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blessedwithsarah 12-15-2008 01:43 PM

Weekly Chat - 12/15 to 12/21
New pages for a new week

blessedwithsarah 12-15-2008 01:50 PM

Happy Monday everyone. Feels like I've been away from the board for a long long time! I had a very busy weekend. I hosted a Christmas party for my family yesterday - spent all Saturday getting ready. The food was great - some core/simply filling and some things not. I didn't track what I ate but I didn't eat much - spent too much time taking care of things. It was a great day - 25 people for the afternoon.

Now back to program! Wednesday is our last at work session, the next one will start on January 7th. I'm going to follow the program and track on line over Christmas and try to stay the same or maybe even lose over the next few weeks.

Sandra, congrats on getting through the play. Now time to relax before the holiday.

Maryann, glad you are feeling better. What I've been using to alleviate my sinus' is a saline spray. I usually take sinus pills most of the winter, but so far using the spray daily I've been OK. Have you tried that?

Got to get moving. BBL

pattygirl63 12-15-2008 02:14 PM

:wave:Good Afternoon Everybody,

Somehow I ended up with Monday being my WI online which turned out to be a blessing for me today. I was down 4.5 lbs :carrot: from my weight gain last week so while I'm not sure I wanted Monday as my WI (I thought I had made Saturday my WI day) it turned out okay. I have to say that keeping track online is very helpful to me. I track the food and the activity pts, but I'm not using the ap and not many of the wpa. I know people say you should use the wpa for when you get to mainenance, but I'm not going to use them unless I really, really need them. Maybe on special occasions like Christmas day. I think the loss is a good thing that I needed. Now just to keep the scale going down or at least stay where I am during the holidays.:D

Paula - Sounds like you did good at your Christmas party and you have a plan for the rest of the year. I think that is what we have to do is have a plan, track and we will come through okay.:)

Maryann - So glad you are feeling better and feel like going shopping. I probably wouldn't make cookies if it were for the DGDs wanting to bake while they are here.

Coco, Rhonda, Sandra and others -:wave:

Everybody have a good day.


beach bum 12-15-2008 05:06 PM

Hi Ladies:)

I just finished baking some Christmas Cookies,could not resist.I was Lazy and bought the sugar cookie dough,where I just have to cut and bake. My favorite part is decorating.I made stained glass wreaths from the food network and linzer torts for Leo.

PAULA-I do have the saline solution,the one I have is 4 way. Thanks :thanks: going to use it tonight.

TRISH-Don't think I going to give the cookies to my grandchildren they didn't come out the way I wanted them too. Have to still get some more gifts.

Tejas 12-15-2008 10:09 PM

:wave: Hi everybody...I had a long day, after a restless night and am headed for bed.

Eating was sporadic and unplanned but not too bad. Needed more order but couldn't find the energy to impose it! Just four more working days until the holidays!!! I need them.


ontarget 12-16-2008 02:33 PM

Hi there, Chickies. I did wi here at home yesterday and had a loss. I'm not saying how much. I'm afraid I'll jinx myself. I know that's silly of me, but I'm still not saying yet. I am changing my wi to Fri beginning this week. I'm hoping that will work better for me.

Paula, sounds like you had a fun, festive day with loved ones. Makes me smile.

Trish, I'm liking the keeping track online, too. I'm glad Monday wi works for you. Congratulations on your fantastic weightloss. I'm saving WPA's for emergencies, too. It just seems like I'm having too many emergencies, though. Oh, well.

Maryann, I'm baking bread. We're giving bread baskets to friends and neighbors. The house smells awesome!

Rhonda, four more days will go by quickly. Do you and Doyle have any trips planned for the holidays or will you stay home? We'll be staying close to home. We're not even going to another archery tournament till Jan. 3.

I'm sitting here watching cardinals, bluejays, doves, woodpeckers, birds I don't recognize, and a titmouse outside our window. We have 4 feeders just outside that I can see from my recliner. I put out about a gallon or more sunflower seeds every day now. The birds are spoiled and so are we. We get to watch them. Life is good.

Have a wonderful, op day, everyone.

beach bum 12-16-2008 05:14 PM

Hi Ladies:)

Sorry I wasn't on the computer yesterday or today,but Leo and I had 2 very busy days.

