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Tejas 07-23-2008 10:09 PM

Don't worry Sandra, I had some wine!!! And, Tracie, we're very glad to have what little space we have back. The house seems huge now.

I know our guests will be glad to be home sleeping in their own beds also.

I'm looking forward to getting back on track also. As much as I enjoyed my indulgences this week, I'm ready for more order.

Vickie: glad to see you back. We can do this.

Talk to you tomorrow.


pattygirl63 07-23-2008 10:11 PM

Hi Ladies,

Everything went well for hubby today. He had a long session and I set in the lobby and read health magazine they have and I learned a lot of good stuff the last 2 days reading them.

Rhonda - Thanks for the welcome. I love your Tejas name and your cowgirl hat. I was surprised that you were in Canada so where or why did you get the name? Curiosity killed the cat, you know? :D I have a big house and it is still wild when all the DGC are here. I love it when they come to visit and as much as I miss them when they leave I still am glad to be just Tony and me when they leave. So I'm sure you feel the same.

Tracie - Isn't that great that you had a loss when you thought you were going to have a gain. You are doing great and I appreciate the way you inspire us.

:wave:Everybody else. Catch y'all tomorrow.


Tejas 07-24-2008 09:51 AM

Trish: I'm from Texas originally and will be moving back in 11 months when I retire. I came to Canada in 1975. I'm married to Sandra's first cousin also.

So, I come by "Tejas" and the cowgirl hat by birth.

Have a great Core Day everyone.


ontarget 07-24-2008 10:07 AM

Yep, Trish, Rhonda's my favorite cousin. I'm anxious for her to get down here.

beach bum 07-24-2008 02:55 PM

Hi Ladies:)

Had a busy morning, first to WW and than grocery shopping.It looks like we are going to have down pour any minute now. Hope this storm bring cooler air in as I can't stand this heat anymore.

Well I lost 1 lb. and I got my 16 week charm. Changed my ticker accordingly.My Leader was very supportive of the Core this week,as It looks like the people who lost this week at the meeting were *CORIES*

I told her that I love this way of eating,she told me that lots of people are afraid to go on it as you can't have bread. I told her that a lame excuse as you can have 35 pts of bread if you really want it that way. She laughed :lol3:

We had at our WW theme Clothes shopping and what kind of style over weight woman would wear to make her self look trimmer. Got lots of Ideas.

1)Never wear anything fitted or tucked in,if you have a stomach.

2)Wear streamlined makes a short woman look taller.

3)Near wear large prints it make you appear larger small print it the way to go.

4)scarfs or v,neck are great new looks

5)don't wait until you reach goal, buy some clothes now.

Were some of the suggestions.


TRACIE-I really liked the movie from story line to the music.My friend told me the play was a lot better,but I wasn't able to get to the play.,as it was 2 hrs away in Boston.

TRISH-Hope you DH is ok going to the chiropractor and all.Stress:stress: can do great damage,if you don't take control right away. Glad :carrot:you found a good breakfast that would take you to lunch.:carrot:Happy to hear everything went well with your DH.

RHONDA-Glad you survived the hurricane.I don't like storms anymore,used to when I was young,but I didn't know better than. You'll get back to program,once you know that your family is safely home again.

SANDRA-Thanks :thanks:I love the color purple,don't have many clothes in that color,but than again its not :brr:winter.I liked the movie Momma Mia, would have loved it better it I was seeing the play,but we can have everything. Had a great time at the movies with my lady friend and that was the best.

TRACIE-Congrats :congrat:on your .6 weight loss. Yipee :carrot:

Hugs :) BB

twestra 07-24-2008 04:45 PM

BB, our meeting covered the same topic. Also, black is slimming.

Our plans are to go up north this weekend, but I might bow out. I am getting a sore throat and I took the day off tomorrow, in case I felt worse tomorrow. But if I feel ok, I'm still going to work, and cancelling my day off. If I don't feel better, I'll stay home this weekend and my dbf can bring his daughter up, as his mom, and his sister and her family will be there. This is the week they have the carnival rides there and a parade and stuff for the kids. If I feel better, I will go. If not, I won't.

ontarget 07-24-2008 04:51 PM

We're in a quandry trying to decide on whether to go to Montana in the travel trailer or the 5th wheel. Whether to sell the 5th wheel or keep it. Things are just hectic right now. As soon as we sort through things and decide what we're doing, all should settle down. Sorry to vent. I couldn't help it.

