Almost Friday (Thursday!)

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  • My allergies are not the kind that blow you out, so I just take over the counter sinus drugs. My mouth is weird, its like tingly numb, yet sore, but not like a wound sore. Hard tp describe!

    Kirsty, I was correct in the string bikini thing... I was thinking little ties on the side. I hoped you wouldn't be doing the thong thing. That is reserved for privacy in my book!!

    Lunch is almost here. Order out day, but I got some soup and a chicken sammich!
  • Hi girls
    Just so you all know, I have been documenting and I told the people at my staffing agencey so that they have an idea of what is going on in this department, they are very unhappy with the circumstances, and if I decide to take action it will be through them to this company's HR department. We do have harrassment laws up here.

    The thing is, at the job I was at where I met my b/f, there was this 24 year old guy who was very sexually inappropriate, he woudl draw genitalia on whiteboards, and talk about sex and aids and stuff to me and 3 other girls in particular (these were the 3 that came forward, there were 2 others who didn't want to, were too scared of him). I was carpooling with him at the time, i had just met him adn 2 weeks into it, when I began to see what sort of person he was like, I told him I didn't think it was workign out (and in all fairness, he was late every morning, and would talk about his penis size all the way to work).

    So one day, 2 days before the offical last day of carpooling, he put my brand new car in nuetral while i was driving. Itold him to get out of the car and i left him in the middle of the road. Then I went to work and told my boss what was going on, he already knew about how this freak was treating me and the other 3 girls, so he said for me to not even talk to him and let him know if he bothered me.

    Later that day, he came in my cubicle and told me that he knew I wanted him and grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. My boss witnessed it, much to this freaks dismay.

    he then immediately sent me an email saying that just b/c he "turned me down for something intimate" that I didnt' have to be mean to him. I forwarded the note to his boss and my boss and 4 days later, after the other 3 girls came forward and thier stories investigated, he was fired.

    OKAY after that long story.....b/c of that, I am reluctant to make a fuss about the comments in meetings by the VP. B/c he is singling me out to cover my ears b/c I am a female, not saying suggestive or even blatently sexual thigns to me directly, its not really sexual harassment. Its humiliating that I am singled out as a female while he says inappropriate comments and swears a blue streak.

    BUT he does humiliate me directly, like using me as an example of "low value employees". So, that's another issue I guess.

    I am just going to look for another job.

    Kirsty the Kitty - what a brilliant idea to tell Gram I have developed allergies!! I think that's just great....woo hoo! BTW when I was in Edinborough Castle, the wind was so bad up there that I could't breathe, and all my pics look blurred, literally, from the wind (with mist in it), it was crazy! But so beautiful. I loved the highlands. And also, I was seeing the thong string when you said that....hmmmm...your bikini sounds way more innocent Have lots of fun on your cruise (I am jealous....)

    Jen2/Trish - my b/f was in chicago for a thing last year and he loved it - he thought it was a cool city, but that it was windy

    Jen - what the heck's up with your mouth? You feel like when you ahve eaten really hot food?? I am sorry to hear that, I have never experienced that without eating an insanely hot pepper or something. If it doens't go away, see your doc!

    Shalyne - kickboxing is great! Have you tried it? Ihave heard mixed reviews about Yoga, but personally I like it.

    BTW - I had volleyball last night - I didn't realize they didn't keep score at all! they don't count points! AND I was better than most of the people on that team (which is not saying much since I suck). So I was frustrated. If you serve 5 in a row you have to give up the ball as a courtesy....frustrating
  • BELLE.... THAT'S IT... It feels like I ate an incredibly hot food. I mean scorching HOT!!! All numb and tingly and burny feeling. Hmmm! I have no clue what the deal is. I have good teeth and never had a mouth problem, so I am clueless.
  • Jen - that is so very wierd??!! You still feel like that? I hope it goes away!! Good luck!

    To the rest of you, have a great weekend, I am off to Winnipeg for 4 days.

  • Good afternoon everyone!

    I hope everyone is having a good day, remember, it is Friday tomorrow!

    Jen ~ Sorry to hear about your mouth, hopefully it is just a freak thing that goes away.

    Kirsty ~ I am so jealous that you are going on a cruise! I heard many of those cruises have a top deck that has topless sunbathers, will we find you there???!?!?

    Wonder how Kierie is doing?? She must of picked her bf over us!!! What nerve!!

    Belle ~ I am so sorry you have such a crummy job. I would look for a new one, life is too short to be miserable! You should stand up for yourself, your a smart woman, again life is too short to be put down! I actually have sort of a similar situation that happened to me this week. I have been working with a man that is foreign, and it was brought to my attention that in his culture, woman play a very insignificant role, well, after working with him for several weeks, this became very apparent to me, and many times found him talking down to me. I had it yesterday, so I stood up, told him that I was the only one on campus that could explain to him how to use our statistical software, and either he had to get over his issues with women, or he can learn the program on his own...and I walked out. Time will tell if he comes down off his high horse..after I did that I felt a very big weight off my shoulders. I think everyone, especially women, should stand up for themselves, many times, if you don't, who will?? (Sorry to ramble!!) Anyway, I know your pain, do what is right for you!!

    Hi KT!!

    Shalyne ~ I hope you love the gym, sounds like it has lots of things to enjoy there!

    Jen ~ I agree, fill us in on the, it has been 9 years since I dated....wonder if DH would mind if I went out on one....just kidding.....

    Hi Trish, hope you are feeling well. Don't worry so much about the weight. Keep an eye on what you eat, and then take it from there. When I was pregnant with my first, I ate everything in site, I should have own stock in McD's! Then, when I became pregnant with #3, I said, I am going to watch what I eat, and try not to gain too much, I still gained the same amount (40 pounds) with that one. I still think a person needs to watch it, but don't obsess about it, to some degree I think your body will gain what it wants.

    Well, am I a chatty one today or what!!!

    Things are good here. My DH is home sick with the flu, so I need to get home soon to nurse him. I am cleaning the house tonight and walking on my treadmill, I am staying within my points, so I am hoping for a loss on Sat.

    Well, better start closing up shop. Talk to you tomorrow!