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ltfinn 07-16-2007 12:33 AM

I guess I can admit it...I am and have been a carbaholic. It has always been difficult as I grew up in a family full of addicts...mostly alcohol...but other things as well...

I always viewed these addictions is horrible and serious things...but now one of the epiphanies I have had as of late is that my carb addiction is just as serious...it affects my life every bit as serious as my dad's drinking affecting his...

I think I could hide my head in the sand a bit because I did not see that I was hurting anyone but myself...now I realize that not being the best person I can be hurts my whole circle of family, friends and co-workers.

I have now been on South Beach phase I for two weeks...so far so good...I have been able to kick carbs for this amount of time...I hope that Phase 2 will go as well...Two weeks down...and a lifetime to go...

Anyway, just wanted to say something here...I thank everyone for the inspiring posts that I have seen. I can't wait until I can post success stories and progress towards my goals.

And I too love coffee...and have used StarBucks as my allowable treat during phase 1...although I feel as though I should have been drinking decaf espresso...


tomandkara 07-16-2007 12:37 AM

Hi L! There are good carbs like whole grains and the carbs you get from veggies, so don't write off carbohydrates for good!

I'm so glad you feel more in control of your eating choices, now! That was a huge step for me upon completing Phase 1 as well.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


ltfinn 07-16-2007 12:40 AM

I know you are right about good and bad carbs...and I guess I was mostly refering to those bad ones...you know those ones they get you with by putting them on sale at the grocery store...

Don't worry I do intend on adding back the good carbs in the next few weeks...but they are also not the ones that I craved prior to starting out on south beach...

Thanks for the reminder!


tomandkara 07-16-2007 12:47 AM

When I read the South Beach book I was astonished at the testimonials about "I haven't had bread in eight months and I don't even miss it..." I couldn't believe that would ever happen to me, but I rarely eat bread any more and I truly don't miss it. I *do* love a whole wheat pita every now and again for my garlic-avocado concoction, but other than that, I've been getting all my carbs from veggies and fruits. And beans.

I've had a couple revelations myself. It feels good to not only be getting your eating under control, but to be discovering things about yourself, too, that will help you throughout your life!


Pearlrose 07-16-2007 05:50 AM

I too used to be a carbaholic as well as a sugar addict- I love SB!!! I do not crave breads or sugar- I only occasionally have flatbread when I can find the one I like and for treats I only have sugar free and find that it satisfies me without setting off the out of control eating that eating sugar and processed foods used to do to me.

ladybugnessa 07-16-2007 07:39 AM

just wanted to say welcome

and a fat free sugar free vanilla iced latte is a regular treat for me at starbucks... just remember to count the milk as your dairy serving!

femmecreole 07-16-2007 08:10 AM

I'm right there with you...My "biggies" were white rice, pasta and HOT FRENCH BREAD WITH TONS OF REAL BUTTER!! Then number 2 big addiction was sugar, chocolate etc...I literally baked some kind of goody every afternoon. (My poor family gets a bag of store bought cookies now and I feel guilty sometimes about not baking anymore. My son's friends just stare at the empty cake plate that is out on my counter that used to be kept full ! But they all have cars so they can go get it somewhere else. I bake for them VERY occasionally .)

Now, I have bread MAYBE once a week in the form of a turkey sandwich on whole grain and I now have to keep my bread in the freezer because it was going bad before I could eat it. I bought 2 loaves of french bread a couple of weeks ago to serve po-boys when we had company in town and ended up throwing one away after a week..that has NEVER happend in this house before! I sat there and watched them eat it and really didn't feel bad at all about not having any...but each night I do have a peanut butter cup as a treat. I thought I would be tired of them by now, but nope, still love them.

If I can do it...you can too.

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