45,896th. time's a charm! LOL

  • Somehow this past holiday season decked me instead of the halls with holly! I gained a lot of weight fast and then a little more weight slowly each week since. Today I am going for my official WI and I think I'm down in weight for the first time in eight weeks. I need a little support and words from gals who struggled and didn't succeed during these past two months and I'd love to hear from the gals who struggled and were victorious in the last couple of months. How did you do it and how are you doing now? What have you found to be the most helpful?
    Good luck to us all and and for warmth and cheer!
    Judy Itry
  • Judy, I know that you are going to be able to get the weight off quickly. Every slip is a learning experience, right? You were doing so great before the holidays and you can get back to that point as well. I didn't lose anything during the holidays and then afterward did kind of a slow gain like you are saying. The scale has been all over the place for me but I know it will eventually go down!! Law of physics, right--what goes up must come down!?
  • Judy, welcome to the club that I've been part of before. Come on back onto the wagon. I have maintained my weight loss for the past 4 months while I deal with some mysterious medical issues. I was deterimined not to gain back any of the weight that I lost even though I couldn't exercise. So, I've been eating Core and trying to watch my portions and I've been successful. I just keep telling myself that Core is how I eat now. I cannot think of this as something I will do until maintenance. It has to be for life. So......come join me/us for life!

    You'll do it. I know you will.
  • judy, i want to congratulate you for coming back here and for going back to ww. that's the first big steps to success right there.

    i have been doing well the past 3 weeks cept for a hiccup sunday night that lasted about 2 hours. the big difference for me this time is--i wrote down every bite i put in my mouth during that blip. this is a big change for me. i found that i had used the rest of my "extra" pts for the whole week plus 19 more. (it was a huge hiccup)

    however, when i wrote it all down, i think that gave me closure on the binge. i was able to get back op monday am and am still going strong. i know i'll prob have a gain this week but what the heck? i deserve it. i also am reminding myself that 2 hours out of 3 weeks (502 good hours!!!) ain't bad.

    none of us is perfect and never will reach perfection. like melissa said--every slip is a learning experience. i'm a big believer in trying to find something positive in every experience. i'm sure you learned something from this journey's detour that will help you in the future.

    and like vickie says--this is a lifestyle not a diet. and life has its ups and downs.
  • Melissa, Vickie, and Sandra,
    Thanks so much. I knew I could count on you. I am learning from this experience (which I've had many many times). However, I know that this downward trend is tricky to keep up with and that we'll have many ups and downs. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I know a lot of us have health issues and concerns as well as trying to lose weight. Here's to all of us that may fall down, but dust ourselves off and get right back up.
    I love the steady sound of your advice and I know I can do this! Good luck to us all.
    Judy Itry
    234.6/thinner into onederland
    (and yes, I did lose 2.2# this week!!!!!)
  • Welcome back Judy- you're off to a great start already!!
  • Thanks Maria! You are doing incredibly great!