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Tejas 10-27-2008 07:28 AM

Core Chat: October 27-November 3

New Pages!

beach bum 10-27-2008 10:18 AM

Good Morning Ladies:)

Can't believe its the last week of Oct.and I was suppose to be a my weight goal my the end of Dec. Gee! I don't think so,as I still haven't hit my first 10%.

Tomorrow I hosting our monthly canasta game ,so I have lots to do the last minute.

JAIMIE-Big congrats on your :carrot:4.5 weight loss:carrot: :bravo:You really dii great on your first week on the CORE.

PAULA-We had a great time at the movie,it was just like being a little kids again see it. Better than see those sex and violent movies. Wow you had some kind of weather out there. It was quite where we live,but my friend did mention that the winds were hollowing as she lives near the water.

DanSinDeva 10-27-2008 03:57 PM

Afternoon All! I had a midterm last week, so I was super consumed with that. I did stick to core, and after falling off and getting back to 153, I'm back down to 149! Halloween is here and I'm going to a party where the only thing required is a Costume and a Baked Good! hahaha, I am not a good baker, so I'm probably just going to make some soup. It will be tough seeing all those baked goods, but I'm sure I wont do too bad! Hope everyone is doing well! I haven't been able to catch up on everyone but I'll try and stay on the board this week! Sorry for all who are getting the winter sniffles, its is definitely that time of year :( Jaime, I did see that you lost 4lbs on your first weigh-in and that's AWESOME! Have a good week all, Stay Warm!

Welcome StephK!


Tejas 10-27-2008 08:37 PM

Hi All:

It wasn't too hard to stay OP today, but boy the colder, rainy weather is really "comfort food" weather. It's interesting that most "comfort food" really isn't all that good for us. It's a matter changing our ideas about what brings comfort I suppose.

Maybe I'll bake something Core, even though they are so good I eat too many of them. StephL, you should look at the recipes; most of the Core baked goods are easy and very tasty.

I hope everyone is OK and managing well.


beach bum 10-28-2008 08:48 AM

Well I'm can't stay to long,wanted to say :wave: HI:wave:as I'm getting ready hosting my Canasta Game this afternoon,but unfortunately we going to have a bad no'easter heading our way we just might have to cancel until Thursday.

Have a nice day and Will get back to your some time tomorrow afternoon,have to leave early for the last treatment.

Tejas 10-28-2008 09:27 AM

I did it. I lost my second pound, in my personal challenge to lose a pound a week.

blessedwithsarah 10-28-2008 10:17 AM

Hi everyone. Rainy cold day here. I've already been grocery shopping and done some laundry. I then have to drop off some donation bags to Salvation Army and then I'm meeting my sister for lunch. I've already checked the menu and will either have a salad with grilled chicken or a 1/2 order of steak tips and a baked potato. I made the almost core apple cake last night, I have not made that in quiet some time. It came out really good. DH ate a huge piece, he has no idea its a core cake. Thats the great thing about core --- its not diet food, its really healthy good food.

Steph L - congrats on the 4 pd loss!!! Way to go.

Rhonda -- your doing great with meeting your goal.

After my weekend, I've been hard core for 2 full days! And the scale is moving down, which is good since wi is tomorrow. I'll take any loss. I've also been doing extra walking. Went out at lunch yesterday and I'm going to try to go out this afternoon before the bus comes -- as long as its not raining too heavy. I will walk in light rain, but not down pours.

Maryann, hope you stay dry today. I'm not sure how bad we'll get it.

Well, got to get moving. BBL

DanSinDeva 10-28-2008 03:22 PM

Howdy! Walked into work this morning to find that all my salad and fixins were thrown out by the cleaning crew last night! Fabulous! I went to the grocery store and just bought a can of the Healthy Harvest Chicken Noodle Soup to save me, and I have to stop by the Farmers market after the gym to replenish all my salad for the week! They are normally supposed to do the fridge cleaning on Friday's, but I wrote to our Facilities manager, and they are going to make a claim to the cleaning service for my stuff! It was frustrating, but I'm over it now, Lucky for me the grocery store isn't far, and I guess it gets me out of the office! Had a great work out yesterday, and we're shooting for all four days this week with our usual Friday off!

Rhonda - Good Job on your Goal, keep on trucking! I'm definitely checking out the recipes there, I think we'll need something that we can eat and maybe influence others that Core is for everyone!

Maryann - Thanks for stopping in and saying HI! Hope you get your Canasta in, I think I'm in a love hate relationship with the rain! In AZ we need it, and it smells wonderful, but everyone freaks out, and can't drive, etc. I'm sure its super cold in MA with the rain!

Paula - Good luck with WI tomorrow! The apple cake sounds yummy! Definitely take any loss, a loss is a loss, and either way it's an awesome feeling! Hope you stay dry too.

I'll be back tomorrow, hope you all have a wonderful evening!


coco99 10-28-2008 07:23 PM

Just stopping in for a quick :wave: to everyone.
Weighed in last night. Wasnt good. Gained 2 lbs. Guess the ham I had on Saturday got me. So guess I need to drink alot of water. But with the cooler weather. I am having a hard time getting it in. So got to figure out some way to get it in.
I hope everyone is doing ok. I will have to go and read the post and catch up.
Well gotta go.
Hope everyone is staying warm.
Thinking of everyone.