Had to go to the computer store[mac/apple] for something that Leo wanted to return and while there I fell in love with a computer that has a built in camera that I can call my grandchildren and see them on the screen. Leo agreed that that would be a plus,so he bought it for us.

So now we have an up to date computer,an early Christmas present for the both of us,but it taking forever having to transport all the information from the old computer to the new one.

RHONDA-Hope you got the rest that your needed. I hate:devil: nights like that,I need absolute quite in the room to sleep are I get restless during the night.

Sandra-Congrats:carrot: on your loss,I understand why you won't post as I would do the same thing myself.Funny that you mentioned changing your W-I day. I changed mine from Fri to Monday instead.I need accountability over the weekend.

I had a very good night not eating any of the cookies I baked.I'm more or less into salty goodies than sweet ones,so maybe that's the reason I'm not attacking & eating them.Not going to buy the store bought cookie dough anymore those are the ones that I'm going to have Leo eat. They didn't bake right,just crumbled apart.

Have a great evening,and I hope we'll be up,so I can post

coco99 12-16-2008 07:31 PM

Hi Everyone
Just getting on here for a minute.
Going to go and get ready to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas. We have watched that every year together since son was little. So it is on and we are going to watch.
Well I lost a pound last night. Hubby lost 3.
Went and did my Christmas shopping today. Just have a couple of gift cards I need to get. Will get those either over the weekend or on Monday night on my way to WW.
Is kinda bad here. Got a good bit of snow today. Now turning to rain/sleet/ice. So dont know what the morning will bring. But got candles ready. And kerosene for the heater.
Well I hope everyone is on the mend that hasnt been feeling well.
I am thinking of each of you.
Have a wonderful night.
Think I will make us some popcorn. Sounds good.

pattygirl63 12-16-2008 10:36 PM

A quick one here for me too. We went grocery shopping for a few things today. but will have to go back this week end or early next week. The kids who are coming will be here Friday evening and had to get a few things for when they're here. We're doing ham for Christmas and will have to go get that Monday or Tuesday and the fresh fruits I want for my fruit salad I'll make for Christmas dinner.

Sandra, Coco - :cheer2:Yeah on the weight loss.

Maryann - I accidently changed my WI day to Monday, but maybe it was psychologically did it for the same reason you did so I'll be more careful on week ends. :yes: It is amazing how that helps me stay OP knowing I'm going to have a WI on Monday. Tracking also helps me when eating out. DH wanted to go out to eat today and I was extra careful because I had such a good loss I this week I don't want to gain any of it back. I got the easy cookies for the girls to bake and I can just supervise. Looked for red sprinkles for the sugar cookies but everyone must be buying them. I'll have to look when I go to the other store Monday. I got the pen like things they can be creative and draw on them if I can't get the Christmas prinkles.

Rhonda -:wave:

Y'all have a good evening.

beach bum 12-17-2008 09:04 AM

Good Morning Ladies:)

Whatever I had that made me sick is gone and I have been weighing myself every day this week to take an average weight for the week,but I found that I still on the 164 mark. Maybe is going to take a while before my body wants to lose again.

COCO-I like to watch the Christmas cartoons like Charles Brown but I was glued to the biggest Loser finally last night. I was so happy that Michelle won the top prize and the B/L title I didn't like the other contestants. Congrats:carrot: on your 1 lb loss,you're doing fine,especially with this being a eating & party holiday.Hope you enjoyed you popcorn,that a Saturday night movie watching tradition at our house.

TRISH-You might be right about thinking Monday is a better way to go with W-I's. I thought that myself,as the weekends are the hardest time to stay OP than the rest of the week.Will let you know if it worked for me. Having Ham is some thing different but sound delicious .We go down to my DD's on Christmas and she always makes a turkey and sometime a brisket.

Have to get going and get last minute items before we leave for NY on Next Tuesday.

ontarget 12-17-2008 12:17 PM

Maryann, wish I weighed 164, but I do understand your wanting to lose more. Guess we met each other changing our wi days. :lol:

Coco, our weather is getting better. It's warming up and the ice is melting. Life is good.

