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aghiowa 02-16-2005 10:27 AM

How I Gauge My Weight Loss Progress :D
I realized that I was getting towards my weight goal when I went back to being "Miss" at the grocery store, instead of "Ma'am." :) It always used to bug me that they'd call me "Miss" when I was obviously married with children etc. Then I gained weight, and I became "Ma'am." Now, for the last several weeks, they've been calling me "Miss" again. Coincidence?? Probably. :p

OK, now I really have to go and do the grocery shopping. I'll see if I'm "Miss"ish today again...


Katpo 02-16-2005 10:39 AM

:lol: That's one of the things that bugs me to death!! Especially on the phone ... there are some people who think it's a compliment to say "miss". Well, I disagree! I worked long and hard for 48 years to gain some respect and be a "ma'am"!!

aghiowa 02-16-2005 12:17 PM

Yes, I agree. I got married young (20) and looked even younger (like 15). After I had my first dd, old ladies in the grocery store would ALWAYS look at me disapprovingly, like I was an unwed teen mom. I felt like holding out my wedding ring prominently, or yelling, "I'm 23 and married, for gosh's sake!!" I don't get that so much anymore (guess 3 kids and 6 years will do that to you :) ) but people are still pretty surprised to know I'll be 30 this year. So I guess I qualify for "Ma'am" status, but still look like a "Miss?" Who knows...


Vickie 02-16-2005 12:23 PM

I think people defintely look older when they are overwieight. I don't think I can ever get back to Miss....but I hope soon that they stop thinking that I am my Niece's Mother when she is only 11 years younger than me!

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