3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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tomandkara 07-15-2007 03:31 AM

LINDA DAY! It's fun learning everyone's real names!

Glad you got the pants on before you headed out, Schmoodle! I'm sure the folks at Kinkos are used to people showing up all crazed and in a panic!

I am eating soybeans. They are so good!

Liannie, hope this weekend is nice and relaxing for you and that your pace settles next week.

Betty, I have no clue what kind of iPod I have. I am not technologically savvy. It's about three inches by two inches maybe and perhaps the width of two credit cards? I know it can hold music and pictures. I love it! I've found it's most comfortable if I wear it with the arm band and the headphones cord inside my shirt so it's not bouncing all over the place and getting in my way.

Lisa, what's your new favorite veggie?


indigal 07-15-2007 04:31 AM

Hello all! Well I officially weighed into day kept the pound off and another 1/2!!! 1 1/2 for my first week of phase 2! I'm excited. I lost so much in phase 1 that I know my body needed a rest. I'm glad it slowed down some.

Not much news with me, Working several jobs today, just ran home for a lunch break. Been making more order out of chaos in our theater tech room. It's gonna take days, but has come a long ways in 2 days! Yahoo!

Jana~ Welcome! Always nice to meet a new person here! SOuth Beach is definitly a healthy way to break through a plateau.

Well my lunch break is over... It's the middle of the night for most of ya.

Pearlrose 07-15-2007 05:34 AM

Hello all, sounds like you are having a wonderful and busy weekend. We got back from a lovely vacation going to see inlaws in Texas, it was a nice trip and even better the kids did not argue with each other at all this trip.

I am back at work this weekend, almost done with 2nd day of 12's only one more to go. I will go home and catch a couple hours of z's and then meet up with the family at church (not hard to do when you only live three houses down hehe).

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday :)

Ruthxxx 07-15-2007 07:16 AM

33 posts! We sure are chatty chickies!

Ellis, Mauvais, Ilene and I had a great lunch/brunch yesterday in Ottawa's trendy Market area. We've decided we need to do this more often. We did a bit of shopping in Domus, an upscale kitchen shop and generally just had a fun time. I took in a quilt show when I was in the city and also worked in a visit to my dear Aunt Rose. I picked up the dogs from the groomer ($100) and was home by 6. I got kidnapped and dragged to the Long Horn where I had a veggie burger and no wine!

Today is Church, a visit to Harry and then a BBQ later for the music festival volunteers. One of these days I'll manage to finish my book!

Enjoy your Sunday and sleep well, Indigal and Kara!

tomandkara 07-15-2007 07:20 AM

Kitty, great job on the extra loss! You're really chipping away at your goal!

Pearl, glad your vacation was nice. I'm blessed with wonderful in-laws as well - known them over half of my life and they're just terrific, caring people that I'm lucky to call family. What is your secret for a non-arguing trip?! Actually, my kids travel very well, but I wish they would apply the same principles to their day-to-day interactions!

We had a really nice time with our friend who came for dinner. Tom grilled a flank steak with a Jack Daniels sauce, which I had none of obviously. I made some grilled veggies in the broiler since I don't care too much for the smokey taste of his smoker grill and also made a delicious fruit salad, if I do say so myself. I had "fake steak" as well, to squeeze some protein in there. I weighed myself this morning and had gained three pounds so I'm BACK to 128 AGAIN and I was very frustrated since I've been staying at 1500 calories since Friday and getting all my exercise in, but then this afternoon I got my period so I'm hoping that will explain away the three pound gain. I was also happy to find out I wasn't pregnant again - not that I thought I was, but this cycle was 65 days long, so it was kind of nagging me in the back of my head a little.

Anyway, I'm going to relax a bit before bed. I swam twenty laps at the pool today, pretty proud of that!

See you all in the morn!


tomandkara 07-15-2007 07:22 AM

Thank you for the sleep wishes, Ruth! If you don't mind, would you let Avery know that Mommy would like a full night's rest? That would be divine! Glad your meet-up went nicely!


tomandkara 07-15-2007 07:56 AM

WHERE THE HECK IS NESSA?! I need her to smack me because I want some ICE CREAM SO BADLY! Ahhhhhhhh! Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.

