Weekend Beach Blanket Bingo Chick Chat

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  • and now you know why I should never be allowed to start the daily thread

    I'm up and getting ready for an early morning waterfowl walk so had to say good morning!

    I've got the coffee on - come on in
  • Morning Cyndi!!! No Beach Blanket for me...it is storming here...has been thundering and lightening all night long and under a tornado watch. I got up at 3 to get work done just in case the power goes out. Not complaining about the water though...my big magnolia tree in the front was looking kind of droppy in the leaves, so this torrent is just what it needed to get water down to the roots. Hope it does let up later on so I can go to the grocery store. I was going to go yesterday afternoon, but had a tiny little mole removed, then was too lazy to go "big shopping" and just picked up a couple of things at the organic store across the street from the restaurant we went to after the dr. appt.

    Oh, and Zeffryn...you asked where other La'ians were from on another thread yesterday. I'm from N.O. but have lived on the northshore for years. Came here (Hammond) to go to college and never left. Believe it or not, my husband and I went to your area for our honeymoon! (second marriage for me) He was teaching at the time and was taking a class during the summer, so we only had 2.5 days...so we decided to go stay at Chretian Point Plantation. Funny story...when we got there it was storming and the electricity had gone out...so we decided to go out and eat. We went to Enola Prudhomme's and the power was out, but they had gas stoves, so we could eat even though it was hot as hades with no air condition. We were waiting for our food and all of a sudden heard a huge uproar from the kitchen...all kinds of yelling and screaming. A few minutes later, the waitress brought the food out for the table next to ours. The guy looked at his food and said "This isn't what I ordered". Enola came out of the kitchen at the same time (not in a good mood) and told the guy "Eat it anyway, you'll like it!". (for those not from here, she is chef Paul's sister) We left and went to Prejeans which was fantastic as always. It was a great honeymoon! The guy who owned Chretien Point at the time told us that the pool was very dark at night that was next to the bayou, so skinny dipping could go unnoticed if we wanted to sneak out late at night. Before it got dark, he brought a bottle of wine out to the pool and the 3 of us drank the whole thing...had a blast.
  • A single bottle and three people? Amateurs! Sorry but I could not resist, Cat!

    Cindy, I'm still trying to figure out your title. Nice to have two smiles in two posts.

    Was hoping to be able to change my darned ticker down today but Rob and John came down last night with a pizza for supper. It was snowing and they knew I'd have the woodstove on so invited themselves. I whipped up a salad and uncorked some wine and we had a good time. Hershey feasted on pizza crusts. The scale was up this morning but I know it's water weight so am leaving my ticker.

    I've no idea what today will bring. Right now it's too foggy to even see the meadow. I suspect it'll be rain this morning which is managing to shrink the snow piles. It's also contributing to the side yard lake

    Have a great Saturday and let me know if you figure out BBB in our title. (Why do I visualize wild college kids on March break in Lauderdale?)
  • Ruth said: "A single bottle and three people? Amateurs! Sorry but I could not resist, Cat!"

    ah, but there was gin involved before and after the wine. Lucky I didn't drown later on.

    Keep dry Miss Ruth!!!!
  • (thanks, Cyndi) Good morning everybody,

    I'm more interested in the fact that first he told you about the dark pool, then he brought out the wine! Well?????? Did you go skinny-dipping, Cat?

    Ruth, your evening sounded fun and cozy. We had pizza for supper, too, but mine was ww on a very thin crust. I'm glad your snow has turned to rain for today.

    Cyndi, enjoy your walk this morning! I've always wondering what, exactly, is Beach Blanket Bingo?

    Nothing exciting here today. I was hoping that Caitlyn would want to come see us today, but she's more interested in seeing her boyfriend than seeing us. Monica asked me to go to their house for the weekend, but I just feel like spending a quiet weekend with Jake. As soon as he gets ready, we're going to go have a little breakfast at Panera's, then do a shop at Trader Joe's.
  • good morning!

    nothing much going on here, we have got company over and now strewn about the living room trying to recover from last night's karaoke madness weather is wintery. sigh.

    cyndi: good on you for getting ur exercise on! i am more of a couch potato today

    cat: hope the weather permits ur errand running..and..wow! tornados!

    ruth: here's fingers crossed on the snow melting w/o flashflooding and can i still get onto the april weightloss list? i must've seen it too late. if possible please put me down for 4lbs. thanx!

    and back to the couch for me, co-cola and aspirin well within reach
    have a great saturday chicas!
  • Cottage re the skinny dipping...well of course I did...I was skinny then! The funny thing is that we were "dipping" about 2 in the morning and saw something moving around out in the dark...the "thing" ended up stolling over to the edge of the pool..it was a possum. yukky things. I made sure my husband had scared it off before I got out of the pool. Those things are vicious!
  • Possums! We don't have them up here - yet! I've seen several as road kill on trips to the Startes. Yicky critters!

    Cat, as long as gin was also involved, I take back my amateur quip.

    Gotcha, Jandaman, and have updated the Weightloss post. A speed recovery from last night's indulgences.

    The fog has burned off and it's gloriously sunny! Sure lifts the spirits.
  • Good morning everyone. Had a bad plan day yesterday, but back on track today thanks to a cranky gut. I don't think I'll be able to fall off the wagon for very long anymore.

    Got lots of running to do today, so have to fly.

    Kara - where'd you get Tom for your husband anyway?
  • Cat, thats too funny a story! Me, I don't drink, but when I was a child I used too... (not heavy, just to be with the crowd). I'll never forget my first taste of a "screwdriver"....

