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Tejas 11-03-2008 08:32 AM

Core Chat: November 3-November 9

New Pages


Tejas 11-03-2008 08:38 AM

Good Morning:

I hope the new thread isn't confusing since I put today's date as the end of last week's thread :dunno:

It's a dreary, grey day here in Toronto, about 40F outside. I'm headed out with DC, Jake (DC for "dear canine") for his morning outing. We'll head to the ravine and then through the neighborhood as usual. I'm really going to miss my little ravine; I'll have to find a very shaded neighborhood when we move back to Texas.

SO, everybody up and at 'em this morning. Let's see what we can do this week to make our individual lives better and leave a positive mark on our planet! :dance:

I'm going to start another exercise challenge thread; c'mon over. :coach:


blessedwithsarah 11-03-2008 11:05 AM

Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend. I did make vanilla icecream for dd and dh yesterday. I need to find some core freindly recipes or make up some. Its way tooooooo easy to make icecream now. Is all soy milk core? I did find a few recipes I could modify that use soy milk and ff plain yogurt.

Welcome Josylyn! I hope you do well on core, it is too bad that WW leaders don't support core as much as they should. I'm lucky, my leader actually does core and then flex (a couple of months on one then switches) so she understands the plan. However, I'm the only one in the meeting doing it. Oh well.

Sandra, congrats on the sales! Better to have this sell fast than to linger and linger. It will all be over soon.


beach bum 11-03-2008 01:25 PM

Hi Ladies:)

Had a great weekend eating wise until Sunday evening when watching TV I munched on salami & cheese.What was I thinking, all that sodium,Yikes:yikes:do I ever learn.

Well today,I'm back on the core and brought my knitting out for tonights tv viewing.

Is there a trick or idea that you can suggest that would help me stay away from those high sodium snacks,other than do buy them. My doctor told me that was because of my low carbing woe the craving of salty food come to play.

RHONDA-I found the thread right away,thanks for starting us up this week. Our sky's are cloudy also along with dampness setting in. Feels like snow:snow2: but the temps are too high for that.My positive mark is to stay away from high sodium foods so I don't have a repulsive tummy for the world to see.

PAULA-Gee homemade ice cream. Do you need a ice cream maker as I don't own one.We had a few more people doing the core at our meeting but she still leaned thought the flex,so thats the reason I left other than the money spent on not losing didn't serve a purpose either.

Have a great afternoon

ontarget 11-03-2008 07:40 PM

Rhonda, thank you for the new pages. I hope you get the place of your dreams when you move back.

Yesterday we had folks come look at the travel trailer. They bought it. Later a couple came to look at the condo. They bought it. Our heads are swimming.

Speaking of swimming--I went today and had a blast. Life is good.

Tejas 11-03-2008 10:24 PM

Hi All:

Maryann, I have no advice about salty snacks. I just have to avoid them almost altogether...can't eat just one!

Sandra, there goes the guest room! Oh well, congratulations on your successful transactions.

Paula, send those recipes!

My eating was bizarre today. I started out OK with scrambled eggs, but it was pizza day with the students, so I had some. I was sorely tempted by ice cream, ate some but threw out most of it. YES! I reformed by dinner time and had a big green salad with chick peas and boiled egg. It could have all been much worse.

I did some floor exercises and added 30 minutes to my normal 3 miles of daily walking. I was going great guns with the aerobics earlier but have drifted away from it. Need to get more of it in my week. I really do feel better and it is so good for balance.

I hope you all have a good night.


ontarget 11-04-2008 07:54 AM

Good morning. We're up early. I guess we're excited about finalizing the deal on the condo. Rhonda, we're sorry about losing the guesthouse--but you and Doyle come visit anyway. Now we'll be set up for folks to come bringing their own RV's. Any chance ya'll might become RV'ers?

I am a little sore this morning from my pool workout, but I feel really really good about getting back into :swim: I've been stagnant too long. My eating's better than it's been so that's a plus, too. Now, hopefully, some minuses will pop up.

Maryann, Weight Watchers now has some pretzel snacks that are 2pts. They are packaged per serving so that might help. Or what do you think of pre-packaging a bag of regular pretzels or something so you'll have a "known" amount of pts? Just a thought.

Paula, I have made a Core type ice cream before. It seemed more like a milkshake to me; but making it in an ice cream maker just might work. You'd have to figure the measurements as I make just enough for a shake, but here are the ingredients for the shake:

1/2 frozen banana (Banana is important for creaminess.)
frozen berries or other frozen fruit (Could be other half banana)
8 oz ff milk (I think you could use ff evap milk but haven't tried it.), 2 heaping tablespoons sf/ff instant pudding mix of your choice, and
1/4 c Splenda (or to taste)

Blend till smooth.

