WOO HOO! Finished Week 1!

  • Just wanted to celebrate a minute, and I knew you guys would celebrate with me: I'm on Day 8 now of phase 1, and as of yesterday morning I have lost 4.4 lbs! I know a lot of people have lost more by this point, but I'm just so proud of myself for staying on the program--it's been a LOONG time since I've been able to stick to a diet perfectly for 7 days. Also, this is such a huge change from my normal way of eating. I've had more veggies in the last week than I probably have in the last 6 months (embarrasing, but it's true). Anyway, I guess I just want to say that I'm so proud of myself and am so happy that this seems to be working for me. I love reading all your posts, and I appreciate the support I find here! Thanks to everyone.

  • We're proud of you too!! As the weeks/months go by, you will see and feel so many wonderful changes!
  • Yay!
    you go , girl!
  • Dawn, you're off to a great start! The first week is the toughest, so that is behind you now. And it's not "only" 4.4 lbs., that's an awesome loss. As you've discovered, this plan really works, and it'll keep working for you as long as you stay on it! congrats!
  • Congrats! That's a huge achievement! I am sure you're feeling really happy and motivated right now!

    Keep going!
  • That's great! I'm on day 3 and lost 1 pound I was hoping for 2 pounds at this point but at least it's better then nothing.
  • bikini city here you come !!!
  • Way to go, Dawn!

  • COngrats!
  • major congrats!
  • Congratulations, It keeps getting easier and better from here on out.
  • Good job, Dawn!!!!! You will find that by the end of phase 1, your new way of eating will start to become a habit! Wait till you see (AND FEEL!) all the wonderful changes in your body.
  • Congrats to you, Dawn!!! I could have written exactly the same as you. I'm on day 10, and this is the longest I've been able to stick to my resolve. And I also am in the about 5lb. loss range.

    more importantly, not a single speck of flour, starch, sugar, etc has gone into me, and the sugar/carbs was my HUGe addiction.

    Working in a bakery does not help at all, but as long as I'm full of my tons of veggies (I also eat more veggies in a day than...I don't know what to compare to ) I am able to think of pounds LOST and fat melting with the help of the daily working out...and just look at the sweets and think "no".

    sorry to switch the conversation to me

    congrats again to YOU!
  • Congrats!!!