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jetsetter 04-27-2007 06:21 AM

TGI Friday Chat - April 27
Morning, all. I'm glad this is the last day of my work week. Definitely ready for a couple days away from my desk! My workshop for tomorrow was canceled. :( Apparently there weren't enough people signed up. Oh well, if it ever comes around again, I'll go. Not much on the schedule for today. Couple of meetings, but nothing out of the ordinary. If it's not too busy, I'm going to start reading one of my new books that arrived from Amazon last night. It's also a rest day, so I won't be stressing over getting a workout in once we get home. :cool:

What's the scoop from your neck of the woods?

cottagebythesea 04-27-2007 06:24 AM

:rain: :rain:

It's definitely April showers for us today! We even had our first thunderstorm of the season overnight. I scheduled a playdate for the girls after school, so I guess I'll have to come up with some indoor activities. I should have suggested we meet at the Moonbounce Park instead. It'll be a late night for me since Cindy and Richard are going into the city to see the King Tut exhibit and out to dinner after. At least I have the morning off, so I'll have time for a good workout at Curves.

Ruthxxx 04-27-2007 06:29 AM

The scoop here is rain! I guess we can use it but it always seems a shame when it rains on the weekend. We have a Churchyard clean-up day scheduled for tomorrow but will have to bump it.

I did some retail therapy yesterday afternoon when I took in my water samples. I now have proper shoes and some workout clothes. It's kind of neat to be able to buy capris instead of regular pants that need to be shortened. Capris work just fine for length. There are some advantages to being vertically challenged. Now I need to get rid of my horizontal challenge.

Today is work the BINGO day so I'll be on my feet a lot. Thank God I found the Aleve I brought back from Florida.

I'm outta here shortly for the gym but need to glug a high protein shake before I go to raise my BGL a bit. How's your day shaping up?

cottagebythesea 04-27-2007 06:30 AM

Good morning, Jet, I just merged our posts since we were posting at the same time! Too bad about your workshop being cancelled tomorrow, but enjoy your "me" time and pamper yourself with something special.

Morning to you, too, Ruth! Retail therapy is always a good thing! I'm a big fan of capris, too, and they don't need hemming!

GirlyGirlSebas 04-27-2007 08:31 AM

Good morning! Happy Happy Friday!

jetsetter - I'm so sorry your workshop was cancelled. I know you were looking forward to it. Hope you get some real good "you" time.
cottage - Hope the play date goes well. Glad you got your laptop working.:D
Ruth - Hope Bingo goes well for you today.
RNmom- So glad your son made it home ok!
Barbara - How are those darn chigger bites today?
Nessa - Where have you been, Hon. I miss you!

This morning is another clean house while working day. We have people coming through again this morning. So far, we've only had one day this week that no one came through. Traffic has been good. Hopefully, somebody will make an offer soon. Went to dinner last night while someone was seeing the house and I stayed on-plan! :carrot: Hope everyone has a great day.

Barb0522 04-27-2007 09:23 AM

Rhonda - Chigger bites are much better. Some of them do look too good but the itching is not bothering me. I don't think I have to worry about getting any at the park we are camping at this weekend but next weekend I will be back in chigger country.

jetsetter - I'm ready for the weekend too. Sorry about your workshop.

cottage - It can be challenging with kids. My son loves playing the recorder so he's happy as long as he has it.

ruth - I'm never tried capris since we aren't allowed to wear them to work. I am short so they might work well though. I'll have to try them next time I'm in the store

Me - I had a great meeting with my patrol last night. I'm really looking forward to the second part of the course the end of next week. After Brian gets out of school today, we have an hour drive to Lake Ray Roberts to camp with out pack. There is a 30% chance of rain tonight and then the weekend looks beautiful. Hopefully we won't get too much rain tonight but we'll be fine either way. I just want us set up before the rain if we get it.

I'm going in for a blood pressure check this morning. I KNOW I am at the right strength on my lisinopril but my pressure goes up in the office so I'll just have to hope for the best. My readings at home have been good.

