Is this forum Active?

  • I don't see much posting on here and was wondering if this forum is still active?
  • Hi Bootsie.

    I've been around about three years and to my sorrow this forum has never been very active compared to the others. I don't know why. You'd think the eating plan would be more popular!

    I'm starting fresh this month and doing more the Mediterranean than Sonoma plan. I like lots of fruits, more than Wave 1 of Sonoma allows. But I get inspiration from reading the book.

    I hang out mostly at Chicks Up for a Challege and Exercise forums.

  • I generally eat like this, although I keep tight control over carbs due to blood sugar issues. Lots of greens and vegetables, fish daily, healthy fats, no processed foods. But I don't have any questions about this plan, since it's how I roll anyways. Wish more people would eat like this. It's so very healthy. All my weight gain was because I stopped eating like this for a few years.
  • Let's get this active again for the Sonoma Diet Plan!
    It looks like it is inactive, but I am still going to use it to track my weight and to post. Maybe someone will join me?
  • Hi Gail.
    You might like to check the Chicks Up for a Challenge board. Lots of people enjoy tracking their weight and exercise in the monthly challenge threads.
    Annie in Texas
  • how can i lose weight
  • hi how are you? =)
  • Hey, some are active and nobody replied to the thread timely.