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Barb0522 07-25-2007 02:02 AM

Wacky Wednesday
I almost called this Weary Wednesday but I was hoping everyone else isn't as tired as I am. I'm hoping the application will be up soon so I can finally go to bed. I still have 5 hours that I could sleep if it ended now but it probably won't. Yesterday ended up being a 16.5 hour day. Hopefully, today will be better. This is when it's a pain being salary.

My weight keeps climbing. I'm guessing it is lack of exercise and lack of sleep. I'll remedy those when I can. I am so glad I am on vacation next week!

cottagebythesea 07-25-2007 06:15 AM

Poor Barb!!!! What a day, (and night!). You'll surely need that vacation next week! I hope you can get some rest today. :hug:

I'm enjoying a nice cup of coffee right now, much better than that nasty strong, bitter brew I got from Starbucks yesterday! I honestly don't know what all the fuss is about, their lattes and cappuchinos are good, but the regular coffee is awful. Amber is still asleep, hopefully she won't wake up too early, and the girls are going to be dropped off around 8:30, so I'm going to enjoy my quiet time right now while I can. :)
I haven't heard any baby news yet, but hopefully everything will go well, and he'll be born before noon!

tomandkara 07-25-2007 06:57 AM

Morning all! Barbara, I hope you get your much-needed rest, and Linda, I'm anxiously awaiting the baby news!

I'm pooped tonight so I think I'm going to hit the sack early. I've been reading through Bob Greene's The Best Life book and it's really good! The forward by Oprah is excellent.

Off to brush teeth and rest my noggin.


mamma04930 07-25-2007 07:26 AM

well goodmornin everbuddie
is very early for me but im trying to get up earlier hoping that i will exercise more if i get my day started earlier....we'll see. welll last week was kinda of a reading the book and getting myself ready and today is the frist day of the actual diet and im scared and excited. i know it works because i lost a lot last time but i was was almost 4yrs ago and now im 50

femmecreole 07-25-2007 07:33 AM

Barbara, hope you are sleeping by now and not reading this!!..You too, Kara!

Cottage, let us know as soon as you can when bebe gets here!

Nothing exiting here today...just work and more work. Hitting the gym today later on. I'm still at that d@mn plateau...In fact I have gained 6 lbs. I have been totally OP and very well behaved and it's making me nuts. I keep telling myself just to throw that stupid scale away. I thought maybe my caloiries have just been too low and causing "starvation mode" so yesterday forced myself to eat some extra turkey to throw the calorie count off. It's depressing, but I don't plan to blow it now. I know it's just a hurdle, but I still hate it. I am going to the gym 3 days a week for about an hour each time and using stability ball the other days. auuggghhh!!!

little chick 07-25-2007 07:42 AM

Morning chicks.... Cottage can I come have a cup of tea with you if your house is quiet. Mine on the other hand is so loud. I have one beautiful little girl but she is so loud. I hope that the baby is here soon and all goes well. Make sure you post pics of the new little one.Me I was up and went for my walk again this morning 1 2/3 miles 30 mins. Not feeling as tired thank goodness. I also have a line of clothes out and I am hoping the sun comes out. I heard it was going to be very hot and humid today. I hope so. Which means the beach again this afternoon. Barb- You poor thing I hope you get some much needed rest. I could not do what you do. I need my sleep or I can't function. Take care of yourself. Kara-Hope you have a good sleep. I should check that book out. I need to go to the library as I have some books to return. Good night. faylene- Welcome to the beach. Hope you get your exercising in. I have started that as well. Two days in for me with the early morning thing.
Good morning to the rest of you chicks as you arrive hope you all have a great day. Hugs to all.

little chick 07-25-2007 07:45 AM

Morning Cat we were posting at the same time. Hugs to you there is nothing worse. Just keep up the good work you have been doing. Judge by your clothes if they are not feeling tighter than it is probably nothing to much to worry about. Our bodys are funny things never doing what you think they should. Maybe the heat has you retaining water. My poor friend has gained 8 pounds and her feet and hands are so swollen. Take care hon.

mamma04930 07-25-2007 07:52 AM

pay no attention im just trying to fix my ticker

Kiko 07-25-2007 07:53 AM

Good morning!

Barb Are you working from home today? Be careful driving if you have to go in. :hug: Vacation is going to be so nice for you, although you and Brian will be super active, so who knows how much rest you will get!

Cottage Keep us posted! Will you be able to go see them at the hospital today? Nothing like snuggling a baby. :bb:

LC I hear you on the quiet house- mine is great right now as everyone is still asleep. In a mere 30-45 minutes it will be chaos!

Kara Sleep tight! We missed you yesterday!

Femme Hang in there, although I certainly hear you on the frustrating weight gain. Just keep remembering how good it felt to buy those black capris in a smaller size! :goodvibes:

Faylene Have a great first day on the beach!

Me- Same old, same old today. Watching the neighbor, laundry, math work.... I am meeting a friend and her son at a pizze place this morning. We won't be eating there, but I am going to get the kids each 5 bucks in tokens and let them play. It should be interesting... the friend's son and my DD have been friends their whole lives, but he has an anxiety disorder and doesn't do well in new situations. Last time I brought the neighbor along it was very strange and her son was really rude to him. We shall see how this get together goes....

Coffee is done, gotta get cracking before the house wakes up! :coffee:

mamma04930 07-25-2007 07:53 AM

ive done everything rite and still cant make this thing change

Kiko 07-25-2007 08:04 AM

Did you go to your actual signature to make the changes?

weezle 07-25-2007 08:18 AM

Morning girls. Extremely tired again today. Had a hard time going to sleep due to my back, even with Aleve in my system and drinking chamomile tea before bed. Finally found a comfortable position without having to go to the couch and lying flat on my back and ticking off DH. I'm super stiff today, but not a ton of pain or anything like yesterday.

Better hop through the shower and get a move on. Hope you girls have a great day.


femmecreole 07-25-2007 08:28 AM

Lisa, have you tried sleeping on your side and putting a pillow between your knees? I had back surgury years ago and it really helps when I over-do it and have back pain. The pillow takes the strain off of your back. I now can't sleep without my knee pillow.

At the time the doctor told me never to lift anything over 5lbs for the rest of my life...I had a one year old at the time...ha..funny, funny doctor.

charolastra00 07-25-2007 08:33 AM

I'm pooped! Had a really hard time getting out of bed this morning.

Plus my roommate is being dumb again and has taken over the bathroom! Every time I'm running late, he hops in the shower around 8:25 and doesn't get out until after I should have left for work! I have to brush my teeth and wash my face and go the bathroom, you know! Apparently talking to him hasn't helped. I know he has work to get to too but he leaves WAY after me and it's ONLY in the mornings that he takes half hour long showers. *cry*

Barb0522 07-25-2007 08:50 AM

Morning, ladies. I'm definitely working from home today. I'm going to keep my driving to a minimum. I got to bed around 2, got up at 3:30, back to bed at 4, back up at 4:26 back to bed at 4:46. I know I didn't get even 4 hours of sleep. I turned Brian's alarm off and am letting him sleep in since I don't have to go into the office. I'm on my first conference call now and will take him in to day care in between meetings. He's got a field trip today but it's Chuck E Cheese for lunch so he doesn't need to be there early.

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