This might just work if you can figure out the measurements you'd need. Let me know if you try it.

beach bum 11-04-2008 08:35 AM

Good Morning Ladies:)

Did a whole better in the snacking while watching tv last night. I ate raw veggies with spray on dress and this morning my scale took a plunge in the right direction. So I'm thinking it had to be the sodium. Have to watch my intake in the future.

SANDRA-Happy to hear that your 2 items were sold. Thanks I never thought about pretzels as a snack,as I only allow myself FF popcorn on Saturday movie night. But then any salty snack that is properly weighed & measured is ok as long as you take the right amount with the pts I couldn't have gone wrong.See even on the core I must LEARN PORTION CONTROL,and now I thinking that might be the reason I not losing like I want to.

RHONDA-I know,but sometimes its hard to be avoided . I try to buy the low sodium products in the supermarket,but Leo had the salami in the refrig and it looked so temping at that moment. Going to ask him in the future when he buys the cold cuts he should wrap them in tin foil so I don't see them when searching in the refrig for something to eat.

Thanks Ladies for all your help,I really appreciate it.

ontarget 11-04-2008 09:36 AM

Maryann, that's a good idea about asking Leo to wrap his goodies in tin foil.

Joslynn 11-04-2008 03:47 PM

Hello everyone. Not much to say except I weigh-in tonight. I'm very nervous, but I think the change to Core was the right one for me. It's fun trying to figure out meals to make that are completely core. This morning I had oatmeal, with 1/2 an apple diced, with cinnamon and 1 splenda packet. It was delicious. I made the oatmeal with ff skim milk. It was much better than the prepackaged type of apple/cinnamon oatmeal.

blessedwithsarah 11-04-2008 04:16 PM

OK, success!!!

Core Frozen Blueberry Cheesecake Yogurt

I mashed 2 very ripe banana's in a bowl. Then added in 2 cups ff/plain yogurt, one can evaporated skim milk and a small box of cheesecake pudding mix (ff/sf). Added some splenda and vanilla to my liking (didn't measure, sorry!) Mix all together. Pour this into the ice cream maker then added in about 1 1/2 cup thawed frozen blueberries. ( I thawed them out first so the juice would mix in).

Let run in the machine for 25 minutes. OH MY! I could eat it all! Thanks for the banana suggestion Sandra. The texture is very creamy. DD had a bowl and loved it! I think it taste better than the real vanilla icecream I made her and dh!

The ice cream maker is a Cuisnart - $40 at Linen's and thing. Definatly worth it!

Joslynn, glad you are enjoying core. I do love being able to adapt recipes. (as you can guess!). Hope the scale is your friend tonight. Let us know how wi goes. I have mine tomorrow.

Maryann - great idea about the foil. I agree with you -- I'm less tempted if I don't see it.

ontarget 11-04-2008 04:43 PM

Paula, I made a huge boo boo. I left out the sf/ff instant pudding. For my shake, I use 2 heaping tablespoons. I'm going to edit and add it to the rest of ingredients now.

Your ice cream sounds good.

Joslynn 11-04-2008 08:23 PM

Paula, thank you so much for the good wishes. I think it paid off. I lost 3.4 lbs tonight. I'm so excited. This is a wonderful evening. I think I'm more excited because I know this plan is one that I can stick with. I have my meals planned out for the rest of the week. I'm lookin' good and feelin' great!!!! :D

ontarget 11-04-2008 10:11 PM

Joslyn, that's an awesome loss. And I love your enthusiasm. Congratulations for both.

beach bum 11-05-2008 09:52 AM

Good Morning Ladies:)

Its cloudy here this morning and talking about rain this afternoon so I guess I wouldn't be walking along the beach like I did yesterday,as the weather was sunny & high in the 60's.

Oh Well!! Leo and I have our last moments in the cancer center. Have a 12:45 appointment,to see the doctor and than having the last blood, providing the cancer stays at bay.

VERY HAPPY this morning as my scale reading were down 4 lbs of that sodium retention from last weeks soup.Not changing my ticker until Friday at my official W-I.

SANDRA-Hope this little trick will work,:yes:where I don't get temped to open the tin foils.

PAULA-Your ice cream treat sounds divine,but I don't have a ice cream makers. So I will have to forfeit your recipe.Thanks for sharing it anyway.

JOSLYN-Big Congrats on your 3.4 weight loss you did terrific your first week. You have a plan & you like the plan is all a + to make this work for you.

Have great morning See you tomorrow as I won't be home this afternoon

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