Tejas 07-24-2008 05:32 PM

Sandra, you have an embarrassment of riches! No matter you can't decide. Good luck with that.

BB: I was using the word "hurricane" as a metaphor for the grandkids. Sorry I wasn't clear. But, now we are getting rain and more rain. People have mold growing everywhere! And this is the summer we wanted to paint outside. What a joke!

Where's Coco??


ontarget 07-24-2008 07:02 PM

Rhonda, you're right. I shouldn't complain. We are looking like an RV park around here, though. :lol:

We got a few drops of rain today and the sky is still blessed with oodles of Dolly clouds. Maybe we'll get a few more drops. We recently hired someone to do our mowing (approx. 2 acres). Now Curtis is helping with the watering. It's good to have him helping me lug those waterhoses.

busdriver 07-24-2008 08:37 PM

My husband and I think you should sell the travel trailer. Thats our 2 cents worth.

Ruth & Don

sloanie 07-24-2008 09:35 PM

Hi chicks! I've been a nurse today. I was very busy and saw four patients, but all of the visits went well. When I got home DH grilled some steak, and I pan fried some potatoes with my oil serving for the day. We are still eating watermelon like crazy. Yum!

Trish- :carrot: on having breakfast. I think it is important because it keeps you from "pigging out" at lunch.

Rhonda-did your little hurricanes get home safely? I know you are exhausted, but in a good way.

Sandra-Have you and Curtis considered gas usage in the decision of which "movable house" to sell? Maybe that would help you make a decision.

Vickie-thinking "good thoughts" for you!

Tracie-I hope you are not getting sick. I think you are smart to plan a day off just in case. Don't let yourself get run down!

BB-:D on the one pound loss!! Also, I'm glad you had a good time with your GF at the movie! You deserve some fun!!

I'm counting down the days until school starts. I really need to get some planning done, so the first few days go smoothly. I'm hoping to get inspired over the next few days. I'll take any suggestions from you teachers out there. GTG fix myself a cup of tea. TTFN

blessedwithsarah 07-25-2008 09:31 AM

Hi everyone and TGIF. Only 3 weeks left until vacation!!! WOO HOO! Things here are going well, I've been sticking to plan this week and I'm proud of me. I am learning to crochet - I've always wanted to know how. We have a volunteer program at work called Purls of Hope. They have been making blankets for donation to different charity programs. So, I'll learn something new and help out others. I finished my practice sqaure last night (everyone does a practice square that is being added to a larger blanket). The good think, it kept my hands busy and I was out of the kitchen. I had NOTHING TO EAT after dinner. For me that is a huge deal. So tonight I'm going to start a new square.

Tracie - congrats on the loss. Your doing so well, keep it up.

Sloan - I'm on the school countdown as well. 3 weeks till vacation, then I'm off for 2 weeks, then school starts the following week. I'm excited for dd but also sad - she has grown up way too fast!

BB - how have you faired this week with the weather? Yesterday it was horrible here. I had the worse drive home -- barely could see and huge puddles. We also had a leak in our pantry - only small drips, but dh is not happy as he now needs to figure out where its leaking and fix it. Oh well....its dry today.

Sandra, what would you use more? I would think the 5th wheel would give you more options. Good luck with all your decisions.

Well, got to get to work. BBL

thingirlinside 07-25-2008 09:32 AM

Good morning, I finally have a moment to say hello. We have been so busy with swimming lessons, play dates and the kids play baseball 2x a week. What ever happened to the lazy days of summer. Glad to see everyone is doing well. Have to run as we are going to my sil, she wants to see my dd for her birthday which is not till 7/31, we are just having a kiddie party for her at Boomers which is a big indoor & outdoor fun park.

beach bum 07-25-2008 09:55 AM

Good Morning Ladies:)

Leo is feeling better this morning and we plan to go out to have the car inspected,as its due at the of July. Nothing like the last minute. :eek: but we had excuse this time around.

