you were due for a couple of whooshes! Please send that whoosh fairy this way when you are doing with him.
Ruth, when you get back into onederland, we will grab you and hold on tight. Mango, mmmm...
Thanks Cyndi, it's wearing to go around with this constant feeling of dread in my stomach. Guess your body is still settling in - the iron fairy? I'm not acquainted. Enjoy your massage (lucky duck)!
Good luck with the lax Chelby!
Twynn, have a great boring day.

beachgal 01-22-2009 08:44 AM

Congrats on the whoosh, Lori! Good for you on cutting back since exercise is hard right now.

I'm so happy for your woosh, too, Ruth!!! :hug: I've got mortar and communist-strength bricks at the ready! :jig: I'd say a mango is pretty exciting...I'm drooling just thinking of it! I'm trying very, very hard to eat locally right now, though the clementines are hardly local! :o I had some left over from our Christmas party and found they were really helping me stay OP...so I bought more. Shame, shame! Still I really lust after the organic mangoes that I bought all summer. :drool: You definitely should fit in some time with Jazz...I think it'll be great for you both! :love:

Yay for normal temps, Cottage. Who knew you could be grateful for 23*? ;) It's still ridiculously cold here...down to single digits last night. The pup and I were very col! :brr: Hope you had fun yesterday! Post what you read in the reading thread if you have time. I love your taste in books!

Wow, the whoosh fairy is really making the rounds! :congrat: to you, too, Cyndi!!! Love the way you put it, though. Maybe it's just like those couples that decide to adopt because they can't have kids. As soon as they adopt a child, whoops! Suddenly they're pregnant! :dizzy: Gotta love that craziness! Enjoy the massage afternoon (I'm SOOOO jealous!) and the bike delivery! I love my bike so much and cannot wait for the weather to get warm enough to ride...

Twynn, how old is DS? Hope the good trend continues!

Oooh, I love Jazzercise, Chelby! (Hey, Ruth, maybe that's what you can call your workout with the dog today! :devil: )

Schmoo, think positive thoughts, hon. :hug: I find that hard to do sometimes, but I've heard too many stories of cancer patients healing due, in part, to visualizing their cancer being eaten up by the chemo or other treatments to pretend it doesn't help. So everytime you're tempted to worry, just refocus on thinking of the good things that will happen for your friend. :hug: She's so lucky to have you.

Water aerobics tonight, though my buddy won't be with me. She lost her child last year (he was six weeks old and caught meningitis) and is pregnant with her second. She and DH have an ultrasound with a specialist today which also happens to be the right time to check the sex of the baby. They're planning on going out to eat after. I'm going to miss having her there but am determined to go anyway. I'm so excited (and a bit scared) for her today, though. :)

Other than that, same ole, same ole. I was really hungry yesterday and am not sure why. My stomach was literally growling at lunch time. :shrug:

Kim_Star060404 01-22-2009 09:08 AM

Morning all. Still fighting off this cold or whatever it is. I hope you're all doing well. I'm heading back to bed.

Pearlrose 01-22-2009 09:10 AM

Good morning,

Sorry I have been MIA- had a wonderful visit with my best friend in Houston last weekend with no kids.

Back to the grindstone will come back on later for personals

Have a great day

hmacneil6 01-22-2009 09:33 AM

Good morning all!!! Happy Thursday!

Lori - Great news on the scale. I hope it sticks! Keep up the great work!

Ruth - You are one seriously busy lady. Get out and enjoy your time with Jazz today!

Cottage - Glad to hear that yesterday was fun, sorry to hear that today will be really full.

Cyndi - Long phone conferences are so not fun. I hope you're able to be productive while the phone's on mute. BTW, you might try drying the mango and papaya....I really like both fruits that way.

Twynnb - Glad to hear that DS is being better this morning and not so nasty. May it be a start to a great day. BTW...love the new avatar.

Chelby - Have fun at Jazzercise.

Schmoodle - Have you read the books yet?? I'm done with the series and loved it! But I haven't seen the movie yet, I'm waiting for it to hit the cheapy theater. Have fun, if you go!

Laurie - Good for you going to water aerobics by yourself. Keep it up!!!

Kim - Feel better!

Pearlrose - Nice to see you around.

Me - Stayed up way to late to watch Lost, but it was worth it. The show is so good!!! Also got lots of laundry done AND made a really yummy batch of applesauce. I've got 3 IEPs to sit in this morning, but other than that, it should be a good day. Not much else going around.

Have a great day, ladies! Blessings!

Chelby29 01-22-2009 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by TwynnB (Post 2567844)

Me - boring day, I thinks. My DS is being good for once this AM, he's been going thru a NASTY phase. That's a good start to the day!

Makes you know why some creatures eat their young, huh? :D My mom always told me that whatever awful phase Auston is currently in will end -- and the next one will be worse!

Schmoodle -- My nieces said that Twilight was the best movie ever made! Of course, that comes from a 13 and 15 year old. :)

Beachgal -- I'll keep your friend in my prayers. Auston had a spinal tap at 9 weeks to check for meningitis. It was terrifying. Thankfully, he was fine.

Kim -- Feel Better! :hug:

Pearl -- Welcome back! I had a weekend without 'kid' a couple years ago. It was great! Now I'm happy for an evening without 'kid'.

Me -- Hubby is making me an omlette. He's so good to me! :) It's supposed to be close to 60* today. WooHoo!

CyndiM 01-22-2009 09:48 AM

The exciting call has started :dizzy: It's just easier to call in then spend 6 hours on the road for a 2.5 hr meeting.

Heather - My new favorite trick is adding a bag of cranberries to the applesauce and cooking until they pop. Add a little nutmeg. Yum

Kim - Feel better hon

Beach - I was starving all day yesterday too. Maybe our bodies want to stock up for the cold weekend ;) We love the irony fairy in our house. I ordered the exercise bike as my Christmas gift because I missed my bike soooo much! can't wait to get it set up. I wish I knew of some spinning videos to get me going but can't find any reviews or recommendations

Twynn - I'm actually wondering if I can get away with using the stepper if I keep the mute button on.

Okay, going to pay attention until it bores me to tears.


zeffryn 01-22-2009 09:50 AM

Morning, girls.

Moved Connor from his co-sleeper to his bassinet last night in an effort to try and get more sleep. It worked well. He woke twice to eat which is pretty normal for him and didn't have much trouble getting back to sleep afterwards. The second feeding, he was awake and I put him in his bassinet, swaddled up tight and within a minute he was asleep. I have to wonder why God didn't bless us with an easy baby the first time -- I guess to build my patience!

My Dad leaves this afternoon. I will miss him, but it will be nice to not have to entertain for awhile!

Schmoodle 01-22-2009 09:53 AM

Chelby, enjoy that omelette and the warm weather. I can't wait for it to warm up some. I think it'll help a lot with my motivation to walk.
Poor Kim, feel better soon.
hmac, I have read the first two. I loved the first but after the second I wasn't sure I wanted to continue. Things started getting pretty weird! It is at our cheapy theater, so it shouldn't be long for you.
Hey, Pearly, sounds like a great weekend!
Thanks for the pep talk Laurie! Even before this all came about, I have been trying to learn to let go of fear and anxiety. I think they are not very productive emotions unless you are in a life-threatening situation and they hold me back too much. I am more concerned with trying to help her stay positive. She is not so scared for herself, but for her kids to have to grow up without a mom.
Zeff, we all deserve at least one easy kid!
Cyndi, icky, boring telecons. Great time to get paperwork done!

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