"I don't feel like cooking"

  • OK< before this week I used to think this a lot and .. yes, you guessed it, order pizza! Well, tonight I got out of work late 4:30, worked out at curves, went shopping for a few things my son needed (groceries), came home and threw some fish on the broiler after sprinkling with Old Bay's new Lemon & Herb, threw a bag of broccoli and couliflour in the microwave to steam, prep time, LESS than three minutes (I swear was only a minute)... cook time, 5 for veggies, ten for fish....

    I'm not sure about you all, but I'm finding things are EASY to make, taste much better, and I FEEL much better than I do after eating PIZZA!!!!!

    So, why did I think pizza was easier than this????????????

    Anyone else have any easy dinner ideas? Or have you experienced this "revelation?"

    (I'm loving cooking!)
  • Here's a great quick, easy and deeeeelishous herb chicken recipe. Simple...take chicken breast (however many as you like), throw them in a large ziplock bag...take a packet of good seasons herb garlic salad dressing (prepare separately in bowl as per instructions which include adding water, vingegar and oil..I use olive)....pour salad dressing in bag and let marinate overnight...do not add any extra seasonings....put in frying pan and cook for about 15-20 min..and BAM!!!...great chix for salads, or by itself!!! Joyce
  • I have done the fish with old bay seasoning I dont know how many times. Its is very quick and easy. I love it!!!
  • Here's my favorite quickie meal: Tomorrow morning I will be throwing a pork loin in the crockpot with a little water, some chopped onion and chopped jalapeño. When I get home from work, I will shred it with a fork, and eat it over black beans or roll some up in a whole wheat tortilla. It's delicious and we can pick at leftovers for the next week.
  • I hear you on this one
    Ordering delivery pizza was always my "quickie meal idea" when I just felt too lazy to cook. And, that is saying a lot since I really do enjoy cooking from scratch.

    I am trying to break that habit too because I feel like it is fast becoming one of my trigger foods (maybe it always was and I didn't realize it?).

    I like to keep my meals simple during the work week. Even though I work from home, I still try to time our evening meals so we have it by 7 pm so we can sit down and watch some tv together.

    I have one of those Wolfgang Puck's portable griddles/grills. I love it! It was well worth the money. It was the first time I was able to make perfectly done and round pancakes. Before, well, they tasted good but they were kind of ...well, you know.

    Last night, I threw two (on sale) beef steaks on the grill part (it flips over), put some steak seasoning on it. Then, I microwaved a baked potatoe for my DH, opened a salad bag, rinsed, sliced and chopped some cold vegetables, and our meal was prepared in about 15 minutes.

    I also like to bake chicken. Wash, put a drizzle of canola oil in the bottom of the baking dish (so it won't stick--a cooking oil spray would work too). Season according to my mood and while that is cooking, microwave a potatoe (again for DH) and heat up some vegetables in the microwave as well.

    On Sunday afternoons, I like to make up a couple of large pots of stew, chili or homemade soup to have throughout the work week.

    I am going to have to try that pork loin idea. That sounds yummmy