Now that Leo is feeling better its taking the stress off of me. I'm raring to do just about anything today,even driving to the inspection place where a rotary is involved.

My DD called yesterday evening and talked with Leo for 45 mins or more. This morning he told me that shes going to be a good parent like he was.Not letting her wear Jordan jeans,one of the 8 yo twins whats a cell phone and the answer was NO :nono:That made Leo very happy,shes too young for that nonsense.

Thanks:thanks: for all the congrats,on my weight hope this time the scale will read downward. Received my 16 week charm that I put on a bracelet now I going to aim for my 10 % weight loss which is 150 and to goal & maintenance and than to lifetime again.

I'm going to do it this time being on the Core.My Leader told me that she sees a difference in my attitude now that I left the flex for the core. I told her its a healthy way of eating,and you still have the WPA's if you really what a goody or not. I use my points for bread,and she told me that she thinks that what flex people are afraid of not having there daily bread.


SANDRA-That was my dream to see the country in a mobile home,but my Leo got back problems at work and was on disability for the longest time and that dream went poof. Have a great time no matter what your decide.

TRACIE-Loved:love: the topic at the meeting one of the members said that Oprah had that topic on her show. Hope your sore throat is better:getwell: by today,nothing like getting sick in the summer months.

RHONDA-Thanks:thanks:for clearing it up for me. I know what your talking about with the mold.My sister had mold in her winter condo in Fla from a faulty air conditioner and it wasn't fun.

SLOAN-Thanks for the congrats:cheers: hope it starts heading in the right direction.That was great that your DH starting the grill after you hard day at work. Oh I did have fun with my friend and decided I'm going to have one day out with my friends other than Our Sunday Brunch.

Have to go,get that car inspected

Hugs :) BB

blessedwithsarah 07-25-2008 10:46 AM

BB - Rotaries are so much fun!!! I learned to drive with rotaries. Growing up in the NE you don't realize that they are not just the way things are. Especailly on the Cape! My trick - never stop, just keep moving! :)

twestra 07-25-2008 11:42 AM

Are rotaries the things they have in England? I think they call them roundabouts or something like that.

Sandra, that's a hard decision to make of what to sell. I'm sure you'll figure it out though. We have a motor home which is kind of a pain because if you want to go somewhere, you have to take the whole motor home with you. With a 5th wheel, at least you can drop it and use your vehicle.

Sloanie, school will be starting up soon. Hope you had a great summer, although it really went by quickly!

Paula, it's great that you are learning to crochet. I wish I had time to do that. I love to knit, crochet and needlepoint. I just don't have the time for it. I make these dishclothes and absolutely love them. I really need to make some more because I only have two and I love them better than the ones I can buy.

Niki, no more lazy summers! Not when you have kids! They keep you going!

BB, glad your dh is feeling better.

I stayed home today as I am not feeling any better. I'm not going up north this weekend. I'll just stay home and rest. Won't be doing my weekend cooking though as I don't feel good enough to do all that. I'm just resting on the couch, watching a little television.

ontarget 07-25-2008 12:15 PM

Thank you all for your input. The 5th wheel is huge and weighs 20,000 lbs before it's even loaded. We've never pulled any further than 10 miles. We had it commercially hauled from Montana to Texas right after we bought it.

The travel trailer is only 26' and is super light. It's better for short trips and short stays. The 5th (condo) is better for spending extended times in. We have made our decision. We are going to keep the travel trailer and try to sell the condo--probably after this trip to Montana. Anyway, I won't whine any more. We'll just do what we do. Who knows, the market is down and we may have to keep both.

Sloan, a steak sounds good. We're having spaghetti/meat sauce for lunch.

Paula, where are you going on vacation? Congratulations on making healthy choices and staying op.

Tracie, I hope you're feeling better.

Speaking of feeling better--Maryann, I'm glad Leo's feeling better. Enjoy your day.

Rhonda, what's up, Cuz? Are you rested now?

We're shooting a couple of small 3D tournaments this weekend. I'll shoot my longbow. Other than that we're starting to pack for NAA Nationals in Colorado Springs and our trip on to Montana afterwards.

Have a great, OP! day, everyone.

