Monday Beach Babblings

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  • Hey everyone.

    I feel like i havent posted in ages. I'm so busy these days. We're getting close to finals, and I have projects coming outta places I dont want to mention that are due really soon. I spent the weekend working on them mainly since I have class at night and I work all day. It seems to be the only time I get to do it. I added brown rice last week during my first week of P2, and needless to say I was/am scared to death. However, when I weighed this morning I was down another 6 lbs. SO I must be doing something right. I really thought I gained weight. But oh well. I hope all of you are doing great. Have a WONDERFUL day.
  • Good morning. The time change isn't working for me as I was awake at 4. I wish they'd just leave the time alone! I need to figure out how to change the clock in my car - or else leave it until March!

    Fluff, you sound really busy. Congrats on the good transition to Phase II. I love brown rice! I also am starting to like quinoa and barley.

    I got some garden clean-up done yesterday - over at the Church! My own is still waiting patiently. I may just leave everything standing for "winter interest" as we lazy gardeners say. The birds do like the seeds from the plants, you know.

    Painting class this afternoon. I'd really rather be quilting but must finish the picture I'm working on. I think I will not do the winter semester. Van Gough I ain't even if I cut off an ear!

    Oatmeal, flax, walnuts and apple are calling. I'm working very hard at getting to like oatmeal but....

    See the rest of the early chicks later.
  • Good morning!

    Ruth,That oatmeal sounds good, it's a shame you don't care much for it. I love it, but not if it's mushy. I cook mine until it's on the dry side and "rough". It tastes better that way. Enjoy your painting class today!

    fluffy, you lead a busy life! Congratulations on your 6# victory!

    I'm off for an early morning appt. at the hairdresser, then home to pay bills until it's time to get Maggie. On Mondays I work until between 7-8 and with it getting dark earlier, it's going to feel like I'm there all night. I really don't like it being dark so early in the evening at all.
  • Hey gals! I just got back from a ten mile run and I'm feeling fantastic! The kids behaved today and all went well. Yea! Off to shower and eat something and rest my little leggies.

    Good luck on all your projects, Fluff!

    Ruth, I'm sure you do this already, but I love oatmeal so much better cooked on the stove, and with milk! If I'm adding in raisins, I put them in while the milk is cooking so they get nice and plump. Yum!

    Linda, hope your hair comes out beautiful!

    Have a great day chickies!

  • Yesterday I noticed it was getting dark by four! I made some herb tea and turned on lots of lights!

    The oatmeal was OK. I may come to like it if I live long enough! My favourite porridge is Red River but I forgot to get some at Bulk Barn! My Mother used to make terrible oatmeal - lumpy and sort of slimy. I'd gag on the stuff. Her own breakfast was coffee and a cigarette while she nagged us to "eat a proper breakfast"! I do cook my oatmeal with milk but am avoiding raisins as they are pretty high sugar and I like them too much.

    Hershey and I are considering having our afternoon nap very shortly!
  • Ruth, Bleech! If I grew up eating oatmeal like that, I wouldn't like it now, either!

    Hi, Kara, you marathon runner, you! Wow, 10 miles!
  • Good Morning chicks,
    Ruth, i never change the clocks in the car, microwave, stove, VCR, etc. That's DH's job. If he's away from home when the time change happens, then they just stay wrong until the time changes back. I get used to doing the conversion in my head. The only time I have a problem is when he decides to change it without telling me! Last week, our computer, etc., did the change a week early, then a few days later he changed it back. I was totally confused all week.
    SillyFluff, good luck with finals. I remember how terrifying it was to leave the safety of PH1 for PH2. But it's so great to have all those new options, you'll love it. Congrats on the 6 lbs!
    cottage, I used agave nectar, some oatmeal and fiber one, and SB on the crisp. I left the peel on the apples and sprinkled with lots of cinnamon. Oh my God, it was SOOO GOOOD. I mean really almost orgasmically good. My taste buds were definitely singing for at least an hour last night. I bought two bags of apples week before last and one of them turned out to be good for eating, but the others were kind of mushy and mellow. So I've still got half a bag of the mushies and I am making that dessert again later this week. I felt like I was cheating, and DH kept asking me suspiciously if it was okay for him to be eating it (he's diabetic).
    Kara, jeezie-peezie, 10 miles! And I'm wondering if I can manage the 1 mile fun run next year!

