3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Ruthxxx 05-20-2007 11:03 AM

Phase I Beachers - Week beginning May 20
This thread is for new folks, old folks restarting and anybody working on Phase I. Post your questions, concerns and helpful hints in here.

(Remember to join us on the Daily Chat too. There's more to life than dieting; it just doesn't feel that way sometimes. )

Watercolor 05-21-2007 12:28 PM

Hi Ruth,
I am new here. I'm on day 3 of phase I. I feel good if I eat enough beans, otherwise I get a headache. Chick peas are saving me - I ate a whole can of them yesterday! And the ... uh ... "repercussions" of doing that have not been too bad. ;)

My first goal is to break 200. I really really want that number to go away!

Thanks for your support, and the great recipes!

HoosierHeather 05-21-2007 02:13 PM

welcome watercolor!

I was on p1 last week but it was not possible to get enough calories/nutrients for nursing (I only nurse part time but my supply dipped by about five ounces). I did lose 3lb last week. I want to lose 2lb this week. I have added back a little bit of fruit (I had 3 strawberries and a handful of blueberries with my mock french toasts this morning, and about 1/4 apple with my lunch) as I really don't care for bread, at all. Cereal is my big weakness so I have a box of All-Bran in there and I might eat a bowl of that in the evenings if I feel I need even more carbs.

Overall I feel pretty good. Still having some trouble sleeping but it's not as bad as a week ago.

Watercolor 05-21-2007 02:25 PM

Hi Heather -
Babie's diet comes first!
Nice to "meet" you!

missanne 05-21-2007 02:48 PM

I'm back! I was off plan for a week (ugh) because of our anniversary, daughter's birthday and mother's day. I planned to be off for four days, but I had trouble getting started again. BUT, I'm back now, and starting over with Phase 1 as of today. Day 1, Phase 1. I'm going to try to post what I eat every day, too, because that seems to help me stick to it. ;)

So today, this is my plan:
snack: string cheese
breakfast: beans with 2% cheddar cheese (I missed the veggies...I need to work on how to incorporate more veggies into breakfast...)
lunch: salad with shrimp and SB ranch dressing
snack: steamed green beans with a little bit of Smart Balance on them
dinner: grilled salmon with green beans and broccoli
dessert: SF jello and/or SF popcicle

charolastra00 05-21-2007 04:09 PM

Hi all! I'm on my 2nd week of P2 but I figure I can post here as well. :)

Is anyone else having trouble eating all that you need? I just CANNOT eat! Maybe it's all the water and fiber, but I feel really sick after I eat snacks. I don't want to eat just because of a timetable and would rather just eat when I'm hungry, but that means I don't eat for hours after I wake up (and since I'm a college student on a short break between school and internship, I already don't wake up til at least 11) and only have two small meals and no snacks. What gives?

It's strange because I made a big batch of palak paneer that might have been one long bingefest before I started this diet, but now that I take the time to eat slowly and only until my hunger is filled, it took up about 5 meals! Anyone else having this problem?

healthy4good 05-21-2007 04:10 PM

This is my first day and the first time with SB. I am getting married in a few months, and want to drop about 20 pounds. I need all the support I can get....I have been struggling for a long time!

Pacergal29 05-21-2007 05:15 PM

Welcome healthy4good, you have come to the right place. I will be done with p1 on thursday, but after spending memorial weekend away from home for dd graduation, open house and a family get together, will probably be right back on p1 on tuesday!

Everyone here is very helpful and supportive, make yourself at home, and enjoy the ride!

active 05-21-2007 06:52 PM

Hi All,

Started over today on Phase I, so far--so good, I am on my way to end of the year school program. Will try to catch up with everyone tomorrow.


cottagebythesea 05-21-2007 08:26 PM

:welcome3: to all the Newbies!

mamma04930 05-21-2007 09:18 PM

hi guys
well i just spent the last 20min answering each and every individual post here and my puter went nuts and i lost them all so to make a long story hi from me Faylene...watecolor we have alot in common and in my other post i told you all about it hehe i too wi at 200 with only 5 little feet to put it all on missyanne i suggested addin some brocolli to a scramble egg or even some green peppers if you like with a little sprinkle of cheese.. charo..i agreed with you that i find it hard to eat everything cuz to me it doesnt make since to eat so much but i know it works cuz ive done it before and since my puter is spasin on me again already i will just say to everyone else i cant wait to get to know everyone and ruth thank you so much for the warm welcome

craftymum 05-22-2007 03:24 AM

Hi, I'm new too - both to 3FC and South Beach. I decided yesterday morning that I could no longer justify the 'baby weight' excuse that I've been using for nearly 9 months so here I am on day 2, phase 1 :carrot:

No problems so far, actually quite a bit more food than I'm used to eating.

Ruthxxx 05-22-2007 06:38 AM

Good morning and a somewhat belated welcome to the new folks.

I hope all is going well but be sure to let us know if you have problems.


Watercolor 05-22-2007 10:01 AM

Hi Ruthxx,

We are both on the cusp of 200 pounds, and we are both 5'0".
Faylene is also in our boat, though I don't know about the 200 thing.
Gotta keep rowing!

mamma04930 05-22-2007 01:02 PM

goodafternoon everyone
taking a break from sewing for a few mins and yes watercolor i too am over 200 grrrrr but hopefully not for long. i have a few ??? so far today which is my second day phase 1 ive had
1egg scrambled with a little cheese in it proberly 1/4c
2 slices turkey bacon

morn snack
1 lf cheesestick

salad with grilled chicken strips (like at mcdonalds but only my own)
sb ranch dressing and again a sprikle of cheese
im not really measureing at thats kinda throwing me off does this sound like im doing it rite????
well i hope everyone is having a beautiful day but i need to get back to sewing. that shirt isnt gonna make its self

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