Vickie 07-25-2008 12:47 PM

Hello Chicks! I'm trying not to eat over stress and so far so good. We are spending a fortune on remodeling and now the car sucked some funds. We took it in for an oil change and tire rotation. A $1,000 later we had a new tie rod, new back brakes, the oil change, an alignment and four brand new tires. I'm sitting here waiting for the late tiler. Sigh.

At least I'm not eating.

beach bum 07-25-2008 02:27 PM


Just finished cleaning out my refrig,lots of stuff in the back that weren't core so I though them out after asking Leo if he wanted them.

VICKIE-You did great under the remodeling & care repair stress:stress:Sending some [[[[good vibes]]]] your way.

PAULA-We stayed in our A/C home for must of the day.I went out for grocery shopping and errands.We didn't have that much rain:rain:,it think it lasted 1/2 hr. Other than that,had to travel on the rotaries: to center. Leo had his heart:val1: in his mouth when I went around them. The worst one is the airport rotary in Hyannis,I won't go on that one I rather go though the village of Hyannis instead.

TRACIE-Thanks I think now that the weather broke he feeling a lot better.No matter what they call this circles in the road[rotaries or roundabouts]they both a nu sense in my books:book2:

Going watch some golf

Hugs :) BB

Tejas 07-25-2008 04:45 PM

Hi All:

We haven't had our daily thunderstorm yet. Seems we might be having a dry spell ;)

Yes, Sandra, I'm getting some rest. Today I had an early morning meeting at work, then came home and took a nap. I have to go back to work for a 6PM meeting that some students called about some issues we have with our program. I think 6PM on a Friday in the summer is pushing it, but it's easier to go than to explain it all on the phone.

The "little hurricanes" are home safely, resting from their adventure here. All is well.

I'm doing very well with just Core foods these last three days. I made the Fibre 1 muffins with applesauce instead of youghurt, added cinammon and a banana....they are delicious!

Vickie, I hope you have good luck with the car. Our gas tank started leaking!!!! That's another $500! I can't believe that the tanks are made of plastic!!! This is a Cadillac, folks. At least it must be high quality plastic!!!

ontarget 07-25-2008 04:49 PM

Maryann, what's a rotary? Is it a highway interchange or something like that?

Vickie, :woohoo: on not stress-eating. I had an NSV today. I tried on a pair of jeans that I hadn't had on since Feb or March. They fit! Was I ever pleased or what? We've started packing clothes for Colorado/Montana. The excitement is brewing.

ontarget 07-25-2008 04:57 PM

Rhonda, I'll bet you're starting to wonder "What next?" with your caddie. That's the way we've been feeling about our new place.

I'm glad you got your nap. I took a short one, too. DS is coming over in a bit to help load the 5th wheel hitch. Our excitement is growing.

beach bum 07-25-2008 06:23 PM

a rotary is a circle of roads leading into & out of another roads.

I wish I had a diagram or photo to show you.

Hugs :) BB

sloanie 07-25-2008 07:09 PM

Hey chickies! Today must be nap day, because I took one, too! It poured rain today, so I just stayed home and did a little housekeeping, resting, and I walked on the treadmill. I'm very excited because we are having my favorite meal: diet coke sloppy joes and oven fries.

Tracie-I have had a great summer. For the first time in about four years, I have done only what I wanted to do. No commitments to fulfill or projects to complete, just moving at my own pace. It has been lovely!!!

Vickie-congrats on resisting the stress eating. It is actually my favorite pass time! Whenever you feel like eating, just focus on how well you've been doing!

Paula-I am a knitter! My favorite thing is socks, but sometimes I just like mindless knitting back and forth like making shawls or scarves. You're right, it is a good distraction to keep you from eating.

Niki-I remember those days, hang in there!

Sandra-I'm excited just reading your posts! I hope you kick butt at the competition and have a great time traveling with Curtis.

Rhonda-I can't believe you are still having trouble with your car! Have you thought about having it stolen ;)

MaryAnn-I'm glad to hear you and Leo are doing better and that you enjoyed your "girl's day".