    I don't recall how many of us nine kids went sledding that beautiful winters day in Lockport, but I DO know my older brother Johnny brought along several huge bottles of screwdrivers. I must of been, hhmm.... 11 or so. (I'd been drunk before this, just my first time with this mix drink.) (yes, we were terrible kids, and oh, wait, most of them still are!) Anyway... I took a chug, went for a slide down the hill, came back up and guzzed, i mean guzzed some more, and this continued till it was gone... and I believe I polished two of those babies myself, if not more. By the time mom picked me up I couldn't even walk. So she dragged me into the hospital after I told her it was from sledding. I kid you not folks, she asked the doc what was wrong with me... the dr said "Lady, can't you smell it? she's drunk!!!!!!" At some point during all this the dr asked me when my last period had been, I replied (and not making this up)... "The other orange juice" hehehehehehe

    Now if I have a teeny glass of wine i feel it!

    I miss my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Loriann...I love that story!

    I had a very good friend that lived in Lockport. He had been my next door neighbor here for years. He moved to Lockport for his job at the same time we got transferred to Olympia, Wa. for a year. He was a great guy. Met a wonderful girl there, got married, and a few years lady when their second child was close to being born, he died of lung cancer (never smoked).
  • i am out the door to go get a bike in new jersey (free recumbent bike)

    but i had to drop in and tell you all:

    weight this morning 222.8 LOWEST WEIGHT ON THE BEACH ever. LOWEST weight in about 10 years!
  • Congrats, Nessa!

    Thanks, Cyndi for starting us up! What type of waterfowl did you get to see?

    Cat: Great stories! (Although the one with the gentleman with cancer was sad ) Hope you have a wonderful day and that it stays safe for you. Tornadoes are not necessary for watering magnolias!

    Ruth: I'm so glad that you enjoyed your pizza and wine. I hope you have a great day today!

    cottage: Hope you have a good day in spite of not seeing Caitlyn. Enjoy your day with Jake!!

    janda: Sounds like karaoke was a blast for you all! I hope you have a nice, peaceful Saturday - if that's what you want today! Enjoy your company!

    Krystal: Enjoy your running around today - and I hope your stomach recovers quickly!

    Loriann: What a great story! I didn't drink until I turned 21, so no funny stories like that for me! Thanks for the laugh. Enjoy your day!

    Me: Well, DH and I got the house reorganized which meant moving furniture around in my office/workout/craft room to accommodate our full-sized bed. I had to lose my recliner, but I don't mind too much. We'll just sell it at our yard sale this summer. But, our room is ready with the bed frame set up already, so I'm very happy about that. With all the moving around yesterday, I figured it would be dumb not to dust and vacuum, so now I only have the bathroom, kitchen and living rooms to clean this morning.

    Other than that, just some errands planned; post office, bank, get mattress and a relaxing weekend. Hope you all have a good day!

  • Good morning chicks. Sorry I haven't been around much the last couple of days. Very busy with work and dealing with stressful and annoying home issues. It hasn't been the greatest couple of days, and this weekend not much to look forward to except cleaning, laundry, and finishing taxes, budgeting, bookkeeping, etc. Oh, and groceries, woo-hoo. BUT on the up side, I have been visited this morning by the whoosh fairy! About time. I wonder if this is my pattern now - no loss for a while, then whoosh? Anybody else have this? DH and I were talking about it this morning - where does it go? I haven't done much "bathroom celebrating" and I wasn't great on my water yesterday so not a lot of peeing. When we burn fat it's converted to energy. So did I just radiate off 3 lbs. worth of energy yesterday? So anyway, may I say, hello 180's, it's been a looooong time since I've seen you! 10 years at least.

    good morning Cyndi, a waterfowl walk sounds so fun!
    Ruth I'm sorry about your water issue. I'm sure it will be down for you too soon. I'll send the fairy your way if I can.
    Cat, oh yes, the skinny-dipping days, I remember them well! But you ARE skinny now, you still could! Maybe if you get enough gin...
    jan, sounds like a fun night!
    Hi Fluff! Have a great day!
    LoriAnn, that's quite a story, no wonder you don't drink anymore!
    Hooray Nessa, we got visited at the same time! That fairy was busy last night!
    Kim, wish my house was Kimberly clean right now. DD and her friend trashed the living room last night. Little do they realize, they will be spending the weekend cleaning their rooms, and it will probably take most of the weekend!

    Hope all you chicks have a great day!
  • THANKS GUYS... Yeah, Johnny was an instigator... from the day I was born (literally!)... I was born on Dec 19, 1969, John's fifth birthday Dec 19, 1964. When mom brought me home she handed me to Johnny and said "Happy Birthday." He looked at me, put his hands on his hips and proclaimed in that insistent five year old demand voice, "I asked for a truck! SEND HER BACK!" and stomped off!!!!!!!

    OH the memories... We were crossing the trestle over the Eerie Canal in Lockport, just months after a dear family friend drowned in the very same canal, to buy mom a mother's day present. five of the older kids were in front, Johnny right in front of me with me bringing up the rear. I had a feeling and didn't want to cross the trestle, but they insisted. Half way across the canal a train came from behind, causing everyone to run to the other end.. Everyone, that is, accept Johnny! He just kept walking, whistling! I couldn't run back, the train was too close! Finally, he ran. of course, being 5 years my senior he could run "just a tad" bit faster! I think I was around 7 at this point, but my little legs have NEVER run that fast since! I finally jumped into the dirt bank at the end just in time to feel the train rush past (of course the conductor was blowing the whistle). Has anyone seen "stand by me?" Talk about flash back as I sat in the movie theatre!!!!

    (can ya tell i'm in a rare mood?)