Weekly Chat-Core/Simply Filling: Oct. 10-16

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  • New Pages!

  • Good Morning Chicks! We are off to the races again this week. Hope you all have a wonderful week.

    I'm close to being on program.
  • Hi Ladies

    Was going to take the A/C's down but now I'm not sure.Its in the 80's this afternoon. Got up late this morning,caused by a hot and stuffy room I had to put the a/c on and than I just laid there.

    RHONDA-Thanks for the new pages.

    VICKIE-Have a nice week
  • Hi there. Just got home from doing water exercises. Going to OA in a couple hours. Now I am going to have a healthy snack.

    Have a good day, all.
  • I went to the gym to see my trainer and we set the weights aside for today and did what is called "functional training." I did squats followed by stepping up on steps; pounded a ball about three different ways; did lots of core exercises; pushed a metal bar around; slung a weighted rope around my body in both directions; and in many other ways made a fool of myself. It was fun and I sweated off about 5 pounds, I'm sure. We're going to do these for a few weeks, and I'll do the weights on my own. We're trying to break through the weight plateau. Wish me luck!
  • Rhonda,
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Made a Hungarian Beef Goulash yesterday and now I have two meals when it get cold.

    Did go out with my walking group today as my joints are hurting and I wouldn't be able to keep up with the group.They're talking about a system coming in tomorrow and I know a day before I always have back and joint problems.Next wee will be a no-no also,as I have to get ready for a colons-copy next Wednesday.

    RHONDA-Wish I could exercise like you do,but since my left knee scoping my right right hip is going out. Best of Luck on your breaking though your plateau. I sure you will with all the exercising your doing.

    SANDRA-Do you follow the OA menus or WW ones???? and just use the OA for meetings & W-I's. Our WW meeting place isn't there anymore. and the other meeting place is on the wrong day and it to far from me.

    Have to go have a good day

  • Rhonda
  • Maryann, OA follows the 12 Step Program working on the spiritual aspect of eating healthy. I use WW eating plan.

  • It's 4:30 ish. We have been having dramatic storms for 2 hours. The dog has been roaming around, howling and not letting us sleep. I got up with her and, of course, she is now sound asleep at my feet.

    I probably should not be on the computer, but the lightening has lessened. The rain this week has been glorious. I doubt that it has really broken the drought, because that was so severe. But, it has been appreciated.

    I had a small dinner party last night- 2 couples in the neighborhood, one I know from church, the other from politics. I thought they would like one another and they did. The menu was good: sweet potato soup; meatloaf; asparagus and mushroom mix with walnuts and parmesan cheese; brown and wild rice; pears poached in wine for dessert. It was a lot of work, but very tasty.
  • Rhonda, I was wondering why you were posting so early. Isn't this rain wonderful? We're loving it! Your menu sounds delicious. I know ya'll had a grand time.
  • hey ladies hope your all well? autumn is well and truly here in the uk im doing better at the moment uni is going well only 1lb until goal xxx
  • Ems!!
  • Congrats, Ems! That's quite an accomplishment.
  • cheers ladies xxx