GTG-I think my fries are ready :carrot: TTFN

blessedwithsarah 07-25-2008 07:45 PM

A rotary is a roundabout. The one movie reference I can think of is Chevy Chase's European Vacation. They drive through Italy (I think Rome) and are in a rotary. They spend the day trying to get to left to exit.

Think about a circle in the middle with 4 or more roads leading in -- all entering with yeilds. So you have cars coming in and cars going out all crossing paths.

ontarget 07-25-2008 08:25 PM

Thank you for the explanation, Maryann. I think I understand what a rotary is now.

Sloan, thank you, too. I will probably be typing daily updates from Nationals. Being this is an Olympic year there won't be any Olympic archers competing with us. They have compound women shoot same time each day as men olympic style competitors. I've gotten to meet and watch quite a few Olympians. Last year I shot close to a man from Scotland. This year we'll have a lot of Olympic hopefuls. It will be kewl.

Paula, thank you for further clarifying. I was in one of those rotaries in Paris one time. I think I've seen one in London in movies. There's a small one in west Ft. Worth. It's called "The Weatherford Traffic Circle." It's no where near as difficult as those others.

Vickie 07-26-2008 09:56 AM

Good Morning Chicks! I hope you all have a great on program day.

beach bum 07-26-2008 10:14 AM

Good Morning Ladies:)

Had another good night sleep but for Leo he didn't,was up all night. I get its going to take time for him to get used to that chemo in his body. He said he was cold,no wonder he had the A/C down to 65 degrees.I turned it up to 70 again.

Another thing I noticed that Leo starts coughing and hacking when I cook in a skillet.[don't use oil just low fat cooking spray]So I have to find quick and easy recipes that I can nuke or use in the toaster oven,as its too hot to put the reg stove on.

Will look in the recipe section to see what recipes I can used for the microwave and toaster oven


SANDRA-Thats the reason I don't like going onto these rotaries especially the busy ones,when someone doesn't let you in on the left you'll go in circles over & over again.

SLOAN-Thanks on the two counts. Hope they will continue as I need to get out of the house.

VICKIE-Wave :wave: have a great CORE day

Tejas 07-26-2008 11:07 AM

BB/Maryanne: Leo is probably reacting to the propellant in the spray. It's not good for any of us, frankly. You could think about putting some oil on a paper towel and wiping the skillet with that instead of using the spray.

Super motivated today; feels good.

DH recorded the John Adams miniseries on TV and we have been watching it the last few nights since the "hurricane" left. It is an amazing show. I highly recommend it. If you didn't see it, try to rent it at your library and watch it.

Have a great day :wave:


beach bum 07-26-2008 12:33 PM

Thanks Rhonda, I never thought of that. The next time I use the skillet I will follow what you suggested.

Tejas 07-26-2008 01:34 PM

You can also buy a non-aerosal, pump container and put oil in it and spray. I've used them before and thought they got a little gummy at the nozzle. But, they do work and it saves paper towels.


blessedwithsarah 07-26-2008 04:14 PM

happy saturday everyone. BB, I hope Leo is feeling better soon. How much time between treatments? I'll keep him in my prayers.

Well, I had a productive core day. Took dd blueberry pickign again - picked 8.72 pds in about an hour and 1/2. I also picked up corn, beets and greenbeans at the farm. Then grocery shopping I found 2 new core things - my market had Ezekiel cereal which based on what I've read and the ingredients is core. Looks good, l love grapenuts, so I'm hoping I like that as well. I found it in the organic/health food section. It took some looking at all the cereal brands there but I found it.

Now, my new favorite snack -- brown rice sushi! My market has just added the brown rice version. I've checked a couple of times and they didn't have any made. Today the man was there and asked if I needed something specific. I asked for brown rice california rolls -- YUMMY! Just had them. Brown rice, seaweed, avacado, cuke and fake crab. I'm happy! Guess what I'll be having for lunches on Saturday......

Well, going to get in the shower. DH did not work today so I'm going to have him take us out for dinner. He's sleeping now, but I'm getting ready. He kills me where he can jump in the shower 10 minutes before we need to leave and he's ready on time. hate that...

Have a good night.

ontarget 07-26-2008 04:59 PM

Rhonda, what's the title of that miniseries? You sound pumped today. That's good.