It is TOO late to be eating ice cream. 8:53 pm. I would be up all night on a sugar rush.

I have worked TOO hard the past three days, staying at 1500 calories a day to ruin all of that good self-control with one pint of ice cream.

I have exercised TOO hard over the past month to ruin it all with one pint of ice cream. Is it worth running eight miles for? NO! Not if that running tomorrow will burn fat that I already have to lose, not new fat from eating ice cream tonight.

Oooh, I think my rational side may be returning. Hmmm. THANK GOODNESS FOR 3FC! Were it not for this board, I would have cracked into the sweet-treat-that-shall-not-be-named by now. In the spirit of Harry Potter, I will now refer to temptations in that way!

My beach towel is a magic carpet that will carry me above and away from nasty, unhealthy food. Think of Kitty's picture of the fat.

Thanks for allowing my little rant!


ladybugnessa 07-15-2007 08:00 AM

Good Morning.

Sorry I was scarce yesterday. I was busy setting up a new SBD message board for some friends and I had a sci-fi convention.

today is Sunday Hubby is racing. the dogs are being butt heads and it seems like half the internet is down. LOL.

todays plans include housecleaning and laundry. oh joy

now to go back and see what everyone else has to say.

ladybugnessa 07-15-2007 08:01 AM

LOL Kara we were posting at the same time

NOTE my ticker babe. I lost 2 pounds...

tomandkara 07-15-2007 08:08 AM

You rock.

Probably because you didn't eat ice cream.

Neither did I!!!!

Because I'm scared of you...

And because I owe it to myself.


ladybugnessa 07-15-2007 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by tomandkara (Post 1775397)
You rock.

Probably because you didn't eat ice cream.

Neither did I!!!!

Because I'm scared of you...

And because I owe it to myself.


Girl you did it because you are strong and powerful!

if you wanna pretend all the way over in Korea that you didn't eat ice cream cause your a feared of me, then go for it.

it's good to know my tough love is appreciated.

Kiko 07-15-2007 09:16 AM

Morning gals...

Just a quick post as I need to get my sleepyheads out of bed and ready for church. We went to a friend's house to celebrate her birthday last night, and it was another late night. My poor girls are going to be exhausted today. I may need to force Abigail into a nap.

After church, not too much on the agenda for the day. I think I will try a new recipe for dinner, although I am not sure what.

ladybugnessa 07-15-2007 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Kiko (Post 1775458)
Morning gals...

Just a quick post as I need to get my sleepyheads out of bed and ready for church. We went to a friend's house to celebrate her birthday last night, and it was another late night. My poor girls are going to be exhausted today. I may need to force Abigail into a nap.

After church, not too much on the agenda for the day. I think I will try a new recipe for dinner, although I am not sure what.

"force Abigail into a nap" oh i love a nap!

weezle 07-15-2007 09:27 AM


I don't know that I have a new "favorite" veggie.... I guess the edamame, but I don't know if it counts as a veggie. It LOOKS like a veggie, but I think it's a soy bean. Here's what I've been eating lately though:

carrots and cauliflower with dip
broccoli, carrot, cauliflower mix with garlic and butter spray
broccoli, carrot, red pepper, mushroom, corn mix with olive oil spray and garlic over whole wheat cous cous
plain broccoli or green beans with garlic and butter spray
spinach with garlic and bacon bits

Yes, I love garlic. Is that a veggie? :D

ladybugnessa 07-15-2007 09:47 AM

Garlic.... gift from above

i just made my favorite Sunday breakfast

1/2 red onion
1/2 green pepper
1/2 tablespoon minced fresh garlic
a couple of sliced fresh mushrooms

sauteed in a touch of heart healthy oil
smothered in spicy salsa
add 1 egg 2 whites scrambled
2 wedges of laughing cow reduced cheese


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