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Katpo 03-06-2005 12:07 PM

Sunday menu for March 6th
So let's hear it! Whatcha eating today?

B: coke
Sn: water
L: gatorade
Sn: tea
D: water

That oughta work.

Vickie 03-06-2005 12:41 PM

Sure....make me look the the Swine following you!!!!!

Breakfast: Oatmeal made with skim and 1 cup mixed cherries and berries

Lunch: Progresso lentil soup

Snack: What else...Chocolate banana smoothie

Dinner: Mixed field greens salad, fresh green beans, steak and roasted garlic new baby red potatoes with olive oil

Snack: Popcorn

Katpo 03-06-2005 01:04 PM

:lol: I'm coming to your house tomorrow for leftover garlic new potatoes. That is my favorite!

Vickie 03-06-2005 02:43 PM

Sure! You're welcome to any leftovers! ;)

kally 03-06-2005 02:54 PM

B - shredded wheat and milk
L - Szechuan chicken and couscous and steamed veg
S - smoothie or pudding
D - baked potato with avocado dressing and cottage cheese
S - fruity thing, not sure.

Froufy 03-06-2005 02:59 PM

Save me some of those potatoes too!

Breakfast: egg mcmuffin, 1/2 hash brown, coffee w/cream

Lunch: split pea soup, blueberries

it's 3 pms and I"m starving again??? Not sure what to eat?

Dinner: either ww pasta w/sauce or if I'm feeling up too it possibly something with the chicken thighs in the fridge.

I DID NOT MAKE ANY SOUP TODAY! A first for me - not really in the mood to cook altho I have most of the ingredients? I do have some frozen from previous batches so this should work in a pinch!


mumto2 03-06-2005 04:39 PM

Okay here's my FLORE:

shredded wheat w/ skim milk (4pts.)
banana 2 pts.
cafe latte (1pt)

chicken salad w/ff mayo
on ww high fiber bread (4pts.)

ff ricotta w/ pineapple tidbits (2pts.)

chicken (3pts.)
roasted red potatoes with olive oil (2pts.)
corn (1pt.)

100 calorie cookie pack (2pt)
coffee (1pt.)

Well, that's 22 total, just what I need.

Katpo 03-06-2005 04:52 PM

Lisa, that looks like a perfect menu!

Frouf, put those kids to work and have them make the soup for you! :lol:

Vickie 03-06-2005 05:40 PM

Lisa, your menu does look good. Ok Kally, tell me how to make the avocado dressing. Is it on our site?

kally 03-06-2005 07:39 PM

this is what I do. I mash up an avocado and mix with ff sour cream and ff yogurt. then I add some choppped up roasted red peppers from a jar (kinda softish) and throw those in. Then I put a bit of milk in it to make it a bit thinner and some salt and pepper and garlic (or garlic salt). Then I put the jar in the fridge and eat it over the next few days. You get a goodly amount of dressing from one avocado. It will go bad quickly though, so eat within 4 or 5 days.

Vickie 03-07-2005 08:46 AM

Kally, this sounds wonderful. Have you ever eaten it on a salad? Doesn't it need any lemon to keep it from turning brown? I just learned that I like avocado since I went on Core and I've never cooked/made anything with it at home.

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