Just say NO

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  • we went out and stopped at a Rita's that we don't normally go to. It did not have sugar free ices so I opted to have nothing. and I was fine with it.

    DH and GC had georgia peach gelatis.... DH said it was very very good and i said I'll bet.

    he scooped out a spoonful of it and offered to me. he was just trying to be nice. I was being nosy about his food...

    i closed my lips tightly and shook my head no

    he offered it closer

    I kept my lips closed and shook my head no

    he said fine and he ate it.

    no harm no foul....

    being healthy means sticking to your principles and sometimes you gotta listen to our former first lady Nancy Regan and JUST SAY NO!

    there is no magic in any plan
    there is willpower and desire.
  • Double good for you.
  • Nessa! You're a strong woman!
  • awesome -- I did the exact same thing today - everyone got gelato and they didn't have sugar free today so I was the only one without some. Didn't it feel good to be in such control!
  • Quote: awesome -- I did the exact same thing today - everyone got gelato and they didn't have sugar free today so I was the only one without some. Didn't it feel good to be in such control!
    yep and ya know the more you say no the easier it gets.

    my point is not to garner Kudos for myself. my point was to point out that the ONLY person you answer to is yourself and that being strong and having willpower is critical.
  • Great job Nessa!!
  • Good for you cause I don't know if I could do it so early in the plan ....so I am just steering clear of situations till I feel I could say no .....
  • Quote: Good for you cause I don't know if I could do it so early in the plan ....so I am just steering clear of situations till I feel I could say no .....

    why not?

    i think i had more willpower in the beginning.

    now it's just the way it is.

    you do this long enough and it's JUST THE WAY IT IS!
  • My husband 'teased' me the same way last night. Had him move the cashews (an addiction for me...I swear, I would've lost 5 lb more by now without them!!) on the other side of him, and he kept moving them back next to me. I kept calling him 'rude', he kept calling me 'crabby'. Why is it funny to tempt us??!

    This was of course, right before he made himself a cherry-vanilla ice cream shake, in a tall glass. He hates it when I keep saying, "we're in this together!!". (I wasn't even tempted by the shake, I figured it cost him a TON of calories...)

  • Quote: My husband 'teased' me the same way last night. Had him move the cashews (an addiction for me...I swear, I would've lost 5 lb more by now without them!!) on the other side of him, and he kept moving them back next to me. I kept calling him 'rude', he kept calling me 'crabby'. Why is it funny to tempt us??!

    This was of course, right before he made himself a cherry-vanilla ice cream shake, in a tall glass. He hates it when I keep saying, "we're in this together!!". (I wasn't even tempted by the shake, I figured it cost him a TON of calories...)


    now see that's wrong. and my hubby would never TEASE me with it. I'm sorry your husband thinks your weight loss journey is fodder for his amusement....
  • Twynn, I think I would have thrown them at him or spat on them! Maybe you two really are not "in this together" - you are doing it for YOU, after all.

    Just in case any of you were wondering, resisting temptation does not get easier as you get older. I did not have a stellar weekend foodwise although the rest of it was terrific. I did say no to Score Oatmeal Bars although I got the recipe.
  • OH how I wish (and so do the scales) that I would have said no this weekend! It doesn't get any easier after reaching your goal either and now I am teetering on my "redline"! Thanks for the reminder Nessa and good for you!
  • I'm not quite in Phase I yet?!?! Well Actually I think I'm on my second week of Phase I but I don't have the book so I'm not sure that I'm doing it correctly. I realized I needed to cutout the carbs to get control of my cravings and THEN stumbled onto this site and realized what I was doing was in line with SBD's Phase I so I ordered the book and am hoping that I'm following the plan closely enough to move onto Phase II by the time it arrives.

    Anyway, my step-granddaughter's b'day party was this weekend and since my SIL works for Subway the food was party subs. I didn't even blink an eye, I took a couple of pieces, and put the meat and veggies on a plate, being very careful that none of the bread stuck and made it into a "salad". If I had been ordering at Subway I would have just ordered a salad but since I didn't have that much control I made due. At first I felt guilty for "wasting" the bread but after I felt so empowered. The motivation? I didn't want to get the book and feel like I had to start all over again on a Phase I to do it right.

    I truly am feeling better as far as cravings are concerned. I don't know if there has been any weight loss because that was not the objective so I didn't weigh myself from when I started. I figure when clothes start fitting better then I will know I'm onto something.
  • I say no all the time. ALL the time. It's hard, and sometimes, I just want to cry and throw a childish tantrum screaming, "WHY can't I just eat like a normal person?!" but I still say no.
    Quote: At first I felt guilty for "wasting" the bread but after I felt so empowered.
    I have never, ever felt guilty about throwing food away. It is just as wasteful to eat it when you do not need it as it is to just toss it, and eating more than you need will have more negative effects than dropping it in a trash can!
  • Quote: I say no all the time. ALL the time. It's hard, and sometimes, I just want to cry and throw a childish tantrum screaming, "WHY can't I just eat like a normal person?!" but I still say no.

    because you have no idea how a 'normal person' eats. you just think you do.

    I wasn't posting that I said NO for a pat on the back as those in the SBD forum well know. I've had 86 out of 91 clean days now... i've been doing this for two years and i've lost 70 pounds... slow and easy...

    as ruth said it never lets up.... you NEVER stop saying NO... but in order to get to the point where it's EASY to say no you have to Say NO a lot and MEAN it.