Trish, do you have a lot of people coming for Christmas?

We did a little indoor training this AM. I told Curtis I bet we're among the few who can watch squirrels and birds feeding right outside our windows. Now I'm slow-cooking chicken breasts. I'll fix veggies and rice to go with them. This is my 3rd day in a row to stay in jammies. I'm spoiled.

pattygirl63 12-17-2008 02:06 PM

:wave:Hi Ladies,

Sandra - Tony's DD and her family will be here sometime Friday evening and will leave early Sunday morning after Christmas. We are thrilled she was able to get off to come this year. She has never been able to take a week off at Christmas, but the lady who usually takes it too Thanksgiving off this year. She has three children. The youngest was born 29 days before Tony and I married and she is very much like ours. However, we took care of all of them when we lived in FL. The oldest which is our DGS fondly remembers his deceased grandmother and we talk about her from time to time. The middle child DGD was too young when she passed away and doesn't remember her. So to them and me, I am their Nannie. Makes a very "special" relationship for all of us.

Maryann - :yes: It will be interesting to see how our theory of WI day being Monday helps us. I am a true southern girl from TX. To me Christmas dinner was traditionally turkey, cornbread dressing, brisket etc. Ham was served on New Years Day with blackeyed peas and potato salad etc. Then I married this guy from IN who lived in FL and all of that changed. They have turkey and bread stuffing for Thanksgiving, ham for Christmas and used to have homemade noodles his Mother made. They do nothing special for New Years Day. So things changed a lot for me. However, when previous hubby was living, I started cooking about a week before Thanksgiving and didn't stop until New Years Day having to bake everything Bill could think of. Tony is absolute opposite. :D:dizzy::dizzy:He could care less about all that stuff. Maybe if I had met and married him when I was younger, I wouldn't have been fighting this weight problem all these years. He eats pretty much like I did when I was younger. DH wants to go to NY for Christmas someday when no one is coming here for Christmas. His DS has to put in for vacation time now for next year. He called last week and said he is putting in for Christmas vacation so that they can be here for Christmas next year. So I guess that will stay on our "someday" dream list.

Not a lot going on today. Just a few things I have to get done before the kids get here. I need to get my sleeping turned around, but maybe that will easily happen when little feet start running up and down the stairs by my bedroom door. :dizzy:

Coco, Rhonda and others reading this :wave:

Have a nice day!


coco99 12-17-2008 06:30 PM

Hi Everyone
Well not much happening here. The weather is much better today.
Early this morn. Still had some ice on the porch. And said there could be some slick spots on the road. But it started warming up. And we got rain. And melted the snow and ice. So that is good.
To the ladies who were talking about weighing in on Mondays. That is when I weigh in. And I love it. Because then I have to be accountable for the weekend. And cant just eat whatever I want. And when we go out to eat. I make better choices. I tried other weigh ins. But like the Monday one the best.
BEACHBUM Glad you are feeling better. I am sure the scales will start moving. Keep your chin up.
PATTYGIRL Bet you are getting all excited about your kids coming. I need to make a list and go to the store myself. May just do that on Monday on my way to WW.
Well I am going to get off here for now.
Hope everyone is doing ok.
Thinking of each of you.

ontarget 12-17-2008 07:04 PM

Trish, I have grands by marriage, too. I also have a great grandson as of this past August. They are all just like my own, too. Between Curtis and me, we have 6 granddaughters, 1 grandson, and 1 great grandson. Two of the granddaughters are from my side. The rest are from Curtis'. Enjoy your company. I am glad they're getting to come this year.

Coco, I say whichever day works best is the one we should use if we have a choice. I'm glad Monday works for you.

I had an "oops" today. I am already back on the wagon, though. Now that in itself is something new. Usually I wait and wait and wait before climbing back on. We were watching a show last night and one of the characters said, "Tomorrow is today." I guess we can all read whatever we want into that one. To me it means I have put off long enough and need to just do "it" now.

coco99 12-17-2008 07:10 PM

Just a quick stupid question.
We dont have to go and buy all new WW cookbooks now do we. We can use the ones we already have. And the core recipes just count the points for them now. Or do we need to buy the new cookbook.

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