Gettin ready to start

  • im new to the south beach diet and havent started quit yet i ordered a few books just to make sure i would be doing it right but i need to lose "my extra skin" i recently had a baby ok a year ago and my excersise consists of chasing around my son ive tried other diets that just didnt seem to work right for me im looking to lose about 40 pounds at the least and as im reading it seems to work for all you im a very picky eater but im up and read for the challenge wish me luck!!!
  • You can do it, girl! Woo-hoo! I'm totally feelin' your situation. I had a baby a year ago and am also a picky eater (I hate fish). Anyways, I started dieting on April 7, 2008, and have lost 30 pounds doing WW. I don't attend meetings or do the online thing. There is like this weird unspoken pressure to lose baby weight, what with the media and such. My best piece of advice is to not give up if the diet you are on doesn't work for you. I tried to do South Beach and was unsuccessful (phase I was so hard for me). I lasted three days. I was feeling very discouraged and had all this expensive food I needed to eat before it went bad. I gave WW a try a month later and, viola, I have never looked back! I feel great and, honestly, the first 20 was the easiest. Now that I am on my last 15 and my points have lessened, it is starting to feel like a diet. I walked every night and that has morphed into jogging four miles four to five times a week. Good luck to you! This website is great for support and keeping you on track!
  • Kristi! You are doing the right thing by reading up about the South Beach Diet before getting started on it, and making sure it is the right plan for you. It is very important that you eat at least 4 1/2 cups of vegetables each day on this plan, so I hope you enjoy your veggies! Phase 1 is pretty rigid, you must avoid breads, pasta, and fruit. But it's only for 14 days, and Phase 2 is pretty much eating normal foods and whole grains.
    Good luck and we hope to see you around!
  • Hi all- I have lost a total of 10 pounds over the last month, but am already getting tired of dieting. I have 40 Lbs to lose. I suppose I should start walking, but have horrible hip issues. I wonder if it matters how fast you go when you start out. Is it only beneficial if you are a power walker? Help.....
  • Hi Kristi... WElcome to the beach!

    Manic... Up until recently I was leisurely walking the dog. ANY walk is better than none! I was losing weight! I do however find much more success when I put my ipod on and power walk...
  • Kristi. Be sure to join the Phase I Chick Check thread for ideas and support on your journey.
    Manic, if you are on South Beach, you have to look on this as a Lifestyle change rather than a diet. By they way, you will be able to get a weightloss ticker after 20 posts and 20 days.
  • and good luck!
  • Welcome! you have come to the right place.
  • Welcome Ladies!
    Manic have you thought about seated exercise?
  • Welcome. I love this diet and after phase I, you will love it too!
  • Kristi! Congratulations on being a new mom! That's awesome!

    I'm sure you and your kiddo will feel very happy about your decision to get healthier--and I think you'll be able to find a lot to enjoy about this way of eating (WOE). When you've finished the book(s), make sure to check out the FAQ for lots of info and the recipe forum for great recipes. The Taco Bake is awesome!