We just got home from an archery 3D tournament. We had a lot of fun. Tomorrow we're going to another one in Ft. Worth. Today's was in Clifton.

Maryann, I'm glad you're able to get a good rest. Hopefully, Leo will, too, soon.

Paula, sushi sounds good.

Vickie, how's your day? Are you in the pool?

twestra 07-26-2008 05:02 PM

Vickie, sorry to hear about your car problems. That's one thing about my dbf. He can fix anything from cars, to appliances to televisions, plumbing etc. All I have to do is pay for the parts and he will do the fixing.

BB, sorry to hear about Leo not sleeping. I have been doing nothing but sleeping. This is the first time I've been up all day. I have been sleeping all day. Just not feeling good.

Sandra, you might have to keep all your "homes" as the prices aren't good right now for selling. You never know though, you might get lucky.

Sloanie, diet cola sloppy joes and oven fries sounds kind of good right now, but I don't have the energy to make anything. I do have some diet cola chicken sloppy joes frozen, but I really don't think I could eat much right now. I'll definitely have a loss this week, but this is definitely not the way to do it. I'd rather feel better and be eating, than feeling so awful and not be eating.

Rhona, I've never tried the fiber 1 muffins, but they sound good. I did make up a double batch if the carrot cake, and made them into muffins last weekend, and they were so good. I froze most of them, which I'm glad. I only kept 3 unfroze, and by the time I went to eat the third one, it was already moldy. So I just have to take them out of the freezer one at a time, when I want to eat one. I don't eat stuff like that too often, so when I make it, it will last awhile, as long as I freeze the majority of it.

Paula, I have tried the vegetarian sushi, and just can't do it. I don't like the taste of the seaweed.

Well, thought I would check in, but it's back to the couch to lay down. I need more rest.

Tejas 07-26-2008 05:37 PM

Tracie, enjoy the couch. I have been lying in bed reading a novel for hours. I NEVER do that. Boy, was it nice.

Sandra, it was simply called "John Adams." It's about the revolutionary period in the U.S, focussing on John Adams, the second U.S. president. Can't recommend it too highly. There's also a lot of emphasis on his family life and his relationship to Abigail, who was his major confidant.


sloanie 07-26-2008 06:34 PM

Hey chicks! Went to wi today (starting to go on Saturday 'cause school is starting) and lost 1.8 since last wi. I'm happy with that. My official loss at ww is 13.4 since May 6th. I just hope to be at goal by the end of October. At the rate I've been going I should be able to do it. Thanks for the responses on the "frozen foods" for lunches!!

Tracie-feel better!!

Paula-I love the idea of picking blueberries. They don't have thorns, do they?

Rhonda-reading on the couch sounds good. I know you are enjoying the rest.

Sandra-Keep us posted on the tournaments. We're rootin' for ya!

BB-Sorry to hear about Leo's bad night. Maybe he can get better rest tonight.

Hi Vickie-hope you've had a great day!

My wireless connection is acting up, so I'm sitting on the porch, and it's burning up out here. GTG in to the air conditioner!! TTFN

blessedwithsarah 07-26-2008 06:52 PM

Sloan, blueberries do not have throns, raspberries do. The great thing about blueberry picking are the bushes are high so you can just standup and pick. You should look into farms in your area. Definatly worth it as they freeze great.

ontarget 07-26-2008 07:35 PM

Sloan, congratulations. That's a good loss.

pattygirl63 07-26-2008 10:41 PM

:wave:Hi Ladies,

I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. Just so busy with DH having lots of tests and starting his treatments at Chiropractic center on his back this week. I've decided I'm going to start as soon as I can after my insurance kicks in next month. My neck bothers me a lot and I hope they can help me. Had company today and didn't do too well in the food department so I was off plan. Will get back on tomorrow. Any way I've been thinking of y'all so I just wanted to pop in and let y'all know I'm still around amd say hello. Will check back later and catch up on everyone.

Sloan - I did see your good news. :carrot:Yey on the weight loss. You are doing great.

Hope everyone else is doing well.


blessedwithsarah 07-27-2008 08:38 AM

Slaon, Congrats on the loss!!!! You are doing so well.

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