    I love oatmeal, but definitely not slimy. I like it with a kind of chewy texture. I even loved it when I was a kid (with lots of brown sugar and milk), so my mom must have cooked it okay!
    I get kind of bummed out when it starts getting dark so early. This morning the cats got DH up to give them breakfast at 4:20. I hadn't changed the upstairs clock, so he thought it was 5:20. The time change does make it easier for me to get up earlier though, that's the only good thing. But unfortunately it doesn't last too long. It has just occurred to me that Thanksgiving is 2.5 weeks away. Now, that's a scary thought!
    Nothing exciting going on around here today. I've got my usual Monday AM telecon. Got to get some laundry hung out, and try to pack up some Halloween stuff. Dentist appt for me this afternoon. DD has tap class this evening. Got to go wake up kiddies to get ready for school now.
    Let's have a great on-plan day chicks. As they say in High School Musical, "We're all in this together!"
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    A quick fly-by. Had a wonderful weekend at the wedding. It was just perfect. I was a bit worried about food, but it all worked out well. cheated a bit with ONE bite of bread pudding at the rehearsal dinner (had a wonderful fish dish..had to scrape off the sauce, and didn't eat the potatoes) The reception had all kinds of food including roasted vegetable platter. I also had ONE bite of wedding cake (it tasted way too sweet). Weighed in this morning and didn't gain an ounce! I've attached a pic my husband took friday night at the hotel before the rehearsal dinner.

    We had a VERY SAD Friday morning. Had to have our 9 year old blind/deaf maltese, Murphy, put to sleep before we left on the trip. His eyes had degenerated so badly that it was causing him too many problems. I won't get graphic on what was happening with his eyes, but it had to be done.I miss him terribly.
  • You look beautiful, Cat. Sorry about your doggie. That is always so hard.
  • Good morning! Hope everyone had a great weekens. I tried several times to post over the weekend but I just kept getting kicked out (not saving anything I wrote), I am here today and thats all that matters.

    Silly glad you posted and let us know of your success - keep it up!

    Ruth hope you get your painting done - hope you & hershey enjoy your early knap if you take one

    Kara 10 miles thats awesome! One day I hope to be able to that

    Schmoodle wow your a busy bee today. Yes lets do have an on plan day

    Cat I am so sorry to hear of your dog Murphy I don't know what I would do if & when the day comes for my yorkie. Love the pic

    Cottage Have a great day!!

    Be back later as I have to see what I missed out on over the weekend
  • I'm working In reverse today IRish Time!
    Cat you look lovely!! I'm so sorry about your Murphy!
    Schmoodle I do the same thing with clocks! Easier to do the math!! Your crisp sounds great! Ever thought of throwing in some toasted Walnuts or Pecans? That's my secret
    Hi Silly! Nice to meet you!
    Ruth My Gram hated Slimy Oatmeal too she always cooked it hard and served it like Cereal I LOOOOVE this! That being said I had awesome Porridge with Whiskey nd cream which was too die for! *cough* Bring on the early nappage!
    Cottage I hate the dark evenings too! Enjoy your day its gorgeous out!
    Kara You're such an inspiration! BTW love your pic!

    Me soo The scale was nice to me this AM and said 136!! I will change my sig later. We ate really really well but only maybe twice a day on the trip b/c everything was so filling! DH walked a lot I scooted of course and even survived the "good" candy DH wouldn't let me get too crazy but Irish/English Candy is to die for!
    Regardless I'm starting Ph1 tomorrow so as not to lose any ground! As soon as I post the pics from the trip i 'll send you all the url.
    is it too late to join the exercise/loss challenge?
    I should do some work!
  • Good Monday Morning Chicks!