Kelly J 04-27-2007 09:42 AM

Morning Chicks! The scale was nice to me and I saw 150 on the dot! Hopefully I'll be back into the 140's by the end of the weekend - if I can control my snacking :dizzy: It's always harder at home than at work. Today I'll plan all my meals and snacks out for the next two days and I promise I'll stick to them.

RN - I'm so glad you're son is home safe!:hug: Thank you & him for his service!
Kim - Hope things with the new house are going well.
Jet - Sorry you're workshop was cancelled. Are you going to still be able to get out by yourself for awhile? It's so hard working & having little ones at home to get any time to unwind.

Sunnybunny 04-27-2007 09:53 AM

Good Morning Girlies,

I am off today, so I trying to have fun! My Granny is in from Virginia, so I am going to bring her to my house to spend the night. She is so awesome and I am really looking forward to her coming over. I have a ton of stuff to do, so I am going to pop out.

I lost 3 more pounds and I couldn't be happier about it!!!

Have a good day,

browneyedgirl77 04-27-2007 10:14 AM

Hey everyone,
I'm so glad it's Friday. Dh is off tomorrow and can watch or little monsters while I get to have a break:cheer2: All is well in the SB department. DH was planing on taking us to Myrtle Beach this weekend but since a storm is coming we changed our plans. Hopefully, I can get him to take me to the mall or something. I hope that everyone has a great weekend, I gotta make this short. My 2-year-old wants her mommy to hold her.
Take care everyone,

femmecreole 04-27-2007 10:46 AM

I'm at work counting the minutes before I can leave to go to Jazz Fest. I stopped at Walgreen's this morning and got a spiffy new hat and "shades".

Listening to those with little ones talk about them really makes me miss my little ones. My "baby" is 19, my others are 23 and 26. But then again I vividly remember the days of diaper bags, juice on the floor, cheeiros and toys everywhere and baby tylenol and worry over colds and ear infections. Kid wise, this morning was a lot easier. As my son was walking out the door for his first class this morning, I yelled "Hey Beau, Daddy and I are leaving right after I get home from school, There's some pork roast in the fridge!"...
Yeah, life gets a lot less complicated.

SB wise, I have 2 more days on P1 and I'm thinking about maybe staying on it (mostly) for another week or so..maybe an apple here and there. I ordered some whole grain bread mix this morning for my bread machine and figured by the time it gets here, I'll be ready for it. Then I can make one loaf at a time, slice it and freeze it for when I get a bread urge. It's going so well, that I hate for any "backsliding" to occur.

ladybugnessa 04-27-2007 11:02 AM

hey all... busy as all get out... it's pouring here... busy weekend ahead and i think i'm getting a cold.

Tuesday is my ONE YEAR Beachaversiry.

carynm 04-27-2007 12:16 PM

Good morning! Pretty low-key day today on my end. Running some errands, compiling a couple of invoices ... nothing too stressul. DH and I are going bowling tonight with some neighbors (I'm awful!). Should be fun. Soccer games this weekend but no other obligations, which is really exciting because our weekends are usually jam-packed.

All is well food-wise except that I've really been craving nuts this week. I'm not sure what that's all about but I suppose it's better than craving cake.

Nessa, happy anniversary!

Femmecreole, enjoy the Jazz Fest. I'm totally jealous.

Have a great weekend, everyone! :)

weezle 04-27-2007 12:46 PM

Hi girlies!

Look at me, posting two days in a row!!!! WOO HOO!

It's going to be another hectic day. I have to run my store and another store today, and have an interview for the other store too. I did my Hip Hop Abs this morning (kind of looks like this :carrot:) and ate a Boca Breakfast Wrap, so I feel ready to go!

Finally no rain here today. Only going to be a high of 64 though, brrr. I'm ready for 80s!!!! I want to go swimming!!!! Hopefully the rain passes over all of you quickly and the sun comes out again soon!

Well, better actually get ready for work since I have to be there in 45 minutes. Dang. Hope you all have a fantastic day!


Barb0522 04-27-2007 04:44 PM

My blood pressure was great at my checkup today so I don't have to go back until my annual physical! YEAH!! The car is loaded and we're just about ready to head out camping. I'll post next on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.

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