Why SBD can be so confusing to follow

  • I feel a responsibility not to confuse any one else so I want to make one statement about why it seems like SBD is so confusing to follow.

    As the regulars around here know by now, I have posted many posts regarding what is or isn't allowed based on what I have read and on the official SBD website.

    I know that each month brings on new SBeachers and I don't want you to get even more confused while you are still trying to figure this food plan into your new life you have chosen.

    Again, I have spent several hours this morning researching some of the former posts that I have posted.

    For the new kids on the block here are a couple of points to remember as you move through the different Phases of this diet:

    1)According to the official website: Dr. Agatston, author of this diet, is constantly reviewing new evidence and research in the diet field. As he comes across new evidence that he sees will benefit the followers of his diet he has made adjustments. One important area was the new evidence that showed that calcium has a beneficial effect on overall weight lose. Therefore, that is why the updated versions of dairy do now include 2 c of fat free or low fat milk. Plain non-fat yogurt is allowed in Phase One(primarily based on there is only natural lactose sugar in the product) but Phase Two does expand on the choices available that you find in the supermarkets such as some of the "lite" versions(some of which may have other ingredients).

    2)This is not a low carb or low calorie diet. However, according to the website and book, the KEY to success in following the South Beach Diet is low gylcemic index food choices in fruits, vegetables and breads/grains. If you don't know what glycemic index means; it is how much starch is in a particular food, how the body metabolizes that starch substance and how the body converts it to blood glucose which is then used for the body for energy. FAT is STORED ENERGY. Therefore, we do NOT need more of that so we need to follow a food plan that will release the existing stored energy (ie; fat) that we already have.

    3)As you will soon discover, there are discrepancies between the allowed food list and the meal plans. However, in spite of these discrepancies, this food plan does work. The principles behind it are sound and based on eating healthy "good for you" foods.

    Again, I offer my apology to any and all who I may have inadvertently confused. In my earnest effort to grasp the concepts in this diet, I may have done so. I am sure there will be more discussions but I just wanted all of your fellow Beachers know my intentions are and remain dedicated to sharing my successes (and yes failures--hopefully it's more of a learning curve) as well as sharing along with yours.

    I would like to quote another Beacher "This is not a low carb diet, it is a low crap diet."I think you get the picture.
  • Thanks, Pamatqua. I am going to close this thread and will move it to the FAQ Section tomorrow. Good stuff!
    I sure hope Dr. A. clarifies things in his new book which is due for release the end of April!