Tejas 10-28-2008 07:35 PM

Hi All:

Coco, drink hot tea or something soothing. Or ff hot chocolate.

Paula, it's so wet and cold here too. It's not freezing, but it is oh, so close!

Maryann, I hope you get your canasta game in. I don't know how to play that (or much else either!).

Steph, glad you took care of yourself even though your food got pitched out. Good for you.

Have a good night everyone.


suitejudyblueeyes 10-29-2008 09:06 AM

coco - Sorry about the gain. Rhonda's right, there are lots of decaf hot beverages that will help you get your fluid intake up if water is a problem!

Stephanie - Oh no, those darn cleaning people! They threw out my *reusable* water bottle once, when we got a new crew. They apparently decided anything that looked empty on people's desks was to be tossed out. Good for you not letting that derail you.

Paula - What is the apple cake? Is it here in the recipes forum? Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday! Congrats on seeing the scale move down!

Rhonda - CONGRATS!

Maryann - Hope you had fun with your canasta game.

It hasn't been a great past couple of days here... Have had some tough talks with DH which usually mean I am not in the mood to cook, or I end up just snacking while talking to him instead of making a real meal. OD'ed on fruit one night, and last night we ordered in Chinese. Didn't do too badly portion-wise but it wasn't Core. Scale is showing the same number it showed last week so far so it may be a maintain week for me (which I am ok with, after such a huge loss last week).

It's been a good week at work though - I had a huge, horrible monster of a project last week that I thought was going to need to be re-done before it was sent out to our client... Turns out the editor really liked it :shrug: Never can tell how those things work out. This week I've been getting a series of short, straightforward projects so that is nice.

Tonight I commit to finally making the dinner I've had planned for two nights now, so I can be sure to have something healthy!

coco99 10-29-2008 01:42 PM

Hi Everyone
Just checking in.
Well in a way I got some good news today. But in others. Not good.
Hubby had a DRs appt today. It went ok. But. His blood pressure is still up. So guess what. Another blood pressure pill. And we know the cholesterol is up. But they did blood work so will see if there is any change since 3 months ago. So guess what. The Dr. pointed her finger at him. And told him he needed to do WEIGHT WATCHERS. Told him he needed to lose about 33 lbs. So the good news. It will be easier for me. Because now we both will have to do this. And he wont be able to eat stuff that I cant have in front of me now. He will be eating what I eat.
SUITEJUDYBLUEEYES Glad your work project turned out ok. Hope things worked out with hubby. If you maintain that is good. Keeping my fingers crossed for you at weigh in. Hope you have a wonderful core supper tonight.
Well I better get off here. Got to get a couple of things done. Because it wont be long and will be time to start supper.
Have a great afternoon everyone

beach bum 10-29-2008 04:06 PM

Hi Ladies:)

My head is spinning after going to our treatment center this morning, We got there for a 8:15 appointment and didn't get waited on until 10AM. The receptionist is now in trouble again making us wait the second time. While we were there she mixed up someone else's records also. TG it will be over next week,as we only have a doctor visit than.

RHONDA-You doing fantastic on your Christmas Challenge,losing :carrot:One pound :carrot:a week is terrific .

PAULA-The wind was more of a problem than the rain.:rain: One of neighbors lamp post was knocked over.Had a great time with my friends playing Canasta.

STEPH-We still were able to have our canasta game.I won $1:carrot: and my parter & had I had over 5 thousand points.We're still have the wind but the rain is gone. But I rather have the rain than the snow:coolsnow:,like they did in Pa.

COCO-Aw!! I'm sorry :sorry:about your gain,Oh do I know about sodium I'm the QUEEN :queen:,my doctor told me the reason I love :love: eating salty things is that I was on low carbing to long before WW. Drink lots of water to flush it out. Sorry:sorry: for the bad new about DH blood pressure but glad:) to here that he will be doing WW with you. Its so much better to have some one in the house eating the same meals

RHONDA-Its an easy game to learn and its so much fun to play, not like the bridge game where I see several senors fighting with there partners about a stupid meld.We do stupid things but were among friends and we laugh over what we did.

Have a great evening

ontarget 10-29-2008 04:14 PM

Hi there. I apologize for being MIA. We had a great time at the tournament and are now back home getting a lot of work done out in the yard.

Congratulations to those of you who are losing well and :hug: to those who need them. I'll be back later. Have a good day.

blessedwithsarah 10-29-2008 08:01 PM

Hi everyone. Went to wi today - gained .2. I guess it could have been worse considering the damage I did Saturday night. It was NOT worth it after all. I've been increasing my walking each day and I still had a gain. If I had been true to core I would have lost. Oh well, new week. Keep moving forward. I am going to pray for strength to stick to the program and not keep screwing up. For me prayer always helps. God does answer.

Jamie - The apple cake is in the Dessert recipe thread. Vickie posted it on 9/21/6. Its very good and makes a 9x13 pan. DH even loves it!

Coco, sorry for the gain. As I said above, its a new week, lets move forward and get the scale moving in the right direction.

Maryann, glad you didn't get too much rain. It wasn't bad after all here either. But, boy, is it cold!!! Too early for it to not get out of the 40's! Rhonda, take this back!

Well, got to get dd to bed. Night.

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