    This promises to be a good week as it's a short one for me and I get to fly to Austin Friday morning to be with my family before my work conference starts Sunday night!

    SillyFluff: Congrats on the 6# loss while starting P2! That's awesome! I'm getting ready to go back to school in the Spring. I'm going to be in the same situation you're in and am not looking forward to how busy I'll be. But, the payoff is worth it, right?

    Ruth: I actually love my oatmeal slimy! Is that weird? My mom never made oatmeal for us as kids, so it's kind of a novelty for me now. Your day of painting sounds lovely!

    Cottage: I actually like it getting dark earlier. It makes me rush to get the chores done because you can't have clothes on the line or take out the trash after dark. Last night I ended up having more free time than I had on all those summer evenings! I can definitely understand how you feel since you're working into the darkness. The drive home wouldn't be fun at all!

    Kara: Ten miles?! That sure is a lot! One day I hope to work up to two miles! Hope you have a great evening!

    Schmoodle: Our furbabies are still on their old schedule. Luckily they were lazy before the time change, so it was 6 am when I let them out. Thankfully, DH took care of the clock changing in the house and I didn't think it was 7. I went back to bed! Have a great day!

    Cat: What a great picture! You look fantastic! Sorry about Murphy. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I'm sure he's resting peacefully right now with no pain - and I bet he's got 20/20 now!

    , GonnaBe!

    Kier: I don't think that it's ever too late to join the Challenges. Just let one of the mods know if it's locked. I'm glad your trip was wonderful ~ and that the scale was nice!

    Me: This past weekend really was a busy one. Friday night we were loading up the trailer for Saturday's trade show. Saturday we left the house at 6:45 am to make it to the trade show in time to set up before the public came. Then, from 8am to 4 pm, it was selling, selling, selling. I had great intentions to do a major cleaning of the house when we got home, but that didn't happen. So, I spent all of yesterday after church cleaning. It was worth the work because the house looks beautiful!

    Tonight we're having sausage w/ ww pasta for dinner. I'm also going to make some pumpkin bars for DH. The one thing we HAVE to do tonight is pick a place to stay in Ruidoso, NM next March. Some of our top choices are already booked through April, so DH needs to call and reserve tomorrow.

    Well, I need to get to work. Here's some and a big to everyone!

  • Ko hello! I'm glad the scale has been good to you

    Kim enjoy your family time and thanks a bunch for the hug and the dust as I can sure use it
  • Hey Chicks! I haven't posted in awhile because school, work, and student union stuff has been consuming my life. And as such, my weight is STILL plateauing (better than gain though, right?). However, my belt was getting WAY too big despite drilling 2 extra holes in it, so I went to the Gap and picked up a LARGE!!!! Now granted, I'm on the last belt loop BUT IT FITS! I don't really quite understand how the XL is so big and the L is just there, but oh well. I'm psyched. It's probably been since middle school that I wore anything that was a large, much less from the Gap! Now if only my arms/backfat would shrink and that would translate into large tops as well!

    I had a meeting with the director of dining services as the student union liaison for the cafeteria I eat in and it went very well, despite me being stressed to all **** about it. Apparently, there SHOULD be gluten free wraps and she was shocked when she found out there weren't any in any sandwich station. So that means I can start eating my hummus and turkey wraps soon! I'm pretty psyched. I'm working on getting more vegan/vegetarian healthy options as well, since half the time it's deep fried portabellas or something ridiculous like that. Off to class!
  • hi ladies,

    well after a two week period of sickness, I am back on the beach. Phase one all over again. I feel awful, but I know once I start treating my body with respect and eat the foods it needs, and exercise, I'll be better. I'm actually looking forward to it.

    I'm so glad to be back!