My live is gonna change

  • Mwhaha! of course I would have a typo in the title of the thread.
    Life..not live.. >_<
    Hi everyone
    Wow I haven't been on this site for almost 2 months @_@
    I've been a bad girl. I haven't been to the gym for about the same amount of time. I've also been really really bad about my diet. I mean I threw all my rules away and have been eating whatever the heck I want. (though now that I look back, the food I had wasn't as bad as it would have been a year ago. my tastes have changed.)

    Anyways, I guess I should explain. I kinda let myself on a break right before thanksgiving, My Ex and I made up and I've been working madly on my school work. And I haven't stepped into a gym in about 7 weeks.

    But now school has ended, my BF (not boyfriend just yet, but best friend now) Anyways, he's heading home

    Also...I'm not going to go back to school in January, I'm going to get a job over X-mas break.

    Or at least try to

    So here I am, ready to start over. ^_^ (I'm not stepping on a scale just yet. @_@)
  • Is this the guy that lead you around for months before, being your friend then boyfriend then friend? Hmmm... Hmmmm...

    On the weighty side of things, welcome back! and I hope your reunion with the scale is not too shocking
  • Welcome back!

    Jumping back on the wagon is sometimes the hardest step!

    Good luck, I'm sure you will succeed.