South Beach Supercharged?

  • Hey has anyone gotten the supercharged book? Is it much different then the original book? I know it has exercise incorporated with it but I am already going to the gym. Just wondering if it is worth spending the money on another book? Thanks!
  • he says alot of the information is updated and some foods are added to each phase as more information has come out about their healthfulness etc. Actually it's the first south beach book I've ever read and I'm only about halfway through it.
  • If you already have the original book, it's not really necessary to get the new one. We have the most recently updated Phase 1 and Phase 2 food lists posted as stickies in our FAQ section. The only real differences besides the new food lists and exercises are that Dr. Agatston goes into more detail about moving into Phase 2. We have that topic in our FAQ section, too.